Timing Solution Wish List
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 04th 2007f April 2007
Planetary hours - fast algorithm
e-Mail: Patrick
Date 04th 2007f April 2007
Hi Sergey - like the Phenomena module as it\'s a good visual \"bar ruler\"...
A) However wonder if we could have an option to reduce the size
of the panels as they take up a lot of trading space. plse find attached.
B) Have a Harmonic option for the \"Planetary Position In Mundo\"
as ULE SuperSearch.
e-Mail: Rob
Date 04th 2007f April 2007
Hi Sergey,
Is it possible ( or worth it) to introduce an Elliot Wave function?
Labelling Points 1,2,3,4, & 5.
EBOT (Elliot Wave Break Out Point to purchase)
A Risk to reward function
Regards Robert
e-Mail: Rob
Date 04th 2007f April 2007
Hi Sergey,
Could we have an explanation (TS Article) on the \"128\" and examples of how to use it?
Maybe Yuri could give some additional recommendations
Regards Robert
Date 04th 2007f April 2007
Hi Sergey
I use this indicator in Metatrader 4 ( lets call it \"XYZ\" for this posting). It is, I suspect an improved version of \"Judy MacKeigan\'s (Buffy)\" \"B Line\" indicator, but better. I\'ve found it very good over all timeframes on Forex Pairs, Gold and Share CFDs offered on the Metatrader platform. But its limited only to stocks offered on MT4. I\'ll send you the MT4 script and screenshots to view.
e-Mail: Artemiss
Date 04th 2007f April 2007
The ability to see the diurnal chart when clicking on the current or past price history. Thanks. Artemiss
e-Mail: Anthony Tsousis
Date 05th 2007f April 2007
Sergey, The tools,phenomena, decans in ULE as an ingress point as well as the current colored display for the whole period in the decan. Regards Tony.
Date 06th 2007f April 2007
Could you please integrate the Gartley pattern in the indicators ?
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 08th 2007f April 2007
Sergey, your software is truly marvellous!
However, would greatly appreciate it if you would fix the following:
1 - In spectrum analysis under Point Astronomical Cycles there are
no settings for 10th and 11th Harmonic. All the others are there.
2 - Also in spectrum there are only 2 choices \"ORB\" or \"RPO\". Would it be
possible to include a few more like MA, MACD?
3 - In Astronomy under \"Context\" where you can input settings for
planets, aspects, middle points etc, it seems the \"save to file\"
function doesn\'t work. At least it doesn\'t in my program. I click
on the bottom and nothing happens.
4 - Is it possible to increase the strength of the projection lines? The
default colour is red and when printed out against the background of the
red testing area it gets very hard to see. There is a feature where one
can thicken the bars in the barchart. Could there be a similar feature
for the projection lines?
Many thanks for your help.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 08th 2007f April 2007
Non Lag double filtered MA
e-Mail: al martin
Date 11th 2007f April 2007
I would like to see an option of a Calendar like listing for a user defined time period from 1 month to 1 year in which Composite Astro information could be displayed along with transit and progressed aspects to predictable zones. I would display the aspect the time frame 1-3 day exact (conj. opp. sq. tri. Declination parallels and contras antiscia, etc.) and the PZ by degree 220 - 225. That way the user could monitor the convergence of important Astro cyclesat the prdictable zones at a glance.
Also, maybe I have missed this information but when I run an astrological report I don\'t get the predictable zones placed in the report. I only see it on the scree in the composite area if I click on it. Let me know if I have overlooked something.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 16th 2007f April 2007
DB Delete file (Paul)
e-Mail: Patrick
Date 17th 2007f April 2007
2) Hi Sergey - Could we have a No. Harmonics option for
\"Planetary Position In Mundo\" for the \"Phenomena\" module.
ps narrow panel works well... Thanks Patrick
e-Mail: Alex
Date 19th 2007f April 2007
The possibillity to export data in tick format
e-Mail: Kenneth
Date 05th 2007f June 2007
Hi Sergey,
I came across a paper mentioning about research in cycles. It uses the basic synodic cycles of the planets including:
Mercury =12.56742 weeks
Venus =32.10133 weeks
Earth =52.18156 weeks
Jupiter =618.9649 weeks
Then it goes on with the two planet combinations:
MV =(period of M x period of V)/(period of V- period of M) =20.65286 weeks
ME=16.55439 weeks
MJ=12.82788 weeks
These are all calculated in TS\'s astronomical module.
Then it goes on with the three planet combinations:
M(VE) = period of M x period of VE/ (period of VE - period of M) =14.79655 weeks
M(VJ) =19.98599 weeks
Then it goes on with the four planet combinations, (group of two by two):
(MV)(ME) =83.42026 weeks
(MV)(MJ) =33.85727 weeks
I wonder if TS can include such combinations in the astronomical module so that one that test if these combinations has any effect to drive the markets.
e-Mail: Ramil
Date 07th 2007f June 2007
Привет, Сергей!
Возникла одна идея, которой хотелось бы поделиться. Я походил по форумам для трейдеров с одной целью: выяснить, чего больше всего хотят те трейдеры, которые проявляют интерес к финансовой астрологии. Какие индикаторы пишу для себя, какие вопросы задают, и т .д И тут у меня меня появилась идея, которую можно было бы реализовать в программе (или может быть в отдельной программе) в каком-нибудь обозримом будущем.
Выяснилось, что основные запросы потенциальной клиентуры как правило очень простые, и как правило их интересует 1) как отражается на рынке некий астрологический феномен 2) и как провести бэктэстинг этого феномена в отношении выбранных рынков.
Бэктестинг у нас есть, но здесь требуется что-то более простое. Если коротко, то что я предлагаю сделать, можно назвать \"упрощенным бэктестингом астрологических (и может не только) аргументов\". Например - мы закладываем в бэктестинг для проверки следующее утверждение (беру чисто с потолка): \"когда Венера в термах Венеры и Юпитера - покупаем, когда в термах Сатурна и Марса - продаем\". И далее смотрим, что будет с нашей условной 1000 долларов при вложении в различные инструменты. Принципиальное отличие в том, что коэффицент корреляции нам не столь важен, - нам важно, сколько мы вложили вначале, и во что превратиться эта сумма в конце. Нейросеть мы тоже не задействуем. Весь процесс бэктестинга сводится к двум простым действиям: мы просто тупо покупаем при одних (астрологических или других) условиях, и тупо продаем при других. Т. е весь набор астроаргументов мы разводим по двум секциям - на одних срабатывает команда на покупку, на других - на продажу. И потом уже в конце суммируем что получилось. Т.е то же самое, как во всех трейдерских программах.
Мы конечно можем рассмотреть работоспособность этих аргументов с помощью модуля ULE, но его явно недостаточно - там задействован визуальный анализ, а этого мало. Я смотрю на график - здесь цена поднялась, там упала, затем опять поднялась, потом идет боковик... Общая картина, однако, не совсем ясна. То же и с тестом на эффективность - он дает только статистические выкладки, что дает лишь приблизительную картину. Т.е он говорит нам (примерно) что \"цена упала в 56 процентах, и поднялась в 44\". Не говоря уже о том, что далеко не все можно проверить на тесте на эффективность - ту же Венеру в термах там уже не проверишь. Но поскольку я (условно) трейдер вкладывающий на рынок свои кровные, мне хотелось бы знать более определенно, что произойдет с моей тысячей долларов, если я вложу их на тот или иной рынок, при тех или иных астрологических условиях. Чтобы появилась таблица, и там было четко написано - рост или падение активов на такую-то величину. Представляется, что \"упрощенный бэктестинг астро-аргументов\", в том виде что я предлагаю, мог бы стать \"окончательным\" арбитром, чтобы понять насколько работает тот или иной аргумент. И уже затем те аргументы, которые лучше всего себя проявили, мы включаем в нейромодель, и вновь ее подвергаем (обычному) бэктестингу.
Но изюминка в том, что наверняка есть астрологические аргументы, которые на тех или иных рынках работают просто несокрушимо. Т.е достаточно найти их с помощью этого инструмента, и затем можно торговать (ох уж, эти мечты трейдера!), просто заглядывая в эфемериды :)
Если возьмешься, думаю, там должно быть как можно проще - в первом окне вводим из ULE аргументы на покупку, во втором - на продажу, в третьем - сумма, которую я вкладываю. И потом возникает итоговая таблица :) Плюс еще и в том, что вычислений там минимум, бэктестинг будет работать очень быстро.
Конечно, все это отличается от нынешней идеологии TS, но факт в том, что подобный анализ очень востребован, и ничего подобного на рынке нет. Существенно и то, такой подход очень понятен для трейдеров, которые работают с Метастоком, и прочими программами - мы тут не изобретаем велосипед, а делаем что и во всех программах, просто в качестве аргументов для тестинга предлагаем астрособытия. Поскольку нас есть гениальный блок ULE, формулы которого так и просятся в основу этого модуля.
Ну в общем, такие-вот выкладки, это все на перспективу, если будет время, конечно.
ПС. Уж извини, не успел ты вернуться из отпуска - а тут и я со своими идеями.
e-Mail: Anthony
Date 08th 2007f June 2007
Hi Sergey, Greetings, its been a while.I hope you are happy and
well.I must say the software is outstanding and does almost everything you
could want,but as usual a request to make it better.After a long period of
research I have stumbled across some more Gann techniques from tunnel thru
the air.He has a bunch of gadgets and these are of course planets
interacting,he uses single/two and three planet combinations,for eg Mars at
8 degree stepping, both helio and geo for 1 planet,than say Jupiter/Saturn
at 11 deg geo or helio and finally, a 3 planet combination of eg Helio Earth
minus Mars plus Venus ie take the longitude of Earth then subtract the
longitude of Mars or vice versa (whichever yields a positive number} then
add the longitude of Venus and the result in 17 deg increments produces
turns in commodities.Could you please consider this as an innovation for
T.S. and include a 3rd window in the planetary timing module to allow
this,or is it too horribly complicated ? I hope not ! All the Best Tony.
e-Mail: Kenneth
Date 08th 2007f June 2007
Hello Sergey,
I\'m playing around with the charting module in TS. I noticed that the price axis changes automatically with the price range. I wonder if one can fixed the price scale, i.e. the maximum and minimum value of the price can be set so that one can maintain the ratio of price to time. The slope of the price line with respect to time could be studied. Please advise.
Date 08th 2007f June 2007
e-Mail: Kenneth
Date 12th 2007f June 2007
I found that in the planetary lines analyser of TS, there is a choice for choosing helio latitude or geo latitude for transiting planets. I would suggest this can be added to the astronomical module so that we can test it.
e-Mail: Sanjay
Date 17th 2007f June 2007
Further THE LINE DRAWING TOOL Shows the DEGREES that the line is at. As we rotate, the degree changes. When we leave it and go back by clicking on the line, we only get LINE TYPE and color. Can you please ADD a box that would show what ANGLE the line is currently at and then that BOX can take user input for changing the ANGLE.
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 26th 2007f June 2007
One think more about the saved worksheet, you know I save them with the porpouse to save time avoiding to recreate all the chart, what about the possibilitŕ to save time calculating the planet position for the new data,what I mean I suppose that if you save the chart you can save as well the planet file at that moment couldnt the processor when you open the saved chart simply add the new planet position for the new days added, I suppose in this way is possible to save time
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 28th 2007f June 2007
Приветсвую , Сереж
Один из лучших и удобных отечественных поставщиков - бсплатных - по форексу+ золото и еребро - Форексайт через программу QuoteRoom
Совместимость с программами теханализа
Любая программа, которая может получать котировки от DBC Data Manager (поддерживается протокол Signal, протокол eSignal не поддерживается) или по DDE, может получать котировки и от QuoteRoom. QuoteRoom может выступать в качестве источника котировок в реальном времени для таких программ технического анализа, как
* Omega Research ProSuite 2000i;
* Omega Research TradeStation 2000i;
* Equis MetaStock 7.0;
* Equis MetaStock 6.52;
* DBC Signal;
* Ensign Windows.
Если бы помимо протокола e-Signal можно было бы добавить и протокол DBC , то в TS был бы решен вопрос с бесплатным потокам данных по валютному сегменту рынка
Всех благ тебе
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 01st 2007f July 2007
Приветсвую , Сереж
Есть небольшая неточность в лунных днях ULE
Программа к примеру дает 19 лунный день на 01.07.2007,
но на самом деле на этот день календаря приходится 16-17 л д
Всех благ
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 17th 2007f July 2007
Продолжаю вести ветку в Х-Трейде
(благо время есть - работу в Киеве найти по моему направлению пока трудно)
Судя по посещению - популярность очень высокая
Потихонечку совершенствуюсь
Да - и в понедельник стал приемным дедом :)
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 19th 2007f July 2007
Planetary calculations: save into file and download next time to make calculations faster.
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 19th 2007f July 2007
1 - Astronomy (Composite) The tick for \"Fast Access\"
doesn\'t stay.
2 - Astronomy (Composite) - Active Zones - CTX -
open file box \"read model\" cannot access previous events
files. This can only be done under NN. I feel this a flaw.
3 - Astronomy (Composite) - Active Zones - Options
under Statistics - I always need to change the 3 default
settings you have provided. Can there be an option to set
ones own default settings?!
4 - Astronomy (Composite) the Optimization only gives two options:
RPO or ORB. Is it possible to include MA and MACD?
5 - Astronomy (Composite) - Active Zones - CTX - \"Speed difference\" -
1st panel can enter many planets/objects but 2nd panel one can only
enter 1 planet. The same goes for \"Towards/From\". Can the
2nd panel be expanded to accomodate more planets?
6 - I do not understand the meaning of \"smoothing orb\".
It is not in the help index. Would you mind give me the
definition, thanks.
7 - I am also unclear about optimized composite files
.cmss Where are they stored and how can I use
8 - Ref below screenshot. When I press print button
it is only the upper part that is being printed, but not
the important lower part. How do I print the whole chart?
Thank you for your help.
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 19th 2007f July 2007
1. Profit and Loss. Seems one can only save the 1st page
and not all the other pages with review of all the
2. Price Event/up down/try 2% up is OK, however, try 2%
down does not work.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 21st 2007f July 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
В продолжении темы неурожайных годов
пример исследований , утверждающих, что жара была не основным фактором низкого урожая
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f July 2007
Приветсвую , Сереж
Обнародовал стратегию на основе твоей программы
e-Mail: Patrick L
Date 22nd 2007f July 2007
Hello Sergey and group, sorry if this subject has been brought up before, but just wondering if you had ever heard of the \"Berg Timer\" and do you think it is significant? If so, how would one go about setting it up in TimingSolution software? I will quote from a pdf file that I downloaded from the internet a few months ago: \"The Berg Timer Method combines all the possible harmonics made by all the planetary positions. Whenever two planets are longitudinally equidistant from a third, a planetary harmonic exists....it doesn\'t matter at what angle, 61, 98, 56.3, 129.467, whenever two planets are equidistant from a third, a harmonic exists which has power to affect solar activity, Earth environment and you and me.\" He states that during these harmonic periods, the stock market is affected. If this method is as powerful as Berg says it is, then it would be nice to be able to set this up using a program like TS.
Thanks for your help,
Patrick L
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 26th 2007f July 2007
First to do:
Hello Sergey:
Thank you for looking into my request. I just requested that a Text Box be available where when I click on a LOW or HIG, it should prompt me for an angle measurement that I can type in.
Currently, I have to select and then this window that you are showing pops up and i have to slowly drag to get the EXACT angle I want. Some times it works, but most other times I am off due to the resolution of the move (also dependent how far the mouse is from the anchor point).
I hope I am clear, else please let me know and I can send a step by step.
Thanx and Best Regards
Hi Sergey,
I wish to report a problem when running the spectrum module. I have repeated the process for three times and the computer always hangs:
1. Open Solutions, then click Spectrum
2. In Spectrum Analyzer, I manually selected three cycles
3. Then I click the icon W, extract first 5 astro cycles
4. The program runs to about 72%, then it hangs.
Please find some screen capture I have done.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 26th 2007f July 2007
Tibor stat
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 31st 2007f July 2007
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 01st 2007f August 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
Касаемо статьи
Идея вот в чем
Если взять идеализированную синусоиду, разделим цикл на четыре равные части
Первая - растущая в положит области осиY - здесь преобладают удары вверх (обозначим область знаком +)
Вторая четверть синусоиды - движение вниз в положительной области от оси Y- удары и вверх, и вниз(обозначим как +\\-)
Третья четверть - вниз в отрицательной области ( ниже 0 оси Y) - удары вниз (обозначение -)
Четвертая четверть - движение вверх ниже нуля по оси Y - удары и вверх и вниз (обозначим как -\\+)
Такое видение способствует лучшей адаптации
В Астрологии композит - активные зоны - скачки цен - возможно как то показать не фиксированный процент , а спектр с разными процентами ( следует только учесть, что на форексе процент существенно меньше)
Всех благ
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 01st 2007f August 2007
Эта идея подсказана с какого то сайта, посвященного теории струн
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 02nd 2007f August 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
По поводу фундаментальных данных в TS
Посмотри индикаторы ширины рынка
В свое время - до 2001го пока работали командой в Ин-те проблем управления - мы строили для росс рынка - прекрасно работало
Правда для построения нужен весь спектр акций ( брали из финама)
К сожалению - программка сбора данных - человека , который ушел в небытие с этой программкой (т е не умер , а просто повел себя неадекватно к команде) , я не имею возможность их собирать
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 04th 2007f August 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
небольшое предложение
Может стоит установить фильтр в блок Upcoming Events , отфильтровывая сигналы в период торговой сессии
Всех благ
e-Mail: Mohsen
Date 09th 2007f August 2007
A simple EOD historical price downloader from Yahoo in the OPEN data file window will significantly ease/speed up the startup process for EOD traders, even if the process is not fully automatic.
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 10th 2007f August 2007
Now I am working with the upcoming report , and as I told you already in my previous emails I have some problem/doubt.
Coming back to the point of having for one symbol just up upcoming events and for another just down upcoming events what does it mean that for that symbol only down events are relevant for a particular transit and all the up events are connected with other events like transit in the signs or other figures?
Thas possible obviously if the program does a correct analysis even it sounds strange.
Now another point what I would like to obtain for another report is a kind of rank for each planet,let say I want to know among the planets which one has more influence with its transits in turning points of a symbol.
Or transits in signs etc.
So I would like to see wich has the biggest influence on a symbol.
Lets say Moon has with the filter set(3 times 70%....) produced 500 turning,
Mars 249
Juppiter 12(Ok its slow its just an example)
Then I can choose the first 1,2 or 3 and among them having the statistics of the main effects with other planets so
Mars Pluto 65
Mars Venus 37, at this stage is not important the position/aspect but only the effect(turning point) n order to know on which planet first ,couple later you have to focus, otherwise there are too many variables to consider.
Is it possible to implement it, if there is already something similar in TS can you help me to find the way?
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 14th 2007f August 2007
have found in the meantime some bugs in the program so for your knowledge:
ˇ When you use a report in the CE and you try to set the chosen parameters as default for the next time they are not set in memory.This also closing and opening the program doesnt change.
ˇ If you try to print directly a fast spectrum model(I think this was ,or maybe a projection line from CE astronomy, I have done it yesterday twice,but not sure now which it was), the program is crashing the machine and a reboot is needed, in particular the problem was coming I think because I set the white option on the colours, and tried to print, this because I wanted to avoid to consume coloiurs on the printer, about this it would be good to have an option for printing black & white, because not all the printers have such an option.So in conclusion there is a main error that is creating a crash.The printer I was using just if needed was a Canon Pixma 90.
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 14th 2007f August 2007
I have various argument for you.
Ok first of all I have downloaded the new upgrade, and I have seen your cursor on the Upcoming event.
I suppose to have realized what you meant to do, in ant case I will expect your final explanations, but I have to tell you that I have tried again for example with coffee, I have here almost 36 years history, and during this period the price has gone up and down many times so with many swings.
The projection of planetary aspects for upcoming events was giving almost 90 percent down effects,and still is giving this even if I place the cursor at 75 % up.
So maybe is still a statistical problem or is due to some structural fact , so maybe in this case the planetary aspects are marking just down effects?
For example the ingress in the signs is quite equilibrated for the same symbol.
Awaiting your comment.
Well lets go further:
Still there is the pending problem of the worksheet ,as you remember there is still the necessity to let the program to update the planet position only the new days after the saving , and not for all the days again in order to save time, but a part this I have already mentioned there is also a general difficulty to load the saved version updating the file,I mean from file, every time I have problems , so there is some bug in the program,and I prefer to load again the symbol and start again all the study because it seems almost impossible to load the files.
Ok another problem I have seen today on the Vista version,I dont know if is the same on the XP one.
Let say I open NN module and try to extract the cycles and I say extract all, when I say ok in NN nothing is happening so the waves/files are not loaded.
The same problem is happening when I do the reverse :
Extract cycles, save them in a file, try to open it in NN,nothing is happening.
So this is the situation Sergey, a lot to do for you a think, if you need help let me know
Sergey I would like to see on TS if
possible a statistical report presented like a table about seasonality of a
symbol, lets call Sun into signs.(But this can be extended to other planets
as well)
As from your example on Dow for CE where
you have the 3 intervals,in your example 40 years, I see with other symbols the
period is automatically reduced according to the history, but is it possible to
set it to other intervals,personalizing it?Ok this is another story lets
So for example you could have something
price variation for the period month/month so here Jan/Dec
% price was higher or lower
previous month
20 Y
And then for the other planets, phases
or angles maybe you can add as well at the bottom lines according to the option
selected with the program, showing correlation or tuning of the selection with
the past(Maybe you can use a gradient colour to show the correlation/tuning)
Lets say that is another way to
present what you called split criteria, but with some more quantitative
I , like many others,need sometime to
have the data presented in a statistical report, so this is a good way to have
seasonal cycles under control, but with a starting point to be able to filter
the influence of planets/combination on your symbol.
Ok in any case this is just a starting
point/idea to be developed.
Maybe something similar is already in
the program, in such a case let me know how to reach it, or if not let me know
what you think about it.
e-Mail: lesovkov@yahoo.com
Date 16th 2007f August 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
\"В ближайшее время в Симферополе откроется ПТУ, в котором ежегодно будут обучаться 120 астрологов.
Журавлева также отметила, что \"астрология на Украине впервые в мире признана наукой\"http://www.newsru.com/world/16aug2007/astrologi.html\"
e-Mail: Massimo
Date 20th 2007f August 2007
I like to make some tests with Spectrum
and then Harmonic Box
( that with the manual choice );
the small icon inside the spectro to sx of Excel icon.
well, is it not possible to save the jobs inside this window ?
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f August 2007
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f August 2007
Приветсвую Сереж
Из жизни России
Эпохальное восхождение
В свое время пригласили в гималайскую экспедицию - изза этого и влез в рынок
Правда сорвалось все на дефолте у меня...
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 23rd 2007f August 2007
Сереж - пожалуста - сделай полее подробное объяснение как
интерпретировать последние индикаторы
Русская переводная литература страдает недостатками в этой области
Всех благ тебе
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 25th 2007f August 2007
The problem I mentioned in a previous email about the import in NN was a mistake I did, so the program is working regularly.
While I have to confirm you the problem about the default settings in the report of CE if I click on default to set the parameters this doesnt produce any effect even after of the restart of program, so let say I set 1234H, 0,2 correlation the next time I have to do it again.
Another problem I have found in the program is that if I use the annual cycles and they are projected regularly on the main window then is impossible to remove them, or at least I havent found any way to remove the curves from the window, neither from the panel of the drawings, neither clicking on them and trying to delete,neither there is a pop up menu to close this study,so can you arrange it?otherwise I am obliged to close the symbol and open It again.
I am trying to work on the cycles to extract some good model for the items I am trading, mainly commodities, still I have some difficulty to produce a good projection line based on cycles, while it seems better on astro.I have to ask you is it possible while NN is training to see somewhere the correlation that step by step is obtaining on the training period in order to know when is better to stop the training?Actually I am doing it visually but maybe there is such a possibility or if not it would be a great help to have it.
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 25th 2007f August 2007
Header for printing
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 25th 2007f August 2007
Header for printing
e-Mail: Mohsen (mkxy@yahoo.com)
Date 25th 2007f August 2007
We all know that Bradley Barometer is almost perfect with the reversals. It needs an NN though to optimize it and figure out the major reversals. The target can be confirmed by the turning point module. I think the combination of these two will be magical.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 30th 2007f August 2007
Сереж - извини - небольшой , но важный вопрос.
Если я получаю результат в Upcoming Events , скажем на S&P - Большая часть сигналов приходится вне сессии.
Могу ли я их проецировать скажем на торговую сессию фьючерсов S&P в Глобексе (который идет круглосуточно)?
Почему спрашиваю - у меня пока нет данных с Глобекса , но есть вопрос , на который нужно сформулировать ответ.
Всех благ
e-Mail: Al Martin
Date 31st 2007f August 2007
Is it possible to include Julius Bartels Statistic on cycle probability with the spectrum analyzer? IT would allow the user to select the cycles which are most probable, and it would provide the ability to create a composite cycle that should be predictive even without applying the neural net solution.
e-Mail: Massimo
Date 06th 2007f September 2007
Inversions in BT
e-Mail: Ian
Date 07th 2007f September 2007
I noticed on the Astronomy module, for Sun Geo 1H, it now shows the
current year rather than the 12 Zodiac Signs. I preferred seeing the
Signs, to be honest, although I can understand that some users would
prefer it this new way; can we have the option to choose?
e-Mail: Massimo
Date 10th 2007f September 2007
allow me a question:
this technique to
find possible TP with the use
of \" committee \";
perhaps; would it be
able to be improved using
the \"predictable zones\" as it happens
Astronomy model ?
it would not be a good utility for TS
e-Mail: unreal19@rambler.ru
Date 14th 2007f September 2007
Здравствуйте Сергей,
Я один из пользователей Вашей програмы (Русской версии - Timoshkin Mikhail)
Решил задать Вам вопрос, т.к. на нашем форуме активность не очень большая (http://fxforum.winm.ru)
Вопрос вот какого плана
Я сохраняю рабочие чарты в формате ***.wts (worksheet) - в них мои заготовки (нарисованы линии тренда, урони и тд.), затем открываю их через определенное время, но они не обновляються, в них последняя дата - на день создания, - как обновить данные в рабочих формах?? Если использовать \"add price data\" - там выбираю \"add from file\" - выбираю папку откуда данные (использую данные в формате Metastock) - нажимаю ОК - и ничего не обновляеться. Просветите pls., как обновить данные??
Да, попутно еще вопросы
Как можно получить (купить) real-time модуль
и какие форматы данных он поддерживает (например у нас все пользуються в основном Metatrader - для Forex и Metastock или Omega Tradestation для акций - есть ли поддержка таких форматов данных или там только платные поставщики (e-signal..... и тд.)
С уважением,
Date 14th 2007f September 2007
Have been using a natural intra-day cycle using Super Search ULE
with good success for some time now.
Would like to use the NN to improve the projection line,
but the Angle Between (Value) does not have an Mundo option.
Neural Net Criteria Master (NN Inputs)
Angle Between (Value)
Mundo (current options given are: Geo, Helio, Declination, Phase)
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f September 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
Тебе как математику, думаю , интересна эта полемика Горчакова
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f September 2007
Download Area
EUR 60min Time GMT
format .prn
First date 12/16/1998
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f September 2007
Download Area
GBPUSD 60min Time GMT
first data 10/13/1998
format .prn
e-Mail: Patrick Lester
Date 30th 2007f September 2007
Everything that has to do with WD Gann:
Dynamic Gann Levels, Division of 3rd, Division of 8th, Dynamic Square of 9, Dynamic Gann Fan, Gann 90 Degree, Gann Box, Gann Single Degree Line, Gann Square Range, Gann Square Top/Bottom, Gann Squares, High Low Degree Angles, Price Division, Seven Times the Base, Static Square of Nine, Time Division of 3rds, Time Division of 8ths, Time Price Labels, Time Price Vectors, Zero Degree Angles, Zero Degree Line
I am currently demoing a program called \"Market Analyst 4 - Gann Analyst Edition\" and this is where I got the list of the above indicators. If you make a program devoted to Gann I will buy it.
Patrick Lester
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 04th 2007f October 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
Функцию из последнего обновления (для спектра) вынести в Timing Solution style - тогда и в Back Testing ее можно будет использовать , а то из-за того, что в интрадее (часовик и ниже) не выделяется спектр(только длинные периоды , но не самые высокие пики ) , не использую Back Testing в моделях интрадей :(
Всех благ
e-Mail: Capt Randy
Date 04th 2007f October 2007
When you post a new upgrade to be down loaded, you have it as \"ts_upgrade\" or \" ts_beta\".
Could you add the date in front of it? Like, \"10-02-07 ts_upgrade \".
Now the reason being is that if you missed an upgrade or have already downloaded it you can see this before they click on download.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 05th 2007f October 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
Тебе было бы интересно
e-Mail: Randy
Date 05th 2007f October 2007
Now to the lighter side. Lets talk about Traders Strategy
there is two items I would like to talk about. The first is when you have a couple of lines in there and you wnt to use the SUM to sum them up, the Sum part takes for every to work. Im not sure why but it takes it a long time to work and come up with a sum line.
e-Mail: Anthony
Date 10th 2007f October 2007
Hi Sergey,I was wondering if you could put arabic parts into ULE, The part
> of DOW is asc +Venus -Sun and asc+Sun-Venus.That way we
> can see transits to this posn either on a natal date or high or low date or
> rotational conjunction date,of course, if its not to difficult.Regard Tony
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 10th 2007f October 2007
5 - The days in RPO can be adjusted. Would it be
possible to have the same feature for MACD?
When I optimize the days in TradeStation for the most
profitable trading of f. inst the Hang Seng Index the
days should be: 4, 12, 17 which is quite different
from the default setting in TS
6 - Square of 9 does not retain pattern angles or the
planets when saved. Also when changing the
font size the market cells and cycles disappear and
only the planets remain.
7 - Would you mind to add a print function under
8 - In Ephemeris - Vertical diagram - nothing changes
if one changes the Harmonic no. The Horizontal graph
does change whenever the Harmonic no is changed.
e-Mail: Massimo
Date 12th 2007f October 2007
always inclusive in the template:
possession the possibility to place side by side
possible oscillators in \\\" panel 1 , Panel 2 , Panel 3 ...\\\"
in a sort of \\\" stack panel \\\":
to understand us: in Advanced GET more and more
oscillators have not overlapped
but you can be skimmed through with a tongue
e-Mail: Antonio
Date 17th 2007f October 2007
there is some way that is possible to print the Efficiency Test results with the Event Information, Recommended Strategy and Summary ?
Best regards
e-Mail: Al Biddinger
Date 18th 2007f October 2007
Several Questions:
1) Can you please add an option to the shape drawing tool to lock the ellipse in a circle?
2) Is it possible to generate Gann\\\'s zero angle lines (ie, we start a line from 0 price going up x points for y time, initiating each line from major highs and lows?
3) Can we specify a scaling factor for the charts (ie, x points per bar)?
Thanks in advance,
e-Mail: Scott
Date 19th 2007f October 2007
Thought I write this to you right now while it\'s on my mind.
In NN, I\'ve saved a set of RSI\'s that I like to use and just open
them up each time I am going to make a run. One thing is that it
doesn\'t save the colors that I\'ve set and I have to reset the colors
that I want each time. It\'s a small thing but rather annoying. Is it
possible to save the color information also?
e-Mail: Nick
Date 20th 2007f October 2007
Hi Sergey,
I have a question...why is it that after I save a natal that I have run and then re-load it, the natal does not load, only price data?
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 20th 2007f October 2007
Hi Sergey,
Just to add to my reply on your Questionnaire for Timing Solution Users Q5) Any other suggestions/comments.
A good idea to add to Easy Cycle would be to add the $ Value to the Data panel (in Yellow at bottom right hand corner). As roughly illustrated in my picture below.
This would aid in taking the price value of a High or Low and counting out that many days for the next change in trend. Works well on some stocks.
Regards Robert Rundle
e-Mail: Massimo
Date 20th 2007f October 2007
b) if I open an existing model \\\" test12 \\\"
your procedure won\\\'t succeed in realizing a
new model, \\\" test15 \\\" but,
it will keep on saving that old \\\" test12 \\\",
what I had opened an instant before
a+b) you should distinguish these two functions
in the buttons of the form ULE:
new model, update model
( with some experience he works equal ..... )
e-Mail: Serg
Date 20th 2007f October 2007
CSV format
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2007f October 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
Обращаю внимание на сегодняшнее письмо в
Собственно - єто вариант фундаментального фактора, который можно заложить в ULE:
Критерий Хинденбурга Омена (Hindenburg Omen),
предсказывающий финансовые катастрофы
Всех благ
Hi Sergey,
Just to add to my reply on your
Questionnaire for Timing Solution Users Q5) Any other
A good idea to add to Gann Fan function
would be to;
If you re type a value into the
Incline $/Day panel for the fan to snap to this new value
Include / exclude fans (your
colored fans are very good idea)
Option to label fans
A simple risk / reward function over chart
(and time based) like in Hubbs Profit Source Software (very freezey
program that uses Elliott Wave)
Regards Robert Rundle
I posted this before -
I use this indicator in Metatrader 4 ( lets call it
"XYZ" for this posting). It is, I suspect an improved version of
"Judy MacKeigan's (Buffy)" "B Line" indicator, but better.
I've found it very good over all timeframes on Forex Pairs, Gold and Share
CFDs offered on the Metatrader platform. But its limited only to stocks
offered on MT4. I'll send you the MT4 script and screenshots to view.
Its a HILDA Indicator (high Impact Low drawdown
or something like that)
Ive sent you before some time back, but here it is
again. I would really appreciate this if you could do it. Alex Pushkin and I
have been trying to recreate it in wealthlab for 12 months now but are
unsuccessful. It would obviously just need re-naming to something else, and
copy write shouldnt be an issue as it is still a modification of excising
style of indicator. It uses a LEN value in the script as its speed
Heres a screenshot from MT4 AUSUSD showing turning
points / swing cycles using Hilda.
Blue = fast len = 7
Yellow = med len = 10
Red = long len = 42
and green zero line
Regards Robert & Olya Rundle
MT 4 Script =
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum -1
#property indicator_maximum 1
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue
extern int Len=10;
double hilda[];
int init()
int start()
double C1, C2, C3, var14, var1C, var20,
int var6, var12, varA, varE, temp;
double arr1[], arr3[];
int arr2[];
ArrayResize(arr2,Len+1); ArrayResize(arr3,Len+1);
for (int i=1; i<=Len; i++) temp=temp+i;
C1 = 12.0/(Len*(Len-1)*(Len+1));
C2 = (Len+1)/2.0;
C3 = Len*MathPow(C2,2.0)-2*C2*temp;
int limit, counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
if (counted_bars <= Len) limit =
else limit = Bars - counted_bars;
for (i=limit; i>=0; i--)
for (varA=1; varA<=Len;
arr2[varA] = varA;
arr3[varA] = varA;
arr1[varA] = Close[i+Len-varA];
for (varA=1; varA<=(Len-1);
var24 =
var12 =
var6 =
varA + 1;
(var6=varA+1; var6<=Len; var6++)
if (arr1[var6] < var24)
var24 = arr1[var6];
var12 = var6;
var20 =
arr1[varA] = arr1[var12];
arr1[var12] = var20;
var20 =
arr2[varA] = arr2[var12];
arr2[var12] = var20;
varA = 1;
while (varA < Len)
var6 =
varA + 1;
var14 =
var1C =
(var14 != 0)
if (arr1[varA] != arr1[var6])
if ((var6 - varA) > 1)
var1C = var1C / (var6 - varA);
for (varE=varA; varE<=(var6-1); varE++)
arr3[varE] = var1C;
var14 = 0;
var1C = var1C + arr3[var6];
var6 = var6 + 1;
varA =
var1C = 0;
for (varA=1; varA<=Len;
var1C =
var1C + arr2[varA]*arr3[varA];
hilda[i] = C1*(var1C+C3);
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 23rd 2007f October 2007
Porfiri house system
Some other ideas to make it
even more user friendly
Able to overlay a second or third
series over the top. (multiple cycles). Ie from a high and low.
Change / adjust / fine tune the value
of daily cycle in top yellow box. See picture.
Can the price value (you just did)
show from the mouse movement straight away, not wait until you have clicked and
committed to drawing a wave? Once you have drawn one wave, and cleared it, the
mouse then follows price OK.

Regards Robert
Murrey Math
Ďđčâĺňńâóţ, Ńĺđĺć
 ńčëó ňîăî , ÷ňî íŕ [tradingharmonically]
îáńóćäŕňü Myrrey - ĺńňü ęŕę ďđîăđŕěěŕ ňŕę č
číäčęŕňîđ (îäíŕęî äóěŕţ ýňî öĺëŕ˙ čäĺîëîăč˙)
őîňĺëîńü ďđĺäëîćčňü ĺăî â ďđîăđŕěěó ŇŃ .
Myrrey čńďîëüçóţ äŕâíî ; ęîăäŕ ďđĺäëîćčë
ĺăî Âëŕäó -
îí ńäĺëŕë čç íĺăî ňŕéíîĺ îđóćčĺ
ďđîëĺňŕđčŕňŕ :)
Ňŕę âűăë˙äčň îí â ďđîăđŕěěĺ MetaStock(ńě ńęđĺďęó)

Âűńűëŕţ ńŕěó ďđîăđŕěěó Myrrey ń îďčńŕíčĺě (ńě
Âňîđîé âîďđîń
Číňĺđĺńíî áűëî áű óâčäĺňü â íŕáîđĺ
číäčęŕňîđîâ ęŕęîé
íčáóäü ń âęëţ÷ĺííűě îáúĺěîě
ß čńďîëüçóţ äâŕ - Chaikin osc č Demand index
Îáŕ ĺńňü â ěĺňŕńňîęĺ, îäíŕęî Demand íĺ
Číîăäŕ äŕćĺ ââîćó â ŇŃ äë˙ čńńëĺäîâŕíč˙
čěĺííî íĺ öĺíó
, ŕ číäčęŕňîđ Demand ( â ěĺňŕńňîęĺ ĺńňü
âűâĺńňč čńňîđčţ ĺăî çíŕ÷ĺíč˙).
Ďî ęđŕéíĺé ěĺđĺ ôîđěóëŕ číäčęŕňîđŕ Chaikin osc
čçâĺńňíŕ - ěîćĺň ńňîčň ĺăî ââĺńňč â
ďđîăđŕěěó(âńĺ ćĺ
číäčęŕňîđ ń öĺíîé+îáúĺě íĺńĺň áîëüřĺ
Âńĺő áëŕă
Ńĺđĺăé Ëĺńîâčęîâ
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 28th 2007f October 2007
Из маленьких удобств
При тестировании Neural Net - Stop - Diagram - было бы неплохо поставить кнопку увеличения : если счет достаточно длинный и приходится отлучится - лучший параметр виден относительно
Всех благ
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 29th 2007f October 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
Американский знакомый прислал интересную ссылку
e-Mail: albiddinger@gmail.com
Date 01st 2007f November 2007
Thanks for the lastest Betaversion that allows precise positioning of the Gann fan, etc.
Can you now please include a method that allows us to scroll down to zero price in order to set these fans at zero? The up/down arrows at the right of the chart will not allow me to get down to zero on the chart which is really where I need to be able to anchor these fan lines (in addition to highs and lows).
Thanks very much,
e-Mail: albiddinger@gmail.com
Date 02nd 2007f November 2007
1) Is it possible to \'scale\' the charts by providing a points per bar value? The chart would then expand/contract to match the specified value and would remain in that scale for scrolling backward and forward in time.
2) Can we print these charts in PDF format so that they can be exported to a plotter/printer that takes 36\" by 120 foot (max) paper rolls?
I am doing a LOT of hand charting of late and would really appreciate being able to print TS charts off to charting paper (with all overlaying studies printed too) in the proper scale.
e-Mail: Sanjay
Date 02nd 2007f November 2007
One follow up... Is there a Statistical calculator that would tell what the return would have been during the past periods? Sure, I can manually calculate them or eyeball the result, but a Statisctical analysis with number of trades, profit, profitable trade etc.... or perhaps that is in MT Platinum?
I will be back to you with what I find.
This is Gann's 'Master Price and Time' diagram which contains in essance
(graphically) all of Gann's main ideas behind how markets move harmonically in
price and time:
1) The 45 degree timing line (central line) and the 2x1 and 1x2 Gann Fan lines
above and below the 45 degree line (ie, "As Above, So Below" from
Tunnel Through The Air.
Note that the price action was resting on the 2x1 line at the left of the
square (strong bull market position). When price fell off this line, it
tested (and rested) on the 45 degree line. In general, when price breaks
above or below one of these lines, it will travel to the next line for
2) Gann divided his circle into 1/8's and 1/3rds. Note the vertical
divisions of time into 8 boxes (1/8's) and the price divisions of 1/8
(horizontal lines). Intersection points of these vertical and horiztonal
lines will tell you high probability turning points (and the corresponding
price) of markets;
3) The figure 'Squares' the range, low or high price. ie, set the lower
left edge of the square on a low price. Make the height of the box 2 x
low (ie, square the low). The box will then be 'scaled' to show the
harmonic 2-d movement of the market in the squared-range of the low.
One other question: is it possible to alter TS to allow drawing tools to work
on the Indicators? I would really like to be able to draw trend lines on
an RSI plot. Presently, the drawing tools only appear to work on the
price chart (unless I've missed something which is likely given all the code
you've put into TS!) :-0
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 04th 2007f November 2007
Приветсвую, Сереж
При вычислении спектра при Metric: Price Bar
в графе Period Frame - max возможно, следует кроме дней и год ввести еще и bar
Всех благ
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 06th 2007f November 2007
Сереж - имхо - неплохо было бы сделать в Traders Strategy (под значком суммы в верхней панели)- есть кнопка сохранения - еще бы кнопка открытия .
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 08th 2007f November 2007
Planetary time Spectrum->ULE
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 08th 2007f November 2007
Universalni time convertor
For ex: read data for London and save into NYS time
e-Mail: Al
Date 11th 2007f November 2007
Hi Sergey,
Is it possible to show planetary elongations in TS? I\'d like to plot max/min elogations of Mercury-Sun for example.
Thank you!
Al Biddinger
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 15th 2007f November 2007
NN in bar time
e-Mail: Al Bidinger
Date 16th 2007f November 2007
I have a HUGE favor to ask-- I\'m in a group of 2000 traders that are
looking to trade stocks.
While at the Las Vegas Trader\'s Expo today, I saw a method that is
ALMOST identical to your
composite cycle chart where confluent areas are highlighted. There
was one KEY difference, however.
Instead of selecting three cycle traces to determine high areas of
confluence, the method used ALL
traces in the data set and plotted the average of all the lines.
(Which TS does now). What\'s different
is the variance around the average trace was shown to help determine
the best regions of the cycle to trade.
Would it be possible for you to modify the composite module to show
the least squares tracing of ALL the cycles (which gives us the slope
of the market at each date (degree) along with a variance envelope to
show which regions of the chart have the highest probability of
winning trade?
This modification would be of HUGE interest to every one of the 2000
trading club members (hint hint) :-)
Many thanks,
e-Mail: Peter
Date 16th 2007f November 2007
Hello Sergey,
Thanks to your excellent instruction materials
I am finally getting a good handle on how to
use all the functions of TS and really enjoy
using your program. As mentioned by another
user it is by far the most powerful analytical
program on the market today worth more than
your price.
The reason for writing is to ask you to kindly
clarify the following:
1 - When using Spectrum Committee your
instruction article suggests to open NN and click
on a red/yellow button next to 5 3 7 so the program
can create different fixed cycles. However, the red/
yellow button is not there anymore. Have I overlooked
it somewhere else in the program?!
2 - In your opinion what is the best number of over-
tones? You mentioned using a high number some-
where in your articles, but my experience is that
a smaller number is better.
3 - I have been trying to see if different settings of
the Learner\'s rate would produce better result, but
it seems the default setting may be the best.
Where can I read more about this?
4 - Under Standard - various indicators - what are
the inputs for User15 ? Is there a way we can
create our own indicators?
I have already put in the wishlist a request for an
MACD where the periods are adjustable. Hope you
have time to do it!
The only area still causing me difficulty is how to
interpret the backtesting results. Recently a test
gave 3 different preferred results. Would you have
time to comment on it if I send it to you?!
Date 20th 2007f November 2007
Hello Sergey,
This is probably a \'dumb question\' but I\'m wondering if it is possible to build neural net models where I can specify the coefficients in front of the different variables prior to optimizing the neural net.
Example: Suppose I wanted to build a model of planetary longitudes where I want 2* Moon + 1*Venus + 0.5*Mercury to be the predictive model.
How can I use TS to build this model prior to neural net optimization?
Thanks in advance,
e-Mail: William Bordi
Date 21st 2007f November 2007
There\'s several additions to the trading programs I\'d like you to consider,
some makingvit easier to use and others adding to its computational /
prediction capabilities:
1. Most of the detrending possibilities are done by subtracting a price from
an exponential moving average, such as the 1-10-10 setting for creating a
relative oscillator. I suggest that you institute the INSTANTANEOUS
TRENDLINE (TR), invented by John Ehlers, as another option for the
detrending since it removes any cycle component in the data. Then the
oscillator would then be (Close- TR)/TR. The formula for TR is as follows:
Typ: Indicatorn Name: Instantaneous Trend Line
Inputs: Price((H+L)/2);
If CurrentBar > 5 then begin
{Compute InPhase and Quadrature components}
Value1 = Price - Price[6];
Value2 =Value1[3];
Value3 =.75*(Value1 - Value1[6]) + .25*(Value1[2] - Value1[4]);
InPhase = .33*Value2 + .67*InPhase[1];
Quadrature = .2*Value3 + .8*Quadrature[1];
{Use ArcTangent to compute the current phase}
If AbsValue(InPhase +InPhase[1]) > 0 then Phase =
ArcTangent(AbsValue((Quadrature+Quadrature[1]) / (InPhase+InPhase[1])));
{Resolve the ArcTangent ambiguity}
If InPhase < 0 and Quadrature > 0 then Phase = 180 - Phase;
If InPhase < 0 and Quadrature < 0 then Phase = 180 + Phase;
If InPhase > 0 and Quadrature < 0 then Phase = 360- Phase;
{Compute a differential phase, resolve phase wraparound, and limit delta
phase errors}
DeltaPhase = Phase[1] - Phase;
If Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270 then DeltaPhase = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
If DeltaPhase < 1 then DeltaPhase = 1;
If DeltaPhase > 60 then Deltaphase = 60;
{Sum DeltaPhases to reach 360 degrees. The sum is the instantaneous period.}
InstPeriod = 0;
Value4 = 0;
For count = 0 to 40 begin
Value4 = Value4 + DeltaPhase[count];
If Value4 > 360 and InstPeriod = 0 then begin
InstPeriod = count;
{Resolve Instantaneous Period errors and smooth}
If InstPeriod = 0 then InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
Value5 = .25*(InstPeriod) + .75*Value5[1];
{Compute Trendline as simple average over the measured dominant cycle
Period = IntPortion(Value5); Trendline = 0;
For count = 0 to Period + 1 begin
Trendline = Trendline + Price[count];
If Period > 0 then Trendline = Trendline / (Period + 2);
Value11 = .33*(Price + .5*(Price - Price[3])) + .67*Value11[1];
if CurrentBar < 26 then begin
Trendline = Price;
Value11 = Price;
Plot1(Trendline, \"TR\");
2. Okay, now for several possible additions to the price that can be
predicted. Usually it\'s the Close, C, or Midpoint, M, that people select for
creating their oscillator. Well I worked for a large hedge fund for years
and did studies on hundreds of trade executions and the price that we
executed at most often, over 80% of the time, was the midpoint of the day,
or M, which also best represents the average price of the day. So to reflect
the real price of the day it\'s usually M, which is the blackest part of the
chart anyway.
When M and C move in the same direction, I\'m happy to use C but when they
move in the opposite direction, the change in C might be something
sporadic/sudden that does not reflect the real price change. How then in
that case to figure out what price to use? I use this formula, the CONFIRM
PRICE since it arbitrates between the two prices to confirm them. You can
create a SINGLECONFIRM or DBLCONFIRM price if you really want to make sure
when you select using the Midpoint over the Close.
BP = (O-L); buyingpressure (a Larry Williams invention)
SP = (H-C); sellingpressure
If BP > SP then BPSPdir = up;
If BP < SP then BPSPdir = dn;
If BP = SP then BPSPdir = neut;
If C>O then OCdir = up;
If C C1 then Do;
If M0 > M1 then do: SINGLECONFIRM = C0; DBLCONFIRM = C0; End;
Else if M0 < M1 then do: If OCdir = dn then SINGLECONFIRM = M0;
If OCdir = dn and BPSPdir = dn
Else if M0 = M0 then do; SINGLECONFIRM = C0; DBLCONFIRM = C0; End;
If C0 < C1 then Do;
If M0 < M1 then do: SINGLECONFIRM = C0; DBLCONFIRM = C0; End;
Else if M0 > M1 then do: If OCdir = up then SINGLECONFIRM = M0;
If OCdir = up and BPSPdir = up
Else if M0 = M0 then do; SINGLECONFIRM = C0; DBLCONFIRM = C0; End;
If C0 = C1 then Do;
If M0 = M1 then do: SINGLECONFIRM = C0; DBLCONFIRM = C0; End;
Else if M0 > M1 then do: If OCdir = up then SINGLECONFIRM = M0;
If BPSPdir = up and OCdir =
up then DBLCONFIRM = M0;
Else if M0 < M1 then do: If OCdir = dn then SINGLECONFIRM = M0;
If BPSPdir = dn and OCdir =
dn then DBLCONFIRM = M0;
This is the price I would use for the oscillator; instead of 1-10-10 for the
Close minus anexponential moving average (10), I\'d use this (ARB PRICE -
2.5 Another two prices you should give the user the option of using for LONG
TERM predictions is the following two smoothed moving averages of very
special construction with very little lag, both developed by John Ehlers,
the expert of zero lag cycle indicators:
Filt = (Price + 2*Price[1] + 3*Price[2] + 3*Price[3] + 2*Price[4] +
Therefore, the equation for the zero lag FIR filter is
Filt = (Price + 4.5*Price[1] + 5.5*Price[2] + 3*Price[3] - .5*Price[4] -
1.5*Price[5] - 2.5*Price[6])/9.5
Optimum Elliptic Filter - a great moving avaerage
Smooth = .13785*Price + .0007*Price[1] + .13785*Price[2] +
1.2103*Smooth[1] - .4867*Smooth[2]
Reduced lag version:
Smooth = .13785*(2*Price - Price[1]) + .0007*(2*Price[1] - Price[2]) +
.13785*(2*Price[2] -Price[3]) + 1.2103*Smooth[1] - .4867*Smooth[2]
And bythe way, by computing a MESA forecast of
3. MarketTrader has a problem in that when we load data from Yahoo, such as
30 years of Citibank data, we\'re stuck with big gaps int he price data
stream because of stock SPLITS. For any neural network model using a
relative oscillator, it will see this as an actual price change and will
spend most of its time trying to fit this large change, thus wrecking the
model. This is a BIG PROBLEM/ERROR. We need the program to have the ability
to adjust price data for splits.
4. Also, the prediction window is automatically set too large on
Markettrader. Give us the ability to set it for any amount we want, such as
the last year, by moving the cursor. And also, allow us to DROP OFF early
data from price files just by clicking a button, so that if I load in 60
years of DJI Dow Jones data and I only want to use the last twenty in the
models, all I have to do is adjust some paramters rather than create an
entirely new data set, andit just drops off that data.
5. MarketTrader has models available, but there is no description of what
they are, when to use them, how you folks have found them to work (for
instance if the model uses Neptune going through the signs, that should not
be used for modeling prices with very little data since you won\'t get too
much of the Neptune cycle, but people won\'t know this). So create a little
window where you click on the model name and you get a description and what
it\'s best used for etc.
5.5 The TARGET PREDICTION should also have the option of (1) predicting
ranges (because day traders should trade mostly on large range days) and
(2) price changes.
6. Richard Houck used mean tertiary progressions of STATIONS (ahead of the
natal data) for event prediction, and I have found it wonderful for event
predcitions. I want an option where I can get a vertical line produced for
mean tertiary progressed stations of moon, venus, mars, etc. plotted on a
bar chart. (I cannot get your time tunnel dates to match up with his or
Matrix software for this variable). This could be great for rectifications
and I predict for predicting price turn dates. I\'d use a different color for
each planet station that\'s progressed - red for Mars, Blue for Jupiter, etc.
7. New Option I want in the programs - a REGRESSION EXPERT (ex. Black Box
Expert, Neural Net Expert, Easy Expert, Statistic Expert, REGRESSION
I want two models available - linear and log-linear:
1) price change = a X1 + b X2 + c X3 + ..... + where price change is in
form of daily change
2) ln (price change) = a X1 + b X2 + c X3 + ..... + where price change is
in form of C0/C1 (since you cannot take log of negative numbers)
The variables I want available are of two types -- either continuous or
Continuous Model:
X1 = angle between moon and sun
X2 = angle between moon and mercury
X3 = angle betwwen moon and venus
X4 = angle betwwen moon and mars
X5 = angle betwwen moon and jupiter
X6 = angle betwwen moon and saturn
(0,1) Model:
IF angle between moon and sun IS CONJUNCTION then X1 = 1, else X1 = 0
IF angle between moon and sun IS 45 degrees then X2 = 1, else X2 = 0
IF angle between moon and sun IS 60 degrees then X3 = 1, else X3 = 0
IF angle between moon and sun IS 90 degrees then X4 = 1, else X4 = 0
IF angle between mercury and sun IS CONJUNCTION then Y1 = 1, else Y1 =
IF angle between mercury and sun IS 45 degrees then Y2 = 1, else Y2 = 0
These selection options can be put in a table for selection purposes as you
already do when selecting what planets to uses, angles to use, etc.. For
instance they click moon in that they\'ll try to predict prices using just
the moon. They\'ll click all the other planets they want angles between with
the moon to check out their significance. They click the model type so we
know it\'s a 01- or continuous model. If it\'s a 0-1 model type, they need one
more page to click the angles you want 0-1 variables set up for, and any
other astrological events.
I want (0,1) variables for the following events for the day: apogee,
perigee, eclipse, conjucnt the planet\'s node (Steiner Anthroposophy
astrology uses this), opposite the planet\'s node, fastest day, slowest day,
retrograde, direct, (retrograde/direct via all coordinate systems including
geo latitude, right ascension, etc. as per Michelson\'s list), max/min
declination, equinox, solstice, moon rises before sun/moon sets before sun
(Akkadian astrology uses this), sign ingress.
This opens up a whole new field of exploration if you give us many events we
can put in the model as a 0-1 variable that it occurs on that day (apogee,
declination maximum, eclipse). That will also let us finally be able to set
up day trading models with higher accuracy as then we can better predict the
days\' range and open in regards to the range as a relative percentage, etc.
A person selects all the events they want, presses CALCULATE, the ephemeris
is backchecked to create the data set, then the regression is done and
outputed, and you have the opton of doing it again or plotting the model
Once the model is computed, I want t-statitsics computed and R-squared, so
I can get rid of insignificant variables. That information alone would help
me build other traditional models, especially if I run both equations to see
what variables are significant for model inclusion. This model will help us
DROP OUT insignificant variables in other mdoels which are overwhelming the
neural nets with too much data input.
I would run it once for the moon to see what variables/angles are
significant, then drop the insignifcant variables and see if the new model
is better, etc. and then do for each planet in turn. After running each
planet I\'d be able to greatly get rid of insignificant variables and reduce
the size of neural net models to what is significant, or just combine the
planet info together to create a bigger o\\model.
It would also be able to plot the predictions into the future since it has
the price change predicted for each day. This is far superior to the Carol
Mull early work.
8. If you program up the (0,1) variables/events, then you can create a
Probabilistic Neural net for classifiers, which can work for identifying
large range days, etc. This would be yet another option, as this is the best
method for predicting classes of objects, not clustering.
9. I want a (SUN ) Light Model, which is similar to the gravitaition effect
model, which represents the light reaching us on earth from a planet after
originating from the sun. This will add an extra degree of nonlinearity int
he model which we want. In Timing Solution, the gravitation effect is
computed as 1/(geo distance**2) whereas we want 1/(geo + helio distance)**2.
Since the Sun may be considered as the battery or power generator of the
system, I want the following options...
Effect = (1 * Phase * Mass )/[(Sun-planet helo dist + planet-earth geo
Phase is optional (either 1 or the actual disc illumination for sunlight
from the planet reflecting and reachign earth)
Mass is optional (either Size of disc or Mass or planet or 1)
This measure, for each planet, will give the strength of reflected sunlight
reaching the earth from the planet.
If there was some option where I could even combine all the effects for
moon, mercury, venus, etc. into one equation or neural net input, that would
be cool. This would enable you to predict the net vector of all such light
reaching the earth from planets (and biasing them by mass or disc size or
whatever if you think each planet gives off different types of energy like
fire, water, air, etc) since you\'re squaring the distance traveled byt he
light (it falls off as 1/d**2). You could modify the strength of that light
by the phase or fraction illumination of each planet disc, and even the size
of the disc or MASS of the planet if that was an option though these being
constants would naturally fall oout in any model naturally.
I honestly believe this model will provide some big breakthroughs.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 24th 2007f November 2007
Upcoming events -> true range
e-Mail: David Sloan
Date 26th 2007f November 2007
1. When NN profit tab is chosen and optimize button selected, is there a
way to have the LBC moved up every X days and profit calculated from
that? It appears now that profit is calculated now from the original LBC
point. But in reality with trading, I would retrain the NN by moving the
LBC every X days (X = 1 or maybe 5 if doing once per trading week). This
would then adjust the NN for the testing period and very likely create
new buy/sell signal dates. So what I\'m asking is, is there a way to
calculate profit based on this format? At first thought, this would seem
to be the more accurate method for backtesting profit.
2. When NNs are saved, then the program is opened another day and NNs
recalculated, the NN name is no longer there. It just says \"Neural Net
2\" etc. It would be nice to see the original name for reference. I know
that you could look at the NN input and decipher, but it\'s still not
clear even then.
e-Mail: Al Bidinger
Date 27th 2007f November 2007
In anticipation of printing out charts using your software, I have purchased an HP Plotter that can make 4 foot x 120 foot stock charts :-)
Now, my question to you: How difficult will it be to add a feature to TS so that it can print out ALL of the data and studies in memory instead of just what is shown on the screen.
In other words, if I have 50 years of Dow data with overlayed neural net projections, etc., can I get TS to send the whole 50 years of data to my plotter or do I have to cut and paste each
screen shot?
Is it possible to add a feature in TS where a continuous chart could be produced?
e-Mail: Benedict Goette
Date 27th 2007f November 2007
how can I save this model attached to the chart (Bradley Barometer), in a panel below the main chart ?
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 29th 2007f November 2007
Hi Sergey,
Some more suggestions for TS, add to wish list folder;
A TS Site Map. So Users can find pacific articles without
having to email Where is This? What is link for Square 9
Undo, or Remove Tool. How to remove say Committee Lines on chart?
A warning box like the incorrect data box for last bar is
not todays date or data not updated (should be yesterdays date if
updated daily).
Plot Square 9 & 12 (standard static lines based from 1). With
Properties box to plot only in inclusive dates or price range. I.e. between
$1.00 and $2.00.
On existing Square 9 function a function in Properties
box to plot lines within a price range. I.e. 3 levels above and below this XYZ
Add Square of 12 (or is that reserved for TS 2?)
A Distribution in Price % Heat Map with options to select a
given period or range. Basic example in picture below. But do as a histogram
more accurately than this picture. You may be able to incorporate it into the
Turning Points Analyser Solution.

e-Mail: Sergey
Date 29th 2007f November 2007
Upcoming Events -> True Range -> nonparametrick statistical criteria
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 29th 2007f November 2007
In composite -> min amount of cyces for B interval
Date 07th 2007f December 2007
Generating Navamsa charts
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 19th 2007f December 2007
Adjustable MCAD
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 19th 2007f December 2007
Hi Sergey,
The ephemeris generator is very useful, but it is hard to read
as the window display is in minisize only. Kindly fix the
function so one can enlarge the graph to full screen size.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 24th 2007f December 2007
Weekly data
e-Mail: Nick
Date 28th 2007f December 2007
Also, is it possible when drawing the last wave to the LBC to have it as a true % move as far as price magnitude is concerned. This way when TS computes that wave it is using the exact amount of price difference from the end of the last wave to the LBC (and end of last price bar).
e-Mail: Benedict Goette
Date 03rd 2008f January 2008
would like to suggest that the following data should be included in the
Composite Report:
the header:
what was
the target index and its parameters
what was
the training, what was the verification data interval
each tested Aspect:
correlation with training interval
correlation with verification interval
would be great if the output could be generated into a HTML Table format, e.g.
with 3 columns:
1: Picture / info that is currently contained
2: Correlation w/ training interval
3: Correaltion w/ verification interval
would be especially useful when copying to Excel and sorting / prioritizing the
data further.
you for considering.
e-Mail: from Venkat
Date 03rd 2008f January 2008
eMail file
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 04th 2008f January 2008
Weekend in Bar time
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 04th 2008f January 2008
ULE:Pattern Culmination
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 05th 2008f January 2008
Composite Box ->2,3,4,5H Clipboard ->contradiction with NN (may be using fractal harmonics in FAM?)
e-Mail: Dimitrios Vasilopoulos
Date 05th 2008f January 2008
All Gann forecasting experts say that there is very often a time shift on the time axis.
e-Mail: W Scott
Date 05th 2008f January 2008
Today, I opened for the first time a saved TS Worksheet that had a NN result in it. I was a little surprised to see that the NN actually recalculated itself and definitely did not show the same result as when I\'d saved the worksheet.
I guess I was under the impression that the worksheet would save the results of the NN run and it would be a simple matter of charting those same results again. Similar to if I save a NN result as a spreadsheet of points. I had hoped that it would become a static, fixed forecast that can be referred to in the future as new price bars are added.
As I\'m writing this I\'m having a recollection of asking you this same thing once before a long time ago. Sorry if I\'m repeating myself here, but is there no way to save a NN result and then sometime in the future bring it back into TS exactly as it was originally? And perhaps compare the original projection with new price bars that have been added since the original NN was run. I think it would be very helpful to be able to save a NN result as a STATIC file that could be reused within TS at some point in the future to see how well it actually did forecast and also to compare multiple Static saved NN results to each other. Is that possible?
Currently the only way I can see to keep a NN result and refer to it going forward is as a screen capture (which is what I do now) and if you are actually using this result to trade from (which I do) you can\'t compare it to the price bars that have happened since it was run in the first place.
e-Mail: Georg
Date 07th 2008f January 2008
the seasonal approach as well Wilder\'s Delta are very appealing but at least the latter one is hard to verify or to back-test without the proper tools/software at hand.
Therefore I am very much interested in this sort of correlation studies comparing e.g. price action of current solar year or lunar cycle with price action of e.g. the intermediate Delta time frame of 4, 8, 12 cycles or a metonic period back.
Regarding seasonality, I found Jerry Toepke\'s MRCI an interesting source of information: He updates and ranks multi-year correlation studies for the Dow Jones and S&P 500 Index on a daily basis, e.g. today\'s DJIA correlates 88% with the DJIA of 1998: http://mrci.com/special/ddji98.php
Best regards
e-Mail: Scott
Date 07th 2008f January 2008
Today, I opened for the first time a saved TS Worksheet that had a NN result in it. I was a little surprised to see that the NN actually recalculated itself and definitely did not show the same result as when I\'d saved the worksheet.
I guess I was under the impression that the worksheet would save the results of the NN run and it would be a simple matter of charting those same results again. Similar to if I save a NN result as a spreadsheet of points. I had hoped that it would become a static, fixed forecast that can be referred to in the future as new price bars are added.
As I\'m writing this I\'m having a recollection of asking you this same thing once before a long time ago. Sorry if I\'m repeating myself here, but is there no way to save a NN result and then sometime in the future bring it back into TS exactly as it was originally? And perhaps compare the original projection with new price bars that have been added since the original NN was run. I think it would be very helpful to be able to save a NN result as a STATIC file that could be reused within TS at some point in the future to see how well it actually did forecast and also to compare multiple Static saved NN results to each other. Is that possible?
Currently the only way I can see to keep a NN result and refer to it going forward is as a screen capture (which is what I do now) and if you are actually using this result to trade from (which I do) you can\'t compare it to the price bars that have happened since it was run in the first place.

e-Mail: Benedict
Date 15th 2008f January 2008
Is the information which of the model are used for the original model input accessible for display somewhere ?
If I save a chart and its models, close it and re-open it again, it just says NN on all the models saved there.
It would be highly useful if you could display the original model type that has been used for the NN in the Title (e.g., Spectrum, Astor, etc.) that is displayed at the Model Bar to the right of the Chart, and possibly also the store and display the model type, factors and variables in a little info box on the NN pop up screen.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 23rd 2008f January 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж
Возможно здесь что то полезное по нейросетям найдется
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 26th 2008f January 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж
Можно ли сделать возможность строить астроциклы (Revealing Astro Cycles ) не только по LBC но и по заданному моменту правей последних данных ( скажем с помощью Pointer)?
Date 22nd 2008f February 2008
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 01st 2008f March 2008
Scale in NN
e-Mail: Randy
Date 09th 2008f March 2008
I thought last week or so we talked about putting an ICON, that would have the Date and or Time so we could stamp this on the Chart?
Did I miss something? Im printing out my charts for next week and just thought about that.
Perhaps you did do it and I must have missed it some where along the way.
Yes one more thing, You see how thick I have the line below ? When I print this cart out it comes out as a thin line and not a thick one.
Thank You, Keep up the good work..
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 17th 2008f March 2008
Приветсвую , Сереж
Не знаю - сочтешь ли нужным, но если переносить гармоническую волну в блок ULE
то хотелось бы видеть значение не только периода, но и начальный угол синусоиды, чтобы учесть при построении статических циклов
Так же как и возможность выделения из статического цикла гармоник 1Н-12Н
Хотя на синусоиде в идеале интересно посмотреть любую гармонику
Всех благ
e-Mail: aaapers@verizon.net
Date 18th 2008f March 2008
I would like the ability to download from timingsolution into Excel the high and low points from the price file. I am thinking of having the ability to choose the percentage (close, high, low) above or below the average price. I would also like a download of the specific astro file which would contain the positions(selcted by user)- longitudnal, geo, Helio, Declination, RA, of the planets for the day of the top or bottom. this will allow for additonal processing by the user to find proprietary connections.
e-Mail: Al Martin
Date 21st 2008f March 2008
I wonder if you could give a little more flexibility to the Upcoming Events module in Timing Solution.
I am focusing on the Active degrees. I think this tool by itself could become the basis of an excellent trading system. I would like to have the ability to define the planets used as well as the harmonic used. The inner planets when they correlate with a specific degree of the zodiac are good information to have but I would think that the ability to see the reaction of the larger planets within a tight orb of the same degree would also be useful. Also the ability to relate that ACTIVE degree or its harmonic to the planetary aspects (Transit -Transit) would be a tremendous help. Even if I know nothing about the birth date of a stock being able to identify particular reactive degrees will allow me to trade it.
AL Martin
e-Mail: Ross
Date 21st 2008f March 2008
hi Sergey,
(1) I\'m trying to find aspects using different harmonics (e.g. change
H = 2 ...all the way to H = 15) from \"Events Model Editor\" -->
Aspects\" but I\'m failed because the Aspect Degree selector (0, 60, 90,
120) only accept conjunction (0) selection if I use different harmonic
numbers. And the \"Events Model Editor\" would accept other Aspect
Degrees only in first harmonic (i.e. H = 1)
Am I using a wrong model to do the task? I could not do it with both
TS and MT. How can I find the aspects based on different harmonics?
What if I like to find the aspects of 51 degree or other degree
separation among all the planets? Is it possible to do it in TS? I
think TS can do it but I don\'t know how to do it.
(2) I\'m tring to find the time when an aspect begin and end based on
an orb. For example,
On 2008 March 20, I try to find when H=15, the begin and end times
when Moon conj Jupiter with 0.8 orb or Sun Conj Moon with 1 degree
Thank you very very much in advance for your teaching!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best regards,
e-Mail: Olga
Date 21st 2008f March 2008
Hi Sergey
my printer was OKAY - Espon Stylus Photo R
remember before Xmas I sent you an email explaining that your planetary lines are about 10 degrees out of sync
I haven\'t seen the problem rectified
maybe you have forgotten?
Also I was wondering if there is a tool on TS which allows the following:
Selecting different percentage swings
importing the dates and a search tool to give you the astrological similarites between the dates
and sorting them in order of percentage hits.
You know I promoted your software at my lecture on Saturday.
Best Wishes
e-Mail: Al Martin
Date 21st 2008f March 2008
I wonder if you could give a little more flexibility to the Upcoming Events module in Timing Solution.
I am focusing on the Active degrees. I think this tool by itself could become the basis of an excellent trading system. I would like to have the ability to define the planets used as well as the harmonic used. The inner planets when they correlate with a specific degree of the zodiac are good information to have but I would think that the ability to see the reaction of the larger planets within a tight orb of the same degree would also be useful. Also the ability to relate that ACTIVE degree or its harmonic to the planetary aspects (Transit -Transit) would be a tremendous help. Even if I know nothing about the birth date of a stock being able to identify particular reactive degrees will allow me to trade it.
e-Mail: Ross Town (tennismaniaque@gmail.com)
Date 22nd 2008f March 2008
(1) In the \"Events Model Editor\" --> Aspects\" module, the Aspect Degree selector (0, 60, 90, 120) ONLY accept conjunction (0) selection if I use different harmonic numbers.
I\'m trying to find aspects using different harmonics (e.g. H = 2 or H=3 or..H = 15) from \"Events Model Editor\" --> Aspects\" but I\'m failed because the \"Events Model Editor\" would not accept other Aspect degrees
Am I using a wrong model to do the task? I could not do it with both
TS and MT. How can I find the aspects based on different harmonics?
(2) How to find the aspects of 51 degree or other degree
separation among the planets? Is it possible to do it in TS? I
think TS can do it but I don\'t know how to do it.
(3) How to find the beginning time and ending time when an aspect occurs within a specific orb. For example,
On 2008 March 20, I try to find when H=15, the begin and end times
when Moon conj Jupiter with 0.8 orb or Sun Conj Moon with 1 degree
I\'d like to submit pictures of my setting but this Wish/Bug list cannot do it, so please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you very very much for your teaching!!!!!!!!!!
e-Mail: Ross Town (tennismaniaque@gmail.com)
Date 22nd 2008f March 2008
(1) In the \"Events Model Editor\" --> Aspects\" module, the Aspect Degree selector (0, 60, 90, 120) ONLY accept conjunction (0) selection if I use different harmonic numbers.
I\'m trying to find aspects using different harmonics (e.g. H = 2 or H=3 or..H = 15) from \"Events Model Editor\" --> Aspects\" but I\'m failed because the \"Events Model Editor\" would not accept other Aspect degrees
Am I using a wrong model to do the task? I could not do it with both
TS and MT. How can I find the aspects based on different harmonics?
(2) How to find the aspects of 51 degree or other degree
separation among the planets? Is it possible to do it in TS? I
think TS can do it but I don\'t know how to do it.
(3) How to find the beginning time and ending time when an aspect occurs within a specific orb. For example,
On 2008 March 20, I try to find when H=15, the begin and end times
when Moon conj Jupiter with 0.8 orb or Sun Conj Moon with 1 degree
I\'d like to submit pictures of my setting but this Wish/Bug list cannot do it, so please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you very very much for your teaching!!!!!!!!!!
e-Mail: Ross Town (tennismaniaque@gmail.com)
Date 22nd 2008f March 2008
In \"Planets Make Patterns\" module, is it possible to have a Harmonic selection so that different patterns can be find in different harmonics?
Thank you very much for your help!!!!!!!!!!!
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 24th 2008f March 2008
Additional Aspects
e-Mail: Al
Date 29th 2008f March 2008
I have historic intraday data ( 1 minute bars) for the Nasdaq. I am having a problem in loading the file because I believe that it is too much data for timing solution. I may try to use a text editor to reduce the data to a year or more. Is it possible for Timing solution to transform tick data to a diferent format? I normally use ESignal and I select a 15 minute time frame. Is it possible now or would you consider providing the ability to transfer the time frame for intra day data from tick to 5 minute, 15, or 60 minutes in the future. I believe that would allow the user to perform analysis on different time frames without having to go back to the beginning.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 30th 2008f March 2008
Progress bar in save BT results
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 04th 2008f April 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж
Вопрос. Что такое великое противостояние Марса?
Вопрос связан со следующими строчками в письме :
Мой одногрупник развивает интересную тему о
зависимости цен на нефть от противостояний Марса -
вроде бы как получается, что в одном великом
противостоянии (с некоторым запаздыванием) имеем
максимум, в следующем - минимум, потом - опять
максимум... в общем, при хорошо подобранных данных
можно построить корреляцию
Date 04th 2008f April 2008
Date 04th 2008f April 2008
e-Mail: Funan Chang
Date 05th 2008f April 2008
Hi Sergey,
Could you add operation functions?
1.When press the mouse left key on the chart plane that can move the chart up,down,left shift,right shift and any dirction.
2.Move the right side module functions to other place that we have more chart space .
Funan Chang
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 06th 2008f April 2008
ULE step
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 06th 2008f April 2008
ULE step
e-Mail: Patrick U
Date 08th 2008f April 2008
Hi Sergey, is there a way to user define (planetary) objects
like you done for Aspects below?
Many Thanks Patrick U.
e-Mail: JG
Date 08th 2008f April 2008
Step would be extremely helpful extension of Position, Aspects and Speed functions. I don\'t know if you were thinking along those lines.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 08th 2008f April 2008
Arrows in Upcoming Events module
e-Mail: Sergey Lesovicov
Date 12th 2008f April 2008
Одна идея
Как сигнал совпадения (или подтверждающий) я
использовал аспект Upcoming Events: перебирал все
варианты и затем переносил аспекты с процентом скажем
не менее 70 на график спектральной модели.
Идея , думаю, нормальная.
Но возможно как то автоматизировать процесс
перенесения аспектов на график спектральной линии
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 12th 2008f April 2008
Приветсвую , Сереж
Как сигнал совпадения (или подтверждающий) я
использовал аспект Upcoming Events: перебирал все
варианты и затем переносил аспекты с процентом скажем
не менее 70 на график спектральной модели.
Идея , думаю, нормальная.
Но возможно как то автоматизировать процесс
перенесения аспектов на график спектральной линии
Всех благ
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 14th 2008f April 2008
Sergey, we have the intraday schedule. How correctly
to appoint values of a maximum quantity of bars?
http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/l/e/lesovikov/_1.gif Thanks
e-Mail: Artemiss
Date 18th 2008f April 2008
I want to do a search and find out what happens to the DOW between Saturn Station and Saturn Direct, no orb with the midpoint of both and the Sun transiting this midpoint. How would I do this in MT or TS. Thanks
e-Mail: Robert R
Date 24th 2008f April 2008
Some interesting properties given to the Seasonal cycles - used a 9 year cycle but shaded areas that had a stronger correlation associated with it. View this link;
Date 24th 2008f April 2008
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 25th 2008f April 2008
5 min bar <-> 10 min bar
Maje block
e-Mail: Steve Zimmerman
Date 25th 2008f April 2008
Hi Sergey,
In the step aspect portion of MT, do I add in the North Node by adding Moon ASC or DSC or something else?
Thanks for the help.
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 26th 2008f April 2008
Hi Sergey,
Would it be possible to have the planetary equidistant lines,I like this option very much, active also for the bar ?
You know I am working on intraday and I would like to have the point for possible turning expressed also on bar chart.
I think you could exclude from the calculation or from the final results adjusting the programming the events that are coming during the weekend or not trading hours if this is the problem, or lets say to implement it on the time chart but having the possibility to transfer it on the bar one, what do you think?
Awaiting your comment
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 28th 2008f April 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж
Хотелось бы в функции Data иметь возможность точной подстройки на необходимое значение в часах\\минутах. Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: Nick
Date 28th 2008f April 2008
I am currently studying the Singapore exchange and having trouble setting up the chart so it is in Signapore time.
When you have a chance, if possible can you please tell me how to set up the TS screen so that the predicted zone after the LBC (set on last bar) will correctly sync up the time on the Singapore Exchange which starts at 8:00am and runs until 10:15 am, then a gap (break) and then trading starts from 11:15 to 2:00 pm. I tried setting it up but the predicted zone still comes up starting at 9:30 am and running straight until 15:30.
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 28th 2008f April 2008
ULE Step for Angle difference
e-Mail: Gherardo
Date 29th 2008f April 2008
Sergey I am facing another small problem.
When I create a model with NN and then change the colour of it, I have noticed that the line after you save and reopen is maintaining the new colour you changed, but the descriprion on the right is still maintaining the original colour as from photos.
Any error from my side or a bug?
e-Mail: Benedict
Date 03rd 2008f May 2008
I would like to identify time zones that have signatures with an increased likelyhood for a greater turn.
I have read through the Active Zones pargraph in the manual, but Im not sure whether I understand how to create the following:
1) Define Zigzag >15%
2) Run through all possible planetary angles, aspects and constellations (maybe with an orb of 3-5 days aound the turning day)
3) Result should be a list or report that shows me how often which of those signatures have been present around those major turnings points
I assume you have described something like that already somewhere, but I havent found it.
e-Mail: Pier
Date 03rd 2008f May 2008
Doads (2.5 degrees) in ULE module
Date 03rd 2008f May 2008
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 04th 2008f May 2008
Zigzag blue/red stripes in eff. test module and try to use the in Upcoming Events module.
Date 05th 2008f May 2008
Discussion Board for TS users and cycle investigators
e-Mail: Rob
Date 09th 2008f May 2008
Hi Sergey
Ive been re-reading Patrick Mikulas Gann\'s Scientific Methods Unveiled - Volume 2 Chapter 6. Very informative! And trying to use planetary lines better. When trying to add a planetary line dynamically to a dates low it doesnt work? Often it looks OK in the Planetary Line Analyzer pane, but it appears incorrect when its transferred to main pane?
Is it possible to add functions like in others to adjust its exact position, and other properties such as projection distance, number of parallel bands, project only forward/back?
And to change price units? I.e. 1°=$2, 1°=$3, 1°=$4, 1°=$8.
And add Helio Earth, for showing Earth Rotational Angle (ERA)? Interesting on a 4 minute chart the Earth moves 1° ever 4 minutes ( harmonically balanced)?
And combine an average of 2 planetary lines?
Regards Rob
e-Mail: OM
Date 09th 2008f May 2008
Thanks Sergey
another question.
When I plot planetary lines on my charts
and save the worksheet
once I re-opened the save files the planetary lines are not saved?
Can you help me with this?
e-Mail: tw9gg5rs@shaw.ca
Date 10th 2008f May 2008
Hi Sergey,
stock analysis by consensus of projection lines
Could you create a stock scanning model which includes all the models that are presently in Timing Solution. This model would scan a stock price chart using all available price data and create a projection line for each of the models in Timing Solution. These projection lines would then be compared for congruence and/or projection line highest point and lowest point during a time period of ~ 1 to 12 months or thereabouts. The projection line turning point (highest and lowest points) could occur anywhere within a ~ 15 to 30 day period. The scanning model can be rated noting the number of models in incongruence compared to the number of models scanned.
I have been trying this process to find a tradable stock using a spreadsheet to record the date of the stock\'s multi-projection line Low point and stock\'s multi-projection line High point and also noting any technical analysis, or if no congruence of models can be found for the stock I would not consider trading it. I\'ve been scanning a lot of stocks using as many of TS models as possible. Some stocks give no congruence of projection lines to the various TS models, while others show congruence and particular dates (~ 15 day period) when turning points occur for more ~ 75% of the projection lines.
By recording the dates I end up with a spreadsheet that allows me to revisit the stock at some future date, perhaps several months in the future, and can then check them again to see if the conditions still exist to enter a trade.
This process takes a lot of clicking and working your way through each stock applying all the models. If you could create a scanning model that would do this automatically for the stock selected it would certainly be great and speed up the process.
Is there a way to rate or weight the resulting projection lines as a correlation to price data (I realize we\'re using all the available price data and no back testing has occurred for a back testing comparison) Those models with a higher correlation to price data would then be selected and used to run a back testing analysis on them to determine the best model for this particular stock (I may be a little confused here but would like to select the best models for back testing). I do the back testing analysis about a week before the recorded turning point (usually low point in the projection line in my case).
I\'m writing this because you are more familiar with the program and all the models and are likely to put together a better scanning model than I would ever be able to. Also some models may need smoothing of the projection line in order to show only the major turning points over a ~ 3 to 9 month period.
I am sure that other users of Timing Solution may also find this useful.
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 29th 2008f May 2008
Seems like you have fixed the Eclipse calculation but Lunar Days still is taking 3 hrs
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 30th 2008f May 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж. Пожелание. С новым блоком построения планетарных линий хорошо было бы расширить возможности в Astronomy (composite): к примеру - нахожу планетарную линию по трем точкам - http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/l/e/lesovikov/_8.gif - и хочу посмотреть в Astronomy (composite) , задав 1/13 гармонику(1:13H) . Однако сейчас это невозможно. И вопрос : что такое минус перед гармоникой?
Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: Paul
Date 30th 2008f May 2008
Hi Sergey
Is there a way of looking at graphs from different indices. e.g. could we compare the Chinese and Brazilian indices now with the dow back in 1970.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 31st 2008f May 2008
Re: И вообще - имхо - прилично экономило бы время , если бы в блоке расчета планетарных линий была бы опция переноса выбранных данных в блок Astronomy (composite)
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 01st 2008f June 2008
Hi Sergey,
Looks Great!
Is it possible to rank values in results panel? By > number of hits, and % accuracy?
Points where 2 (or more) planetary lines cross at major highs or lows?
Regards Rob
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 11th 2008f June 2008
Hi Sergey,
Is it possible to do an analysis of just ranging periods. Like if you can tell system to identify periods wqhere swing is less than .5% or 1% or x% and then do an analysis and find a common pattern and treat those days as ranging periods even in composite or elsewhere...
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 21st 2008f June 2008
Приветсвую , Сереж. Было бы неплохо вынести кнопку Trade Days(Hours) на общую панель - все равно каждый раз приходится проверять ее состояние и открывать Options. Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 24th 2008f June 2008
Adjuastable rulership for NN
e-Mail: Benedict
Date 07th 2008f July 2008
Hi Sergey,
I dont know whether you remember I once have asked you about a functionality that would do the following:
1) Define Zigzag e.g. >10%
2) Define resolution of e.g. number of n days around each turning point (e.g. +/- 5 days) in order to define unsharp time zones to do the following research:
3) Run through all possible planetary angles, aspects and constellations, pictures and so on (within those time zones that are within those n number of days around each high and/or low
4) Result should be a statistical report that shows how often which of those signatures have been present around those major turnings points.
5) The results should be drag-and-droppable or clickable for inclusion, and/or as ULE objects or similar, for easy further processing.
6) Then, one could choose the most significant signatures and project those constellations into the future (respectively, backtest them) in order to identify future high likelihood turning points.
I believe a kind of related technology is already there in the Upcoming Events scanner, but it is not possible to workin with turning points and unsharp time zones.
Do you think something like that could be implemented and if so, when?
Best regards,
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 08th 2008f July 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж
Следующий вопрос. Если использую Турбоциклы в режиме реального времени , и дополнительно астроциклы - нельзя ли ввести функцию запоминания линии проектирования астроциклов? Скажем - максимально возможное использование данных в real time оптимально на 35 000 строк. Но те же 35 000 строк для атсроциклов на 4х часовом графике несут больше информации , чем на 15 минутном графике. Т е идея - вычислить астроциклы на 4х часовом графике и увидеть их на 15-минутном. Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: William
Date 25th 2008f July 2008
Regarding your answer below, how can I make the number I put
in \"Train% steps\" a default setting and value for NN? (It seems that
I must pause training and reset this from \"manual only\" to \"Train% steps
and input a number each time I run NN).
Do you have a suggestion as to how many steps in general should
be sufficient for best projection line in NN?
Thank you again for your reply.
e-Mail: Loveen Israni
Date 27th 2008f July 2008
Hi Sergey,
Thank you for your research. The discussion of this cycle which Arch Crawford has added to in another group discussion brings up a point about the Efficiency Test feature in Market Trader which I have been meaning to discuss with you.
As per current version a Planetary phenomenon could in theory be very predictive yet may not be obvious in the efficiency test results. For example if there was an aspect that was an excellent turning point indicator and there were 10 lows and 10 highs in the data the efficiency test might show a flattish line whereas in reality that aspect is extremely useful. Similarly an aspect could merely accelerate an existing trend which again would be masked in the results.
I recommend that you add a feature (if not already there) to MT Titanium that allows you to filter the test results such that the user can input the number of days prior to aspect (or other planetary phenomenon) and the percentage change (+ve, -ve or ABS) in underlying security. That way the user can see clearly how the planets affect a market during different market conditions. One of the conditions should also be the Absolute Value of change, i.e. if you input 10% in last 30 days and price up > 2% in last five days. This would describe a market similar to the current stock market whereby we are in the midst of a short term reversal within an intermediate downtrend.
Thanks & kind regards,
e-Mail: Benedict Goette
Date 28th 2008f July 2008
Dear Sergey,
The more manual, trial and error research I do with the planetary equidistant line tool, the more I become convinced that the research I had proposed a while ago (focusing on turning points and running a scan of all possible constellations that are valid in a time window of +/- a couple of days around key tops or bottoms) should be really pursued.
I believe we have a very high probability to successfully identify potential turning zones in the future (and even longer-term ones) with such a method.
I know you already answered my mail a while ago, I just work on the Natgas and Crude time series and it looks that it could be a really powerful tool.
Please re-consider.
Best, Ben
Just for reference, I know you already have it:
1) Define Zigzag e.g. >10%
2) Define resolution of e.g. number of n days around each peak/bottom point (e.g. +/- 5 days) in order to define unsharp time zones to do the following research:
3) Run through all possible planetary angles, aspects and constellations, pictures and so on (within those time zones that are within those n number of days around each high and/or low
4) Result should be a statistical report that shows how often which of those signatures have been present around those major turnings points.
5) The results should be drag-and-droppable or clickable for inclusion, and/or as ULE objects or similar, for easy further processing.
6) Then, one could choose the most significant signatures and project those constellations into the future (respectively, backtest them) in order to identify future high likelihood turning points.
e-Mail: JM
Date 31st 2008f July 2008
serg , i should know how to do this but i dont... how can i generate a list or word pad doc.-----of the times when the moon is at the equator----which is only about twice a month----i know the ephemeris has it..but can i do it in either timing solution---or i have titanium---super search?-----but how to do it??? i hope this is an easy answer for you---thanks joe mullen, libertyville ,il
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 11th 2008f August 2008
Fixed Controlroup in Upcoming Events module
e-Mail: Irina
Date 11th 2008f August 2008
For example 5 percent swings will be analyzed. Each top and bottom will be analyzed for similar astronomical condition. This in the simplest case will be all active degrees or the aspects between any of two planets.
At the end of the study statistical list will be provided where on one side of the list I would see astronomical event for example Mercury to Sun conjunction and on the other side the percentage say 75%. Mining that 75% of time astronomical event in question was present and market reversed the direction and travel at list 5 percent in opposite direction. Direction of the move is not important, magnitude is.
e-Mail: Mahesh
Date 11th 2008f August 2008
Manually defined ayanamsa:
However, if I come up with a modification on the Ayanamsa other than what is included in the Options screen- is there any way I can modify or load that Data onto TS?
e-Mail: Keith
Date 11th 2008f August 2008
Hello Sergey, I have a problem with my Step Analyser/angle analyser in that it doesn\'t reliably count out the required angle step ( which shows up in the printout )
I can\'t send you a copy as it only prints hard copy , not to file etc.
for example
I set in Sun/ Venus 16d step
on the printout, these are the actual results
220^59 19-1-05
204^59 16-2-05
188^59 16-3-05
172^ 12-4-05
156^ 7-5-05
140^ 31-5-05
132^ 12-6-05 XXXXXX only 8 degrees diff
116^ 6-7-05
I thought I was going mad as I couldn\'t match a previous list to this one , until I spotted this mistake
looking further down the printout, I see that each time it gets to the 140^ --- it jumped to only 132^ ( instead 16^ of 124^ )
also, in the Ephemeris module, my Ephemeris window will not \"maximise\" -- the minimise button works ok but the Maximise button is \"greyed out\" and obviously can\'t be used.
I mentioned this to Alphee some time ago and he said \" well you can stretch the screen can\'t you? \" true, I can , but he obviously couldn\'t care less.
but I hate things that don\'t work properly
it worked fine until an upgrade some months ago
I\'d appreciate your help in fixing these problems
best regards
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 12th 2008f August 2008
I have noticed that the forecasts generated by TS are all cyclic in nature and often they are pretty good but then in between the shift occurs and either they start lagging or get out of synch by a small period.
So my question was in your methodology of identifying cycle and generating forecast do you calculate or find the shifts that happen in between and there may be a sequence of shift period. If shift is not being calculated currently then can you do something with that like find optimal shift or sequence of shift between each repeating cycle point
e-Mail: janus67@iinet.net.au
Date 15th 2008f August 2008
Hi Sergey, just a reminder of the problem in MT Titanium with the Step Analyser ( I sent you a picture ) where the step is not always accurate when it counts/prints out--
sometimes it\'s affected by the position of the Cursor and it counts a \"short\" step
only noticable if you count more than 360 degrees ( ie a year or more )
12-8-08 regards Keith Deakin
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 21st 2008f August 2008
Can you provide selection criteria in Pattern Finder
For e.g I have noticed that pattern repeats for similar planetary combination with some Orb
So basically rather than just going and find similar pattern from anywhere without planetary corelation I would like to find similar patterns occurring in periods where one or more similar planetary pattern may be occurring. This planetary combination or pattern I would like to be user selectable possibly like a ULE formula
e-Mail: Randy
Date 22nd 2008f August 2008
a couple things I would like ask, here I worked the hours from 1100hr to
1200hr on down to 1600-1700hr. Worked with Mars and Venus.
results, the market did what TS said it would.
was my set up
I Calculated it out and this is what it showed
I was real happy with this kind of results. How every it takes times cause you
need to read Ephemeris then input the numbers
calculate if the market is going down or up. Then enter + or for L and the
next L and so on so forth.
was wondering if there was a faster and easier way to do this?
is there a way I can make the stacked lines in the upper window to be a line?
bet you are ready for biking around the Lakes after my emails
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 25th 2008f August 2008
Is there a way to show ULE or Supersearch in Market trader in 2 colors.
For e.g say I have 20 events out of which 12 are positive and 8 are negative events.
I would like this to show Blue lines for Up and Red lines for Dn events.
So if I have (L1+L2.....) for Up and (L12+L12....L20) for DN then this should show Blue line for first set and red lines for second set so that I can identify on the chart when the up period is there and when down period is there
e-Mail: Pier
Date 25th 2008f August 2008
I want to attach a Dax Future daily chart with
Moon Perigee and Apogee points (red and blue arrows).
If you consider the point of Perigee or Apogee not
only as possible inversion but also an acceleration and you take top and
bottom of the bar when signal occur as channel when you can buy above or sell
below you will see that in all the cases (except two) prices when broke one
side never broke ON CLOSE the Perigee/Apogee points.
a and b point were
IMHO a better because next day
open was in gap and ended with a doji ...maybe you could make SAR 3 day
later...but b was a big trap
However in 17 signals, 15 are ok (88.23%) and
2 bad.
Is it possible to do this type of study in TS,
where profitable signals is activated only when the bar is broken
on close?
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 28th 2008f August 2008
Is it possible to include a feature in ULE to plot the lines at some days shift from the date of event.
The possible use is say from Efficiency test we find that for a particular event 5 days before it is down and then up for 4 or 5 days. So I would like to plot the ULE line 5 days after the date of the event unlike current situation where it plots the lines when the event happens
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 28th 2008f August 2008
Is it possible to include a feature in ULE to plot the lines at some days shift from the date of event.
The possible use is say from Efficiency test we find that for a particular event 5 days before it is down and then up for 4 or 5 days. So I would like to plot the ULE line 5 days after the date of the event unlike current situation where it plots the lines when the event happens
e-Mail: Admin
Date 03rd 2008f September 2008
Efficiency Test -> Bar scale -> Optimization
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 04th 2008f September 2008
I just realized how beautiful is your Price Chart Slice tool. It is looking fantastic.
But the problem is it does now show the trend beyond the last data point. It should continue to show the trend from that past date projected beyond last data ponit also.
Also once you have done that, can you include feature to send this projection to Strategy window
May be samething for Pattern Finder window also, send it to Strategy window
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 04th 2008f September 2008
Seeing there is lot of emphasis on Active angles and angular seperation.
I believe it will be good if you have something that can identify most active angles between planetary pairs. and as option identify these from highs and lows.
Like take high and low points and from there see how many times you get another high or low for a particular angular seperation between any pair.
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 05th 2008f September 2008
Hi Sergey & Group,
In the planetary Lines Solutions, Is it possible to export this data to an Excel file?
Also, I have understood planetary Lines harmonics to be divisions of the values between the 360° values. This is not what happens in TS planetary Lines harmonics, because the base H1 values change when you apply H2, H4, H8? Should the base harmonic value change?
My understanding was ; To divide into harmonics is to divide the range i.e. 24. So range is between H1 value of 360° value and another. Pictured below is Venus H1 on XJO and this H1 value to the next is approx 355 points so a H24 division = 14.8 points multiples running parallel to H1 lines.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Also Sergey can this harmonic feature be added to TS in addition to what is already there?
Regards Rob
e-Mail: aaapers@verizon.net
Date 06th 2008f September 2008
I would like to see the degree sensitivity chart that you have in the Millenium program as part of rectification placed into Timing solution with some modifications. I would like to then select the stock up or down moves from a directory of my creation and have them analyzed for sensitive degrees with or without a reference to a natal chart. I would like to see declination added to this analysis so that sensitive declinations can be obtained. I would also keep the ability to take out certain planets from the analysis so that there is not a heavy emphasis on fast moving planets.
Al Martin
e-Mail: Paul
Date 12th 2008f September 2008
Bradley: Can you import models created in ULE?
e-Mail: Bill
Date 14th 2008f September 2008
Before I purchased TS, I used NASA JPL data which I downloaded into
EXCEL spreadsheets & worked from there.
There are a few NASA-JPL variables I found useful, that aren\'t
commonly used in financial astrology. I was hoping these are
somewhere buried in Timing Solution.
I will list the variables, and then list the NASA-JPL explanation for
SN.dist ; NP.dist ; SN.and ; NP.ang ; ang-sep
SN.ang SN.ds =
Target sub-solar point position angle (CCW, or east, with respect
to the
direction of the true-of-date Celestial North Pole) and its\' angular
from the sub-observer point (center of disk) at print time. Negative
indicates sub-solar point on hidden hemisphere. Units: DEGREES and
NP.ang NP.ds =
Target\'s North pole position angle (CCW, or east, with respect to
direction of true-of-date Celestial North Pole) and its\' angular
from the sub-observer point (center of disk) at observation time.
Negative distance indicates the planet\'s North pole is on the hidden
hemisphere. Units: DEGREES and ARCSECONDS
ang-sep/v =
Target-primary angular separation and visibility. The angle between
center of target object and the center of the primary body it
revolves around,
as seen by the observer. Units: ARCSECONDS
Non-lunar natural satellite visibility codes (limb-to-limb):
/t = Transitting primary body disk, /O = Occulted by primary
body disk,
/p = Partial umbral eclipse, /P = Occulted partial umbral
/u = Total umbral eclipse, /U = Occulted total umbral
/- = Target is the primary body, /* = None of above (\"free
and clear\")
For mercury, the SN.dist ; NP.dist ; SN.and ; NP.ang , variables have
sharp/discontinuous movement with time, that often correlate to the
stock market.
Best Regards,
e-Mail: Gulshan Kumar
Date 15th 2008f September 2008
3. \"Planetary aspects\" from Daily Aspects are based on TROPICAL astrology. Is there any method/ option to get the same for SIDEREAL astrology.
e-Mail: Arvind
Date 19th 2008f September 2008
In star trax, I was trying to set the ephemeries to Swiss. When I select find directory the program freezed. Is there a fix for this problem?
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 19th 2008f September 2008
I saw that before but did not find a way to build a model from those active degrees. It would be nice if that analysis of active degrees could build a ULE or even a composite diagram or even work in Neural Net
Also considering the statistics that what kind of move is given by the active degrees
e-Mail: Abhay Agarwal
Date 19th 2008f September 2008
e-Mail: itisabhay@hotmail.com
Date 20th 2008f September 2008
Capability to drag any planet to desired location on the wheel. As the planet is dragged the date should move. This will help us to see quickly how the price would have moved from a given situation and study better the angular separation.
It can speed up significantly the study of planetary separation and it\'s effect.
e-Mail: wwdotememory@aol.com
Date 23rd 2008f September 2008
Hi Sergey,
Your TS software is awesome! Back in the 70\'s I read JM Hurst\'s \"The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing\" and dreamed about something like this. And your software has made it a reality :-)
My wish/suggestion is add/enable a (possibly separate) Cycle Box in the Easy Cycle module for manual user input. I\'m sure there are others who would like this.
I have recently begun a study of the Maya culture(as in TimeKeepers!) and calender. All their numbers are non-decimal numbers. I have a heck of a time trying to input their numbers into Easy Cycle. I approximate the number I want to enter by draging the mouse and almost always get a decimal number. I try to fix it with the period arrows and it will skip over the non-decimal number I want to another decimal number! A bit frustrating :-)
Just a suggestion for your consideration. Again, this is Super software.
e-Mail: Admin
Date 24th 2008f September 2008
[Planet] [in South/North/Any Hemisphere] moves [from/toward] [Equator(i.e.. declination)/Ecliptic Geo(i.e. geo latitude)/,Ecliptic Helio(i.e. helio latitude)]
Paul Warner
Is it possible to pin point the angle differential as we move from the ecliptic or towards the ecliptic as separate entities with any zodiac or combination of zodiacs? Or can any part of the TS program know the difference between these movements? Moving from ecliptic it\'s bullish, moving towards ecliptic its bearish. I notice Bradley uses declinations is that able to separate the directions?
e-Mail: Mahesh
Date 24th 2008f September 2008
1. Working in Background Mode:
Even after pressing background - the small box indicating the strategies being processed ( on top left hand corner of screen) still comes on top but semi transparent.
and the solutions minimized screens ( very small) show at the bottom on top when done /parked there by TS).
e-Mail: Curt
Date 26th 2008f September 2008
Hi Sergey, Thanks for your analysis and tool development. What my mind finds interesting is pulling the stats from the same color (Delta/Wilder) years which are the same lunar cycle years, same bullish/bearish environment years etc?? It\'s a required due dilligence to average together date ranges as you have but I wonder about intelligent filtering the inputs to be more like the present conditions.
e-Mail: Admin
Date 29th 2008f September 2008
daily aspect for daylight saving swith
e-Mail: Bill
Date 18th 2008f October 2008
I\'m reading an interesting book written by Robert Taylor \"Paradigm\" a novel with as subject an old Egyptian instrument able to reproduce and forecast DJIA Market.
I understood that all work is based in gravity and/or tides...
Surfing on web I tried a nautical software that give me tides forecast related to a place (i.e. I saw for Frankfurt, Bremerhaven port, not very close but...) What I saw, is a good starting point and must be better investigate...
My question is: TS is able to give tides forecast related to place? (long/Lat) or something similar?
Did you read the book or test something about?
Robert Taylor was candidate to Nobel Prize for the work inherent forecast in stock market (in his website he give to the members prevision of many markets made with his software called \"Xyber9\" )
I\'m also interested in this, and am on page 345 of his 628 page Paradigm book.
I don\'t know if his method works, but the book is a fantastic story.
I looked at tide data from here. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predictions.shtml?year=2008&stn=2557+New%20York&secstn=Brooklyn+Bridge&thh=%2B0&thm=24&tlh=%2D0&tlm=4&hh=*0.99&hl=*1.00&footnote=
You need to cut/splice this to get it in a form useable in EXCEL. I see some correlation by eye to SP500 price, but nothing as good as the hype.
e-Mail: Admin
Date 18th 2008f October 2008
Good site regarding tidal forces:
Date 20th 2008f October 2008
Tidal Forces
e-Mail: Cherardo
Date 26th 2008f October 2008
e-Mail: Al
Date 27th 2008f October 2008
I am trying to find a method to correlate Turbo cycles to Astro Cycles. I have been trying to find the events behind turning point highs and lows using Astro Cycles and I noted that depending on the turning point percentage chosen (1%, 5%, 13%) you receive different astro factors. It occurred to me that, a better way of finding the key astro factors for everyday trading would be to tie the turning point high/low percentage to the turbo Cycles. Specififically you would want to use the strongest or dominant tubo cycles taken from the data to drive the Astro Cycle calculations. I would think that you would want to go directly from the Turbo Cycles to identify the Astro Cycles. Depending on which one or combinations of Turbo Cycles that you selected you would receive various Astro Cycles. I think that this suggestion may simplify the cycle selection process.
e-Mail: chazaina@numericable.fr
Date 27th 2008f October 2008
good morning
i give you some idea for an next update to millenium star trax 6 :
have a new conjuction table as this (for choose the positive or negative conjuction):
sun moon mercury venus mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluton north node south node
thanks mr Biga
e-Mail: Admin
Date 28th 2008f October 2008
read price history in format TJUL OHLC
e-Mail: Admin
Date 10th 2008f November 2008
to add planetary dignity (own rulership, detriment, terms , duads ...)
e-Mail: Pier
Date 10th 2008f November 2008
Hi Sergey,
just bought a Zoller book relating Medieval Astrology, I saw a paragraph inherent Firdaria... it seems something like Vimshottary Dasha in Vedic Astrology....
Going in http://firdaria.com/calculator.php is possible to calculate it
I tried to digit 21/Apr/1982 (day flagged) and the period that jump off seems interesting....
1) since you\'re so deep in Medieval Astrology, have you never tried it?
2) is it possible to calculate \"micro\" period inside these long periods?
Thx for your time
e-Mail: Admin
Date 28th 2008f November 2008
Ephemersis -> Verical Diagram -> Scaled Price Chart
e-Mail: Kevin
Date 03rd 2008f December 2008
little complication......
All of my data files are on a dedicated laptop on my network. It seems as
though there is only access to local drives in TS. Is it possible to access
data files on a different PC via the network? In Metastock, My
Network Places appears as an option on file/open.
Thanks in advance
e-Mail: Admin
Date 08th 2008f December 2008
datafeed TS : view TS
e-Mail: Admin
Date 12th 2008f December 2008
Committee for Composite Box
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 14th 2008f December 2008
Приветсвую, Сереж. Из Upcoming Events мог бы получиться неплохой сканер для скальперов, учитывая , что сейчас дейтрейдингом занимаются много. Скажем - есть директория с дневной историей акций NYSE. Обсчитанные модели по сканируемым акциям затем сортируются по времени : первый столбец - дата-время , последний столбец - акция. Необходима также сортировка по времени сессии - чтобы отсечь рабочие аспекты, что не попадают в торговую сессию. Думаю, идея очень интересная , однако в том варианте , что сейчас - очень энергоемкая. Скажем , процесс обсчета 60 акций по двум моделям занял 10-12 часов. Формат , что сохраняется , в екселе сортировать строго по дате-время сложно. Энергоемкость процесса сводит на нет саму идею. Всех благ
e-Mail: Huafeng
Date 16th 2008f December 2008
ULE event editor currently can test for planetary day/hour. I wonder if it is possible to test purely number technique, i.e. X number of day counts from an interested Hi/Lo for N number of steps. Basically this is testing Equidistant Lines and Planetary Equidistant Lines within ULE event editor, and the user can use together with some Price action indicator (e.g. price drop from 2 trades ago to current event), and get a profit probability estimate and strategy recommendation.
e-Mail: Pier
Date 16th 2008f December 2008
You anticipated my desire (optimization) :-)
I was sending you this screenshot:
with two "virtual" added button:
b)Event Formula Lag
Seeing your "Eclipse Finder" tool, what
about planetary occultation between planets? (i.e. on 2000 March 3rd there was
Venus/Uranus occultation and Mkts drop hard, the same on June 8,2008 when
Sun/Venus Occultation occurred)
e-Mail: Funan Chang
Date 17th 2008f December 2008
Btw, If possible could you code real time ver. support DDE funtion.
Because many local live data feed support DDE function and many traders
are trading local market.
Funan Chang
e-Mail: Erdal Celen
Date 25th 2008f December 2008
1- On \'Stop\' tab of the Neural Net, to have another Stop Option as \'Selected Area\' like in Composite Box of Astronomy module.
2- To have diagram for the options of \'Train % Steps\' and possibly \'Selected Area\' (please see above). Currently there is no diagram running for \'Train % Steps\' option.
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 02nd 2009f January 2009
For the wish list Is it possible to save Upcoming Events file as *.ics (Microsoft Outlook Calendar or icalendar)?
e-Mail: christian
Date 03rd 2009f January 2009
thanks for your mail , very good
i know that you have sq9 inTS
i prepare you one folder
1) i speak you to savartobhadra chakra because it s a financial chakra( nearly SQ9 ), vedic astrologers use it for forecasting the market, do you have some vedic astrology document, if you need i have plenty book on these astrology
2) they use plenty DASA or SYSTEM PERIODE the most know it s vimshottari dasa and you have thing as FIBONACCI 1 big periode and under 9 small periodes exemple :
a) VENUS BIG PERIODE = 20 years ( choise 360 days or 365 days, i work with 360 days ) if you se less than 20 years = jupiter saturn cycle( 19.85 years in sideral and 20 years x 360 days =19.72 years at 47 day it s the same thing
VENUS= money, bank
b) MOON BIG PERIODE = 10 years ( look the 10 years WD GANN cycle )
c) MOON in the VENUS big periode( 20 years ) =210 days or nearly the 225 days venus sideral return
d) JUPITER in the big NORTH LUNAR NODE periode (18 Years) = 864 days or nearly the mars 687days sideral return.......
Date 08th 2009f January 2009
In some of these charting tools we are unable to select any additional objects other than those 9 planets. Can you add them please
This is of great interest to me also. I am greatly interested in the Transneptunians, but of a more urgent nature Id like to see Chiron and Transpluto. They seem to be of great interest in certain research groups that I have interest in.
Thanks Sergey!
e-Mail: leonbuteau@yahoo.com
Date 10th 2009f January 2009
I have used TS for a number of years and never had a problem using the Astronomy Routine but, that was before tody.
When I click on Astronomy I get the astronomy (composite) window which is normal. If I first click on the \\\"current composite box\\\" to remove the check mark it removes the check mark but then the window freezes up and if I click on options or composite nothing happens. So I close the composite box and reopen it by clicking on Astronomy once again.
This time I don\\\'t touch the current composite check mark - rather I go to options and click it - sometimes I have to click options several times and the astronomycomposite) window opens up. When I then click on smoothing orb it may open up right away or sometimes I must wait for a time. If it doesn\\\'t open up after a time I close Astronomy and try again. On the otherhand if I click on composite nothing happens also.
When I do succeed in opening smoothing orb after several tries I find that no matter what item I try to change such as phase ,declination, mundo etc. I am not able to change anything i.e the curser never appears when I click on any of the windows with numbers in them. I am not able to change any of the parameters in the window.
Any suggestions - do you think I shoud remove TS using the remove programs button and reinstall and if I do will I lose my authorization
thanks in advance of your reply
Leon Buteau
e-Mail: garyd51@tampabay.rr.com
Date 10th 2009f January 2009
I just upgraded to Titanium Advanced and wanted to thank you for developing the Planetary Picture Time module. For me it was not only worth the $199 upgrade price, but it is worth the price for the whole program for just this one module. The time it saves me from having to do this manually using an ephemeris and excel makes it totally worth it.
I have a few suggestions for improving the module in future upgrades. I managed a software development company for 14 years and one of the things I enjoyed the most was working with the programmers debugging and adding features our clients really appreciated, so please forgive me if these suggestions are not to your liking. Some of these you maybe already working on.
1. First is very minor and probably already fixed. In the field where you set whether to use Variable or Fixed Steps, you misspelled Fixed as Fixes. Very easy to do since the letters are right next to each other on the keyboarded.
2. Next deals with adding to the Library. Is it possible to save the step data (and Geo or Helio as well) with each of the records. This would allow for saving different scenarios using the same planet combos.
3. Last and for me most importantly, is it possible to save to a document a list of all the dates (both passed and future) to make it easier to import into a calendar diary for future reference throughout the year.
Thank you for your consideration of these suggestions and thank you again for writing this module.
Date 13th 2009f January 2009
don t know if you had see my answere to calendar where i send you also one document where i ask you if you have in TS :
1)natal chart in sideral and save this option for work in phenomena ( tool )without always click on sideral
2)rating or scaner for search as in millenium 6 ,for create one first choise:
a)the best transiting chart for 1 stock in 7 or 10 days for exemple
b)the best chart for us
3) in Bradley is it possible to draw 1 graph for exemple :
me or some person( here you don t have quote )for see the good and the bad periodes , i had try, but impossible
NYEX or London exchange....
JUPITER SATURN cycle ,here we have the right birth chart ( hour, place)
4) it s possible to have Sideral in ASTRONOMY COMPOSIT as you have already geo, declination ......
5) in edit model in Bradley , in choise criteria have some more aspects or the possibility to create some more as 102°85 ,154°28, GOLD NUMBER 222°49 or 137°50
thanks christian
Ďđčâĺňńâóţ , Ńĺđĺć .
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âîçěîćíîńňü ńęđűâŕňü íĺíóćíóţ îáëŕńňü
, áűëî áű óäîáíî
Best regards
Serg Lesovikov
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 24th 2009f January 2009
Hi Sergey,
Is there a way to check how the chart reacts to movement of a planet x from A to B and then from B to A
I mean one planet moving toward A away from B, and then moving away from A and towards B
e-Mail: Admin
Date 25th 2009f January 2009
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In astrology, a dwadasama, which is also called a dwad, duad or dwadachamsha is 1/12th of a zodiacal sign. The dwadasama was developed by Hindu astrologers who broke the 30 degree sign down into 12 equal parts of 2.5 degrees each. It is based upon the principle of the part being a reflection of the whole, and 12 signs of the zodiac were placed within the confines of one sign. It is believed that these signs within a sign, by virtue of their planetary rulers, account for subtle shadings of expression found in different degrees of that sign. Therefore, in addition to the sign having a primary planetary ruler, it would also have a sub-ruler, based upon which dwadasama it is placed in.
For example, if an individual\'s Sun is placed in 10 degrees 51 minutes Aquarius then their Sun sign would be ruled by Uranus, but the dwad, being in the range of 10 to 10.5 degrees would be placed within Gemini, so the individual\'s sub-ruler would be Mercury, which rules Gemini.
A listing of the dwads for each sign is found in the diagram below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ar Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi
Ta Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar
Ge Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta
Ca Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge
Le Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca
Vi Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le
Li Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi
Sc Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li
Sa Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc
Cp Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa
Aq Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp
Pi Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq
e-Mail: Admin
Date 26th 2009f January 2009
but why you don t create also the 27 moon mansion ( 13°20\' ) and the navamsa (3°20\' )
Date 29th 2009f January 2009
Say Jup is at 80deg and Sat is at 240 deg, then I would like to plot when Sun is 30 deg away from Jup to 45 deg before Sat
Right now TS will give me period starting from 0deg away from Jup till the time it conjuncts Sat if I choose separate/apply kind
For e.g Arch Crawford in one of the studies said big declines come when Mars moves 5deg past the oppostion. I want to plot similar thing when plant x moves from A to B
e-Mail: Kenneth DeBell
Date 09th 2009f February 2009
Hi guys,
I\'m a user of MT Titanium and have found it to be a very powerful program. Thank you for the product.
I have an idea for the Efficiency Test that I think would enhance it quite a bit.
As it stands now, if a particular astro event corresponded almost always to a \"price reversal\" , this might not show up in the present Efficiency Test. For instance, if a certain astro event always caused, say, a 5% price reversal within 3 days after the event, this might show up on the Efficiency Test as a nearly flat line for those tat 3-day interval (corresponding to nearly 0% gain). This is because about 1/2 half of the reversals would be to the upside, and about half to the downside -- netting out the total gain at roughly 0%. Thus, the Efficiency Test would be completely blind to a fantastic opportunity !!
Traders are not merely looking for events that \"always make prices go up\" or ones that \"always make prices go down\". In fact, most of the astro events that correspond to price movements probably don\'t work this way. Instead, the event is much more likely to signify a \"price reversal\" -- i.e., a turning point in the price cycle. Again, it seems that the Efficiency Test is not designed to look for these \"reversal event\" -- which are the more likely phenomenon by far !!
Therefore, I would like to request that you add functionality to the Efficiency Test that lets it also measure \"price reversals\" -- and not just an absolute up or down price movement. This could be done by measuring the direction of the price movement over the last n-days leading up to the astro event (either up or down). (This parameter \"n\" could be set by the user.) Then the percent change in price movement for each day after the event could be recorded -- just as you presently do. However, if the preceding price direction was upward, then the subsequent daily percent price moves would be multiplied by -1. This way, a positive score would result if prices reversed to the downside, and a negative score would result if prices did not reverse, but continued upwards. Likewise, if the preceding price move was downwards, then subsequent daily percent price moves would be multiplied by +1, so that reversals to the upside would get a positive score, while continued moves to the downside would get a negative score. Thus, when examining the data for reversal events, a net positive score would indicate reversals, while a net negative score would indicate continuations. This could be shown graphically, just as you currently do for the Efficiency Test.
I truly believe that this feature is badly needed, and this type of thinking needs to also be incorporated throughout the whole program whenever the code looks for price events and scores them. Again, astro events are more like to produce reversal events than a straight bias to either the upside or the downside.
Thanks, again, for a very powerful program. Please reply if you can.
Thank you,
Kenneth DeBell
e-Mail: Irina
Date 17th 2009f February 2009
Hi Sergey,
According to Chaldean astrology, each year is ruled by one of the 7 visible planets,
ˇ 2003 Sun
ˇ 2004 Venus
ˇ 2005 Mercury
ˇ 2006 Moon
ˇ 2007 Saturn
ˇ 2008 Jupiter
ˇ 2009 Mars
I would like to average all Mars years.
Is it possible to average yearly cycles at seven year interval and for that matter any pattern? For example every 20 years
e-Mail: Anthony
Date 17th 2009f February 2009
Hi Sergey, I have tried to work out where and how to update the sunspot activity,you make reference to a Fundamentals editor software in the notes but I can\'t find it anywhere.Also could you possibly add a simple bar counter that counts from 0 as a feature.Just click on a bar and count forwards and backwards by dragging and stopping at any count you desire.I have been looking at numerology and fib numbers between highs and highs and lows and lows,it could be presented as a number on top of the line drawn between the bars eg 8 bar count or 13 bar count with a faint line with the number 8 or 13 on or near the line.For eg a decent high is in,I can count 90 bars and a trend change, then I count 144 bars another trend change etc.It can be a powerful technique when clusters of numbers from various highs and lows come together.Many thanx and Best Regards Tony. p.s it works on all time frames daily weekly down to 1 minute.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 21st 2009f February 2009
Приветсвую , Сереж. Хорошо бы рядом с abc и date на левой панели иметь и табличку символов планет и знаков зодиака для оформления рисунков
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 27th 2009f February 2009
Приветсвую, Сереж. О Duads. Относительно стратегии , описанной в классе Duads and their Terms - pars pro toto. Интересно в блоке Phenomena иметь возможность рассматривать Duads не только относительно имеющихся планет , но и относительно гепотетической планеты, которую можно создать в блоке Planetary Picture Time. Может оказаться , что такой подход будет более гибким в создании эмпирической модели на основе статистических данных. Сергей
e-Mail: Huafeng
Date 27th 2009f February 2009
Hidden bars after LBC
e-Mail: kdkowalchuk@shaw.ca
Date 28th 2009f February 2009
Trend by Angle
Drawing a trendline that shows the exact angle (FxPro has something called \"Trendline by Angle as an example) and also be able to set angle parameters.
e-Mail: Brent
Date 02nd 2009f March 2009
Hi Sergey,
I have played with the price pattern finder module and found very interesting correlation between past bottoms and tops. it would be extremly helpdul and productive if it could be tranfered to the main chart or stragegy. thanks Brent
e-Mail: Roberty Rundle
Date 06th 2009f March 2009
Simple ULE - midpoint
e-Mail: Lamonte
Date 08th 2009f March 2009
Hi Sergey & Group,
In NN when I run different RPO\'s for the same \"Criteria\" and activate \"Finding the best Training Interval\" I end up with different \"Best\" training Intrevals for the same criteria and different projection lines. I can only conclude that the selection of the RPO to your price data is critical to the accuracy of the resulting projection line. It may be that the best RPO\'s relate to receint cycles from price data.
It is hard to imanagine a static RPO when price data cycles are constantly changing, the forward looking RPO must first also look back to be able to project forward. Furthermore TS uses RPO\'s in almost all of its modules therefore the selection of \"the\" RPO is important.
Because I need actual numbers to input into the RPO, I have tried using the \"4 wings wave\" on 15 min data (previous days) and input the resulting numbers from the wave to creat a ratio input RPO for Turbo Cycles and found better resulting projection lines than those set by default or by entering my RPO ratio guesses that I immagined might work.
There must be some basis or method to determine the best RPO to use. eg. yesterday dominant cycle + 1/2 of previous days cycle = cycle factors input to todays RPO. ... or something along that line.
Has anyone found a method to extract 2 or 3 recient short term cycles from price data that have numbers to be ratioed into an RPO?
Would a MESA or Fornier string produce a ratio for use in a RPO?
I would appreciate your thoughts,
e-Mail: Huafeng
Date 10th 2009f March 2009
Would you please create a default button for Astronomy->options->smoothing orb. When I change the parameters for the Orbs and click Ok, the parameters is only effective for one time.
2nd question is: after I create a composite model and spectrum/neural net model and send them to main screen, and save the worksheet. When I open the worksheet, the models are gone. How can I save these?
3rd is a small request. Would you create a drop down menu (\"line, arrow, all\") for equidistant lines as in Planetary equidistant line? I count number of bars between hi\'s and lo\'s a lot, and the screen gets cluttered, if I put equidistant lines on.
e-Mail: Patrick
Date 18th 2009f March 2009
There are \"pop up\" boxes all over the place to remind of Basic functions within this module - Can we please be able to Switch these things OFF as they get very tedious within ten minutes of use let alone after a couple of years...
e-Mail: Huafeng
Date 18th 2009f March 2009
In graphic ephemeris, it is possible to put on a cross hair? It will make it easier to compare price action and aspects in Horizontal Diagram. Hope this is not too difficult.
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 18th 2009f March 2009
Hi Sergey,
What would be an important consideration in price scaling would be the ability of Squaring Price to Time.
Force the chart to display i.e. 8 units of price to 1 unit of time. (X)units of price to (Y) units of time.
This would vastly improve the use of all TS Geometric Tools (pitchfork, 45° angles etc).
With the option of the current automatic setting.
Price Scaling;
Forced - Units of Price
Units of Time
Currently the Yellow Arrow Pointer allows the user to move the chart on the Horizontal axis, Do you have plans to make it possible on the Vertical Axis?
Regards Robert
e-Mail: John
Date 19th 2009f March 2009
Sergey, in the future would it be possible to incorporate sound events into neural net? Meaning if the down and up arrows are displayed in real time on or below the charts once a new arrow appears in realtime instead of sitting in front of the computer a bell, whistle or alarm will go off to warn of a possible entry into the market as a new arrow is instigated by the software? Regards John.
e-Mail: Leon
Date 19th 2009f March 2009
You added vertex to the \"new planetry lines\" program but, I need it in right asc. please add right Asc. at your convenience.
e-Mail: Huafeng
Date 27th 2009f March 2009
have a few questions/suggestions.
1. Ephemeris, Geo Moon
In SolarFire astrology software, the moon deg in Geocentric is higher than TS.
Setting 3/27/2009 4pm EDT New York, Solar Fire gives moon 21Ari53, TS gives 21Ari20. So the difference is 33 min of Arc, that\'s half hour\'s of moon\'s travel.
The difference between the 2 software is largest when in quarter phases. Apr 2, 1st quarter moon, SF give 10:34am EDT Moon at 12Can59. TS gives 9:35am (My setting at Tmin button, is EDT, time zone 4w), moon at 12Can57. This difference is 1 hour. So something is fishy here.
In this link, http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/MoonPhase.php#y2009
The 1st quarter moon is Apr 2, 14:34 universal Time. So this is 10:34 EDT. SF seems correct, and TS seems wrong.
Further, I found this problem is only in Ephemeris and Astrological Prediction Techniques (Tranist button). The Planetary Time Line gives correct moon deg.
2. For Planetary Price Lines (New), is it possible to make the scale more flexible? Right now, 1deg= 1$, 0.1$ etc. This is the wheel of 360, 3600, 36 etc. Is it possible to have a user input box, 360deg = x $? So user can use wheel of 24, 240, 12, 120, 36, 360etc. This will suit the situation of stock splits as well.
3. If number really underlies the phenomemon of cycles (100, 500, 84, 1008 etc), would not the number of volume have a role as well? Is it possilbe to create volume stepping? i.e. from a Lo, start the cumulative count of trade volume till a Hi, and move this volume forward? As real-time data comes in, it will create a pivot indication when cumulative volume gets fulfilled. Just a thought, same concept as planetary time stepping, only in another dimension.
That\'s all what I have now. Thanks Sergey for the wonderful software!
Date 30th 2009f March 2009
to connect timing sol with metatrader 4 to get RT forex data instead of the expensive esignal.
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 02nd 2009f April 2009
In Neural Net, there is no way to save the model with new settings of colors or training parameters. Every time I load Neural Net it looses the settings
Also when I transfer the projection to the strategy then it activates all others projection lines in the strategy which I may have deactivated from strategy.
For e.g I may have 4 projection lines in strategy window and have deactivated 2 of them. Now I transfer a projection from Neural Net then all 4 lines in strategy window get activated
e-Mail: Huafeng
Date 02nd 2009f April 2009
Thanks for the Planetary lines upgrade!
1. Upon first try, 1deg=#1$, and 1deg=#10$, is not shown properly in the \"Planetary Lines Box\". They are now shown as 1deg=#0.1$ for both.
In this upgrade, we lost planets glyph\'s in the \"Planetary Lines Box\". Can we still have it?
I like the way Moon-Sun 360=24*0.1$ for E-mini SnP. Better than the wheel of 36.
Below is minor suggestions for other functions.
2. In Planetary Time Lines and Equidistant Lines, when line thickness is 2 or more, the style will turn to \"Solid\" automatically. Can we still have Dash, Dot, Dash-Dot etc available? I use these lines a lot, with different colors and thickness to track them over time. It would be nice to have thickness in combination with line styles.
3. Equidistant lines now show time as N hours M minutes. Can this be shown as X bars, (N*60+M) total minutes, (N+M/60) total hours. This helps to sensitize the user with numbers, in relation to Bible\'s numbers.
Hope this will not be too much trouble for you.
Many thanks!
Best to you,
e-Mail: aaapers@verizon.net
Date 08th 2009f April 2009
I would like to be able to define specific days and (optional for intraday work) times as you would with any astrology event and look for similarities for aspects, declination, R.A. position, Latitude etc. I know that TS normally makes the selection of days or events on its own based upon an oscillator or percent change. I would like the ability to edit that reference list to include some events or exclude some events. If I find that a declination degree between venus and Mercury is responsible for a minor change in IBM, I am not (initially)concerned that the percent change is variable. I would like to investigate the events and also search for other events that have common elements that may help to point to causes for price change. I believe that you have a Turning point astro indicator that is very close to what I am describing. I simply would like the ability to select and/or edit dates and select the elements that I am researching.
If this is a feasible project, I will add this to the wish list. It would certainly svae me and I suspect a number of others a lot of tedious work.
e-Mail: Shane McDermott
Date 09th 2009f April 2009
Can you allow the user to pick discrete points in time to be analysed.
Also, could you create a module for lottery games? Connected to the discrete points mentioned above (in this case, the lottery draws) the user inputs numerical values (the lottery results). The programme can then pull out the charts for a specific number for analysis, plot a projection line for each number, rank the numbers according to how well the astrological patterns match those of the upcoming lottery draw.
Thanks for considering this request. I love this programme!
e-Mail: Ross
Date 10th 2009f April 2009
Please kindly fix the calendar model as it\'s not showing Pluto\'s retrograde. I don\'t know if it would miss other planets if there are more than 2 planets are retrograding.
e-Mail: leon buteau
Date 16th 2009f April 2009
Would you please add right asc. to the list of coordinates available in the \"planetary lines (new)\" module.
Thanks, Leon
e-Mail: Dominic
Date 18th 2009f April 2009
Hi Sergey
My following question relates to Astronomy Composite, set up with the LBC set back in time 6 months so that we have 6 months of data in the testing interval.
When using Astronomy Composite and selecting the \"Committee\" tab with 4 as a selection you then get a window that opens called \"view strategy element\"
From top to bottom each individual colored line begining in red being the shortest time frame down thru to blue being the longest time frame tells me what time counts are used to work out the lines we now see on our chart and this is excellent, My question to you is this.
Q ; Is it possible to also include the \"optimization learning interval\" numbers \"r=\" next to each line . This way the program can look at the 6 months worth of data past the LBC in the learning interval area and tell us which of these 4 lines best fits the learning interval time being used. This \"r=\" can help us decide how much data is the optimum for that particular planetary pair being tested ?
What do you thing Sergey.
e-Mail: Georg
Date 25th 2009f April 2009
In Hindu Astrology the moment of new Moon, or that point of time when the longitudes of Sun and Moon are equal is called amavasya. The tithi is the time taken by the Moon in increasing its distance from the Sun by 12 degrees. The complete revolution of the Moon (29.5 days) occupies 30 tithis for 360 degrees. Since the motions of the Sun and Moon are always varying in speed the length of a tithi constantly alters from 19 to 26 hours.
How would one calculate the tithis in TimingSolution?
Many thanks in advance.
e-Mail: Serg Lesovikov
Date 26th 2009f April 2009
\"Timing Solution Pattern Recognition\" - возможно была бы полезна кнопка инверсии модели , к примеру если сравнивать индекс доллара и валютную пару типа EURUSD. Спасибо
e-Mail: petros.palaskas@ontelecoms.gr
Date 29th 2009f April 2009
I would like to have the data from price, when I save in The Pattern Recognition software ,in a format wich I can use in Excel .
That is txt without the tabs .
e-Mail: Peter
Date 08th 2009f May 2009
Sergey I was thinking that it would be great if you would add at some point to this software,
the ability to perform the same thing as it does for price ,
to indicators.
example find simlar like rsi 14 patterns etc
e-Mail: Erdal
Date 08th 2009f May 2009
Hi Sergey,
I was wondering, would it be possible to put a new function (checkbox) on Pattern Recognition called \'Validate with reversal price\' ? Upon activation of this checkbox, the program validates the patterns with its own reversal price and proposes only those patterns that matches/validates with own \'reversal\'.
Best Regards,
Date 10th 2009f May 2009
Thank you very much dear Sergey..
But i want something little different. I have thousands of criteria for NN optimization and when i divide them to groups for NN i get convergent results, otherwise terms mix each other and diverge.. so it would be useful if possible to merge optimized terms and reoptimize.. OR give manual input to a particular NN without merging?
Best Regards..
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 13th 2009f May 2009
Also if possible when we save Neural Net then it does not look at the colors for the Pricing Events and neither saves the settings in View tab
e-Mail: Pier
Date 14th 2009f May 2009
about ZigZag swings(question is also for TS not only for PR), is it possible to set the swing in relation of number of reversal bars (i.e. 3 - like Gann states) than only the percentage?
thx Pier
e-Mail: JimR
Date 14th 2009f May 2009
Hi Sergey, (again)
I love the Upcoming Events module! It is so quick and easy to see the significant events. May I ask for one addition to it? Perhaps an Efficiency window for when you select one of the lines in the results?
That would really complete the view of what you were getting. (IMHO)
I know you have this available elsewhere in the modules, but this would be so easy to use.
As always, thank you so much!
e-Mail: Randy
Date 14th 2009f May 2009
Hello Sergey
I see you are working hard
on these swings. Perhaps some of the following pictures may give you some
thoughts alone the way.
This is how Dynamic Trader
gets there swings. First you look for a large swing then you look for a smaller
swing. Then based off of these two swings it predicts where the next top or
bottom is going to be. On the center pic you will see a GRAY bar on the
right side of the screen is the zone to look for the price to fall to.
The last picture shows Pivot
dates and times, and so on. These are real handy for intraday trading.
I hope some of this may
help you and spark some good thoughts.
Capt Randy



e-Mail: John
Date 15th 2009f May 2009
Sergey, three items, one need to change the colors(settings) line thickness for the advanced/resistance levels, specifically for the PR software, when I open the file to add lines the box is empty? Number two is default settings for various items, can you please make the default settings STICK to all the settings that are allocated to the particular item being worked on in question? I notice about three quarters of the items get saved as default and the other quarter do not throughout the entire software, would be great to save the work (module, indicators) as default FULLY once they have been changed for individual purposes, I do not mean changing stuff then saving it as workspace I mean individual items!! Last one would be great to have a scroll bar section for side chart movements for quick north south alteration rather than the arrows,(very slow), thanks, keep up the good work, John.
e-Mail: John
Date 15th 2009f May 2009
Sergey, I have created a folder where I have put all my historical data which is easily updated, I have TS saved everysingle one to my specific folder, however TR does not recognize these file,(see attachment) by the attachment you can see there are many files of data in my folder but TR only sees 2 of them, TS sees all of them, can you make TR compatible so it sees TS saved worksheet data?? I have attached my data folder so you can fix this so TR can read the saved data!
e-Mail: John
Date 16th 2009f May 2009
Sorry to send you this direct, having problems with yahoo!
http://www.scribd.com/doc/10050168/32-COT-Reports Sergey please follow this link and scroll down to pages 33-35 titled Planetary Swing Trading, my qestion is if TS can perform this function as described in the article, Thanks,
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 21st 2009f May 2009
Сереж - идея в том , чтобы в блоке турбоцикла на линии LBC иметь возможность оставлять только однонаправленные циклы (ламинарные). Не знаю , может через вектора. Хорошо бы иметь две галочки к примеру - buy & sell : она оставляет циклы , направленные вверх , другая - вниз. В момент пробития тренда ламинарный цикл может точнее показать момент окончания тренда во времени. Имхо. http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/l/e/lesovikov/6hb.gif
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 22nd 2009f May 2009
Сереж, было бы очень удобно , если бы курсор в Astronomy cimposite в режиме реального времени мог двигаться за линией LBC автоматически . http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/l/e/lesovikov/cursor.jpg
e-Mail: Irina
Date 23rd 2009f May 2009
In the email below there is something I asked you before. From the first sight the new idea for the filter in the pattern recognition program may be what is needed?
e-Mail: Robert
Date 25th 2009f May 2009
Only time will tell, but I believe that this ability to Filter will be, perhaps, the single most valuable tool that we have. I say this having analyzed 19 currency pairs across 1 minute data in another program that I own. The patterns seem to fit into about 4 categories:
1. Tight range horizontal channels (dead markets)-these eventually yield to breakouts-in either the Asian, European or U.S. sessions. Often the breakout creates a tradable trend.
2. Larger range horizontal channels which cover over 50% of the ATR (Avg True Range). Since these are more volatile these tend to dampen out and lead to stagnation (like a spring dampens)
3. Overnight in the currencies, you will see trend reversals that catch many trending systems off guard (and leaning the wrong way)-much like when the stock market opens way down toward the end of a bear move and then has a \"key, up-reversal\" as buyers come in and force the shorts to cover.
4. Trending markets which seem to occur only 20% of the time and rarely occur soon after the 5 PM Eastern rollover.
5. Illiquid, holiday markets where the price action is bizarre.
Also, you could look for patterns going into key news events like Employment or Fed Announcements to see if the pre-news pattern fits a past pattern pre-news pattern. (Trading news like this is quite risky, however!) That said, often news is leaked and the action prior reflects the leak and is ahead of the event itself. Just some thoughts....
Thanks Sergey,
e-Mail: Steven
Date 27th 2009f May 2009
There is a box to type in the Angle Separation, in this case 10.
In this case the anchor point is 328 degree, 07 minutes, Sun, Venus.
Would it be feasible to add a similar box to type in an anchor point?
It would save a lot of fussing time.
e-Mail: Pier
Date 29th 2009f May 2009
Planetary Lines
Price, Time shifts
e-Mail: Jim
Date 01st 2009f June 2009
PPT - Spectrum
e-Mail: Bill
Date 01st 2009f June 2009
When I look at many planetary combinations in the composite module most have small regions where the \"red\" indicates all the committee lines move together, and the remainder is regions where the direction is less certain due to divergence of one of the three test lines.
What I\'d like to do is create a projection line that uses only the \"red\" part of each planetary combination & not use, or ignore, the non-confirmed sections.
How can I do this?
Maybe it\'s already done automatically in NN?
Thanks in advance for your advise.
e-Mail: Peter
Date 05th 2009f June 2009
Could you add a save button ,to the wavelet diagram,module so that one can save it ?
It took 8-10 hours(I was away) to generate one ,and was afraid not to lose it by any crash afterwards...
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 05th 2009f June 2009
Сереж, идея синтетической планеты (Planetary Picture Time) , имхо , очень интересна. Было бы интересно посмотреть ее параметры в блоке Astronomy Composite c учетом Kind & Active Zone и in Mundo, а также период для Activity Diagramm в блоке Spectrum (по идее красное поле должно быть справа) и Target: Other metric. Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: John
Date 05th 2009f June 2009
Sergey it is fine that TS and TR can read each others workspaces but they only update on the program that has saved the workspace, can you PLEASE rectify this so the data can be updated by either program in both workspace formats?? Regards John.
e-Mail: Peter
Date 05th 2009f June 2009
Hi Sergey
Here I am again ;-)
I noticed that the astrotechniques module, gives the same hits in (helio) transits to progressedd(natal) as in (geo) transits to progressed(natal)
That is it gives the correct geo tranists to progressed(geo natal).
But for helio transist to progressed natal helio,it gives the same with the geo hits.
Would appreciate if at some point you would take a look .
e-Mail: Jim
Date 05th 2009f June 2009
e-Mail: Pier
Date 05th 2009f June 2009
as already told you this is a fantastic tool...
To the Group:
try this... start fm a top (bottom) and count fibonacci numbers ( 8...13...21...34...55..89...144.... )not only in bars but also in Moon degrees (or Merc/Ven/Mar and s.o.) both in Geo and Helio... in intraday use the same for Earth rotation degrees... you will find interesting points where market invert (or accelerate).
Your feedback is welcome, if it\'s worthy maybe one day Sergey will create a proper tool ;-)
e-Mail: Peter
Date 06th 2009f June 2009
Can I renisntall TS in a folder lets say c:\\Timingsolution2 so that I can have another one with 40 objects ?
That is TS1 with 40 objects(asteroids) and TS2 with (aphelion,ascending nodes etc)
e-Mail: Admin
Date 06th 2009f June 2009
HYP -> Progress Bar
e-Mail: petros.palaskas@ontelecoms.gr
Date 06th 2009f June 2009
I would like to be able and cast more than one natal and use in ULE
Lets say 50 !!
e-Mail: Pier
Date 06th 2009f June 2009
Sergey, about counter, is it possible to have at the end of the counter a
vertical dotted line that better show the period?
e-Mail: Anthony
Date 06th 2009f June 2009
A small request, if it is not too hard to incorporate.We all
know about the Gann geometric fans,how about Planetary geometric fans that can
be anchored from highs and lows,the chart shows the concept of the planet trend
lines.In the eg. its the old average of 5 planets,but you can select single
planets,either helio or geo and wack the usual angles 1x1 etc,but multiples are
a very good technique especially when the ups overlap with the downs.User
input for the angles ,to pick as many as desired would be great and I see that
feature already exists in your software for regular Gann fans.Thank you once
again for your service and ability to innovate and evolve the software.

e-Mail: Christian
Date 06th 2009f June 2009
i would like know if you can create one tool for search in data base :
for exemple when transiting uranus make one conjunction or one square or
one trine ....to the charts in these data base it s for create an selection's
charts who have a good transists as this we can create one new data ba with only
theses good charts and work only with theses charts:
in one data base i have for exemple 150 charts
i search the charts with an good transiting uranus to then natal's jupiter
for the month of august exemple 10 charts, i create one new data
base for this month ( august)
with these 10 charts ( the new data base ) i make an
another selection , exemple in theses 10 charts ,the charts with an good
transiting jupiter in their sun for exemple, as this i have an little
selection and i can follow only the charts with 2 or more good transits for
August and not 150 charts, I WIN TIME , EFFICIENCYand TIREDNESS, after i
can confirm my little ( between 3 and 10 charts maximum) selection
with the technical analyse
thanks christian
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 10th 2009f June 2009
Сереж - хорошо бы было на Turning Points Analyzer (TP) сделать вариант Scale type - Screen (автоматическое регулирование шкалы по графику цены ) .На внутридневных графиках шкала прыгает , график сжимается . Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: John
Date 11th 2009f June 2009
Sergey when using intermarket analysis and selecting download from file (see attachment) is it possible for you to make the the control key on the keyboard to be held down so multiple symbols at one time can be selected to be inputed into the intermarket analysis module? I have a lot of data to go through each symbol at one time is very time consuming? Thanks, keep up the good work, John.
e-Mail: Jim
Date 11th 2009f June 2009
The Main screen shows almost twice as much data/bars as my laptop and the worksheet comes up and remembers what the setup/display was when you saved it and tries to come up that way. Since it cant reproduce that on my larger screens immediately when it comes up, would that cause it to crash/error? Is there a way to have the saved worksheet default to a safe setting for all displays?
e-Mail: John
Date 11th 2009f June 2009
I notice whenever any timeframe is selected that is lower than daily the intermarket analysis module becomes not useable? The reason I am trying to use a smaller timeframe than daily for intermarket analysis is because when the daily charts show a forecast of leading indicators that are not in the same direction but have the same percentages how to trust which one? My reason is to go down to a lower timeframe and see if I am able to pickup more accuracy as to which forecasting leading indicator is the better one, I have already tried to forecast out further to see better results however this has not been fruitful, so my next step is to analyze on lower timeframes, is there a possibility of using intermarket analysis for the lower timeframes?
e-Mail: John
Date 12th 2009f June 2009
Sergey for short term traders I was thinking is there a way to create a module that looks at the historical price data and somehow can calculate at what time is the best time to be trading that particular market for buys or sells, in short instead of being in front of the computer waiting for a oppurtunity the module would work out the best time for a trading oppurtunity, regards John
e-Mail: Peter
Date 13th 2009f June 2009
Hi Sergey
I think that the counter module would be \"complete\" if you would add a function similar to PTV (price time vector),found in Cowans software and WV59.
Date 14th 2009f June 2009
e-Mail: John
Date 15th 2009f June 2009
Sergey in TR while running this in realtime mode I have 6 open at one time, I am running 5 and 10 minute charts in realtime, the problem is there is nowhere on the screen that tells me what I am looking at, I need to access the charts quickly and know exactly which timeframe and symbol I am looking at, is there something that I have not enabled or do you need to put this feature into the software? Regards John.
e-Mail: brent bryant
Date 17th 2009f June 2009
Hi Sergey
First thanks for everything!
When I am trading with the real time data feed on, the price quote on the timing solutions screen is so close to the bars or candle sticks that I am having a hard time distinguishing whether or not it is a new candle forming or the price sometimes. A solution would be to move the price further to the right of the candles/bars. It would also be nice to have a horizontal line that confirms where current the price is at. Thanks Brent
e-Mail: Robert Rundle
Date 18th 2009f June 2009
Hi Sergey,
Could you please add a \"VOLUME COUNT\" to your options / Bars Counter.
Regards Rob
e-Mail: Deckoor
Date 18th 2009f June 2009
Is it possible to get the summarized curve? Add patterns and get the resultant.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 19th 2009f June 2009
Сереж - было бы хорошо иметь возможность на графике с привязкой по времени (для интрадей) иметь возможность наносить стрелки - к примеру вот так : http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/l/e/lesovikov/model.jpg Всех благ
e-Mail: aaaddd999aaa@gmail.com
Date 24th 2009f June 2009
Будьте так любезны сделайте модуль data-mining.
Для того чтобы провести автоматический анализ данных, используется Data Mining.
Задачи, решаемые методами Data Mining:
1. Классификация это отнесение объектов (наблюдений, событий) к одному из заранее известных классов.
2. Регрессия, в том числе задачи прогнозирования. Установление зависимости непрерывных выходных от входных переменных.
3. Кластеризация это группировка объектов (наблюдений, событий) на основе данных (свойств), описывающих сущность этих объектов. Объекты внутри кластера должны быть \"похожими\" друг на друга и отличаться от объектов, вошедших в другие кластеры. Чем больше похожи объекты внутри кластера и чем больше отличий между кластерами, тем точнее кластеризация.
4. Ассоциация выявление закономерностей между связанными событиями. Примером такой закономерности служит правило, указывающее, что из события X следует событие Y. Такие правила называются ассоциативными. Впервые эта задача была предложена для нахождения типичных шаблонов покупок, совершаемых в супермаркетах, поэтому иногда ее еще называют анализом рыночной корзины (market basket analysis).
5. Последовательные шаблоны установление закономерностей между связанными во времени событиями, т.е. обнаружение зависимости, что если произойдет событие X, то спустя заданное время произойдет событие Y.
6. Анализ отклонений выявление наиболее нехарактерных шаблонов.
Скорость обработки увеличивается в сотни раз , а не в десятки как у вас . Точность прогноза просто фантастическая .Проверял на Дедукторе . Версия ограниченная демо. Но точность удивительная и это на рынке Форекс. Есть проги с открытым кодом это: WEKA http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/,Tanagra http://eric.univ-lyon2.fr/~ricco/tanagra/en/tanagra.html , Orange http://www.ailab.si/Orange/ (он тормознутый ).
А то я являюсь вашим не один год клиентом ,а программой не пользуюсь по скольку очень долго считает . Да и точность нельзя сравнить и близко с data-miming технологией .
e-Mail: Domenico
Date 27th 2009f June 2009
Sergey PRIOR to sending you the bellow 3 questions the \"Planetary Equidistant Lines\" module was the first area I went to in TS, but the problem is the result show up as vertical lines on the chart when using planetary equidistant lines module.
Where as I was hoping to get the same results as in planetary equidistant lines module except I would like to see the result shown as a simple triangle wave instead of vertical lines.
As you previously said Sergey I can go to ULE module and use \"Angle Diff./Orbit\" and the result is a simple triangle wave, but the problem is I cannot set the starting date of my choice, let\'s say 28th Apr 1942 or (008Deg Gemini).
I need a combination of both the above, is there a way on TS to get the results from \"Planetary Equidistant Lines\" to be shown as a simple triangle wave with a starting date of my choosing???
Thank you for your patience
e-Mail: Brent Bryant
Date 01st 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey
I am working with geometric patterns and angles, squaring price and time. And was wondering if there could be a tool similar to the bar counter or with-in that set of tools, where we could measure the length and distance of a line or angle maybe with a pixel measurement or something. Thanks Brent
e-Mail: Pier
Date 02nd 2009f July 2009
maybe I don\'t explain well what I\'d like...
Usually when you have active two (or more)softwares, when you click to choose one of these the other one disappear bacause the new software overlay the other...
as you can see in IB TWS you have another button (represented by a clove) that avoid the first one desappear but (if I have resized TS lower than screen) I can manage the other software too...
In my example:
I wanna have TS at 70% of screen and below W59 (I can see only the last bars)... if I click to change something in W59, TS disappear and I must re-click on the bar below to see it again... in poor words TS with this option is inamovable.
e-Mail: Ross Town
Date 03rd 2009f July 2009
Interactivebrokers (IB) realtime datafeed for TS
I\'m making this request b/c I\'m trading both US, Hong Kong mkt and FOREX but e-signal does not offer datafeed for Asian mkts. IB provides realtime datafeed for worldwide mkts. If TS can integrate with IB\'s datafeed, many TS users would benefit from it.
Thank you very much Sergey!!!
e-Mail: Kevin
Date 03rd 2009f July 2009
When loading Metastock data, there is not the same button to change the
periodicity as there is on the ASCII window. Could it be added tot he MS
e-Mail: Kevin
Date 03rd 2009f July 2009
When loading a new dataset, it is necessary to hit the Calculate button
each time. Am I correct in thinking that this is necessary for the
astrologically-based functions? For intraday FX datasets, it can take
several minutes to process and is strictly speaking not necessary if just
using the pattern recognition functions. Could it be an optional process or
am I missing something?
e-Mail: Anthony Tsousis
Date 07th 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey,in the midpoint mode in ule, the harmonics only go up to the 32nd could you have it user input or up to 144th thanx. Regards Tony
e-Mail: Domenico + Robert
Date 08th 2009f July 2009
Hi Domhk2000
and group,
PVT is not
necessarily the correct term for this means of measurement.
There is
nothing new under the sun did Pythagoras not describe this mathematical
means of measurement hundreds of years ago?
So lets be
more accurate and call it the Pythagorean Value / or timePrice² value. And
true to Pythagoras calculation it would be evaluated by A to B = √(Time²+Price²)
It appears to
be quite a valid means of measurement time : price. And if its introduced to TS,
it will be useful in evaluating this concept.
While were
on the subject of square roots and squaring, what would be of greater value
would be the ability to project from point (high or Low) the horizontal values
of this point
(i.e. point
A ą
(√A ą x)².
X for example
in multiples of 0.5 = 90° on a Square of 9. +1= 180°,
and +2= 360°.
You can even use 0.618 or 0.38 for interesting points of support / resistance.
Example if price was $25 at a high look for support / resistance at ;
25 +
(√25 + 1)² = 6² = 36
or 180°
Square of 9
25 +
(√25 + 0.75)² = 5.75² = 33.06
25 +
(√25 + 0.618)² = 5.618² = 31.56
25 +
(√25 + 0.5)² = 5.5² = 30.25
or 90°
Square of 9
25 +
(√25 + 0.38)² = 5.38² = 28.94
25 +
(√25 + 0.25)² = 5.25² = 27.56
or 45°
Square of 9
25 +
(√25 - 0.25)² = 4.75² = 22.56
or -45°
Square of 9
25 +
(√25 - 0.38)² = 4.62² = 21.35
25 +
(√25 - 0.5)² = 4.5² = 20.25
or -90°
Square of 9
25 +
(√25 - 0.618)² = 4.382² = 19.20
25 +
(√25 - 0.75)² = 4.25² = 18.06
25 +
(√25 - 1)² = 4² = 16
or -180°
Square of 9
Many markets
appear to move in Square Root increments. So an arrow from point showing degrees
of Square of 9 tool would be a very valuable tool? Or arrow showing starting
point ą (√value ą (X))².
com [mailto:timingsolut
com] On Behalf Of domhk2000
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:18 PM
To: timingsolution@
Subject: [timingsolution] Re: Price Time Distance Charting Tool
Hi Sergey
Would it be possible to add one more feature to this tool. Can you add a
Price Time calculation to work out the resulting vector using the formula
as posted by Rob whereby the resulting vector is calculated to be the
SQUARE ROOT of value time(x)² + value price(y)² = value PTV (Z)².
In doing this Sergey would it also be possible for the user to manually
adjust both the inputs in the Y and X axis.
For example with the forex market using the EURO as an example PRICE
trades at $1.3974 so in trying to find the best scale it would be good to
be able to adjust it up to the 4th decimal place because each 0.0001 pip
is worth $10 USD.
As for TIME it would be useful to be able to adjust it to a figure of
under (less than) one trading day. For example the forex trades 24 hrs a
day so using 24hrs instead of one (1) for each x-axis input would also be
helpful in determining the best scale or ratio between the X & Y axis.
Date 09th 2009f July 2009
One favor.
Can you add a box (in the sum volume )wich when checked ,will calculate the average Sum Volume ?
That is : Divide the product of the Sum Volume by the number of bars .
Thanks a lot
Date 09th 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey
Could you make an option on the Fourier String so that it shows the actual cycles composing it ?
Date 09th 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey
I am working with tick data and would like to specify in the MArket Profile the time range I want to analyze .
Date 09th 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey
Could you add at some point a ,regression channel ?
e-Mail: stig olausson
Date 09th 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey,
When you find yourself having nothing to do ( I presume that\'s far out into the future...) I have a suggestions to include in a future upgrade of TS:
Phi Spirals as described by Robert Fischer
Or in these examples http://www.fibotrader.com/tutorials.php
e-Mail: sssenat@yahoo.com
Date 21st 2009f July 2009
e-Mail: Lamonte
Date 22nd 2009f July 2009
Hi Sergey,
In your article http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Articles/anti_trend/index.htm
you mention that;
\"We observed this \"Inverse\" phenomenon very often.\"
reminded me of another article I came across with available algorithm.
Segmenting Time Series .. under references open Streaming Time Series Summarization Using User-Defined Amnesic Functions by Palpanas, T. Vlachos, M. Keogh, E. Gunopulos, D., (July 2008) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 7 pgs. 992-1006
Section 5, Conclusions, discusses \"algorithms from a data mining perspective\" ... the Top Down approach did not scale well, wheras the Bottom Up approach produced excellent results & scales linearly.
Could this be a similar phenomenon
I leave for your consideration whether the Sliding Window Bottoms Up algorithm would add to TSs intraday capability.
the above article resides at
e-Mail: John
Date 22nd 2009f July 2009
Sergey been looking at the market closely and I am seeing support and resistance being played out at previous levels of higher than normal volume, can you supply horizontal lines on the chart to correspond with the previous levels of higher than normal volume levels, with the abitity to do this on all different timeframes, at the moment I have found the 15minute timeframe to be reliable, the higher the timeframe the more accurate maybe but I think not so because the more volume the harder to ascertain if it is sellers or buyers that are winning, I am aware you have market profile but I need something on the chart and more sensitive in lower timeframes. Hope you implement this one, thanks.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 25th 2009f July 2009
Сереж, было бы очень удобно , если бы была возможность линию циклов спектральных , turbo ect, разного цвета выше и ниже нулевой линии, так как выше нулевой линии удары идут вверх , ниже нулевой линии удары направлены вниз. Там, где есть возможность видеть циклы в виде диаграммы это хорошо заметно. Regards, Serg
e-Mail: Test
Date 26th 2009f July 2009
e-Mail: Test
Date 26th 2009f July 2009
Test 1
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 26th 2009f July 2009
DB test, July 26
e-Mail: Sergey
Date 26th 2009f July 2009
New Test
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 02nd 2009f August 2009
The idea is Neural Net Solutions using Fibonacci and or PVT concepts.
For example:
1) Prediction of future CITs from Fib or Lucus number Trading-Day or Calendar-Day counts from H-L, L-L, L-H, H-H\'s.
2) TD or CD day counts from H-L, L-L, L-H, H-H\'s in fib ratios such as 1.618, 2.618, etc
3) Price projects based on fib ratios/extensions.
4) Same ideas as 1-3 , but using PVT vectors, or arcs.
5) On PVT scaling, program finds the best price/time scaling...or maybe a committee that uses different scaling factors for each committee line.
Bill Johnson
Aug 2, 2009
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 09th 2009f August 2009
For the Pattern Recognition Software...
The capability to seek patterns from the same dates in prior years.
For example, match the present market from 1-Jan-09 to 9-Aug-09(today), from
Jan1-Aug9 of prior years.
Maybe an option to test from prior decades....like 1999, 1989, 1979,.etc
Maybe this is already in advanced TS, & I\'m not aware of it.
Best Regards,
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: Benedict Goette
Date 10th 2009f August 2009
did you receive these mails, are you busy, or have they been filtered into
for a reply.
Benedict J.P. Goette
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009
11:42 AM
To: 'Sergey'
Subject: Bulk Processing of
"Planet in Sign" vs. "Planet in Sign"
Importance: High
working with the astro turning point indicator and some questions have come
there an article somewhere on the site or could you quickly give me a guide
how I could bulk-create the following events:
Event = ( Planet n is in Sign m AND
Planet x is in Sign y )
havent found a way to create all these mutations through all different
possible combinations automatically, and it would be very cumbersome to create
that manually)
course, it would be useful to do the same thing not only for signs, but also
for houses.
played around with ULE Zodiacal Aspects, but I believe I cannot currently
create this list of combined events (?).
Is there a dictionary or directory that lists all the possible syntax
for ULE ?
Especially I am looking for a way to display an indicator (output from an ULE
event) ONLY if it reaches a certain threshold, and dont display it
variation of that would be if the indicator would go over its 20-day
standard-deviation or something like that (not a fixed threshold, but a
relative one)
Moves over n Days
there a way to identify the constellations in force in larger moves
(e.g. 10 days of up or 10 days of down moves?) and identify all related events
(similar to the astro turning point indicator, but something like a Astro
acceleration zone indicator that would list bands / zones?
wish to count the number of occurrences of angles between planets
(within an maximum orb of n degrees ?)
I wish to count how many planets are making X degrees of angles, over time:
of Planets currently making 90* Angle (within an orb of +/- n degrees)
of Planets currently making 120* Angle (within an orb of +/- n degrees)
of Planets currently making 180* Angle (within an orb of +/- n degrees)
of Planets currently making 240* Angle (within an orb of +/- n degrees)
pair of planets making such an Angle would result in a value of 1, and I wish
to count across all planets)
Index should be: The Sum of the counted Number of Occurences.
believe you have already similar stuff in the Astro Indicators of the
ULE Library, but as far as I understand it, not precisely this?
you in advance,
Idea / Hint: Wolfram
you have a look at Wolframs voluminous book A New Kind of
Science? Its on sale now on Amazon.
basic proposition is that very simple automatons can generate very complex
wonder whether you had thought along his lines or if you believe one could use
of his principles to create little automatons that then could possibly be
parametrized with astro stuff (to turn or extend, eg.)
somehow, you are already doing something like that with the NN stuff.
Date 11th 2009f August 2009
Hi Sergey
Could you add a Zero line angle (starting from zero,price) module ?
For planetary angles too .
Date 11th 2009f August 2009
Hi Sergey
Could you add a module where one gets to see the dates a planetary or gann angle hits the prices ,and the days-bars-degrees travelled from the begging of the angle till the end of the LOW or HIGH .
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 12th 2009f August 2009
Приветсвую, Сереж. Вопрос по турбоциклам. Неплохо по крайней мере на неразрывных рынках как то форекс зарекомендовала себя дирекционная система +/-DI.Они работают в паре, так как важна именно точка их пересечения , что часто дает хороший входной сигнал. Есть ли возможность сделать так , чтобы при открытии в отдельном окне эти два индикатора были вместе , и также имелся уровень индикатора на значении 18-20, так как с этого значения индикатора считается , что начинается тенденция? это было бы замечательно, имхо ( см рис http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/l/e/lesovikov/DI.gif ) Всех благ, Сергей
e-Mail: Bill
Date 02nd 2009f September 2009
3. Problem #1, the number of cases up versus down on the \"Events Information\" screen don\'t agree with the \"Efficiency Test For Astrological Event\" screen (push the \"price\" button to get their).
e-Mail: Brent
Date 03rd 2009f September 2009
Hi Sergey,
Thanks for all you do!!! From what I can see, it looks like the Pattern Solution Program, Timing Solution\'s price slice charting tool and price overlay tool (I don\'t know if that is the name of it but, I use it a lot) are based on the close line... If this is true. Could it be possible to make an option for these tools to see and be calculated on the High and the Low point which would show the spikes and give a different and in some cases possible more accurate perspective. Thanks Brent
e-Mail: tw9gg5rs@shaw.ca
Date 12th 2009f September 2009
We have the harmonic strings in charting tools, is it possible to also generate a harmonic number for the period drawn? Could this number than be used as a Harmonic number in other modules in TS eg, in Astronomy where there is a place to input a Harmonic number. Would these numbers need adjusting if inputting into a Sun Sun or Moon Moon calculation??
Finding meaningful inputs from the price data is the challange, its like doing backward calculations on current data to get meaningful numbers that can be used as inputs for existing modules in TS to give future projection lines.
Just a thought, I don\'t know if it would fly.
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 15th 2009f September 2009
About annual cycles (or any composite module cycles)....
The composite module can create variants on the annual cycle by dividing up the historical data (for example it can use the oldest 1/3, middle 1/3, most recent 1/3 of the data history)
My idea is to create each variant line from years that have some similarity. For example, if years 1931, 1957, 1982, etc.....have annual pattern that is up-down-up....average those years to create a line. Then make another line from years that are up-up-down.....and so on.
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: Admin
Date 16th 2009f September 2009
Strategy into worksheet
e-Mail: John Eleuteri
Date 28th 2009f September 2009
Pattern Recognition Software Sergey, please think about adding a new module, my idea is to perform exactly the same as the intermarket analysis module, except have it forecast leading/lagging based upon major highs and lows, meaning see if the module is able to forecast based upon the major highs and lows, or any correlation in leading forecasting between high and lows.
e-Mail: Pier
Date 01st 2009f October 2009
Hi Sergey,
is it possible to divide planetary hours in Subperiods ?
I tested a little this method and with the help of numerology seems to work...
Here attached one example.
Today, day of Jupiter and 1/10/2009 = 1+1+2+9=4= Sun
If we divide every planetary hours in 8ths the first and last is the sub ruled by main planet (Sun for Sun and so on) , the others follow the order of normal planetary hours (Su,Ve,Me,Mo,Sa,Ju,Ma,Su in way the next hour, sub start with the ruling planet).
What do you think about?
Date 09th 2009f October 2009
When working with easy cycle,I can miss on a daily chart ,2-3 days sometimes and it becomes a mess.
I was thinking if you could transfer the easy cycle in the main window.
For example,using the wave module(on the left panel) ,and using the saw tool,be able to do the same thing as in easy cycle,but using the main window.
Then within the window of this module,be able to add,substract,divide etc (change phase,amplitude)
Also,it would be nice to make composites using ,a custom-period wing-wave
Instead of the fixed 2 and 4 wingwaves,a choice from 1 to 12 lets say
Then be able to mix and make composites with the wingwaves(from 2 to 12)
e-Mail: Nick
Date 14th 2009f October 2009
One issue I have always had is market direction. The 0.321, 0.318 inmundo intra day w sun sun settings is a fantastic predictive method. There are a couple of issues however that could use some refinement.
1. inversions sometimes occur with this method and knowing the market direction is critical.
2. trying to pin the turn down to the minute. This method allows for a time gap + - the projected turn time.
Please let me know if there are any ways to overcome this issues. I hane not done too much with futures but could the premarket action help confirm the direction? These items are critical and need solutions.
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 17th 2009f October 2009
For Pattern Recognition Software:
I would like the ability to select specific date ranges from the history to try to fit to present-day price.
For example, let\'s say I want to seek pattern from 50 year anniversary timeframe. I would maybe specify 1958-1960 to search for patterns of 2009.
OR let\'s say today we have a \"banking crisis\"....I may want to search time-ranges in history when previous banking crisis occurred.
Best Regards,
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: Lamonte
Date 09th 2009f November 2009
I have been using NN Autoregression indicators (set at 180 bars ahead) with some surprising projections.
I am using Indicators as inputs in both Step 1 & Step 2 eg. Balanced MA 14 & RPO 1, 14, 14; or ADX & DMI 14; or many other combinations. There are ~ 90 indicators in Autoregression and perhaps about the same amount in Step 1. Presently trying to determine which indicator to indicator combination produces the best correlation is a tedious process of running each combination individually. It would be easier to process a number of NN indicator scenarios together which would then be rated accordingly.
The question to Sergy is could you include this activity in Create/edit backtesting sceanario or a program like \"Solutions\" Experimental _2.ts which than kicks out the top 3 or 5 rated results, or a program that stands alone to do this.
This would also allow users to run and compare/rate the models they have already created and saved in NN but unable to tell which saved model is most efficient.
I find that calculating the right indicators (which are based on hard data) together will give some excellent projections. The task is finding which several indicators that will do this.
e-Mail: Peter
Date 18th 2009f November 2009
At some point could you add in TS ,the ability to convert daily prices in weekly and monthly automatically ?
Maybe custom also feature of 3 days chart or 15 days chart ?
It is very time consuming when I have to do it through other software and keep on updating .
e-Mail: John
Date 22nd 2009f November 2009
TR software, is it possible for Intermarket Analysis module to perform on all time frames? Not just daily, please add the ability to research all timeframes in intermarket analysis, if not can you please make this available just for myself? Thanks
e-Mail: John
Date 23rd 2009f November 2009
Updating TS data worksheets, I have about 60 worksheets X 4 daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, can you please make TS update ALL the worksheets at once on the same timeframe? Basically pressing CONTROL on the keyboard to pick which ones to update or SHIFT key to select first to last worksheet to update all, or a seperate box up the top header to tick UPDATE ALL, thanks.
e-Mail: Rob Kidwell
Date 29th 2009f November 2009
I have finished reading \"The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing\" by J.M. Hurst. There are a couple of concepts I really like. The primary concept is the envelopes which effectively treat the minor fluctuations as noice by enveloping the major action on two time intervals-one long term and one short term. Also, he incorporates a method called non-real time envelopes which take care of the shorter term moves. So he basically has three time intervals he suggests and the envelopes reduce the noise. The dominant cycles seem to jump out at you, but more important when the enveloping bands are separated using and ATR method they expand and contract appropriately with statistacal volatility so that they are not too wide during quiet times and expand when the market is really moving.
I believe that a Hurst module in Timing Solution would be a great addition.
e-Mail: Peter
Date 30th 2009f November 2009
Hi Sergey
Thought of you while doing some research on the SQ9
Was reading the other day some book on probabilities and was thinking of this:
Suppose we have 3 dates: The high of 2000 March ,Low of October 2002 ,High of 2007 Oct
ANd we take the geocentric longitudes of planets
Put the numbers on the SQ9 ,and want to find the 2009 March low
We could run probabilities theory ,in order to exclude some squares (from 1 to 360),based on statistical occurences in the 360 boxes-squares
For example the 2002 low and 2007 high have same longitude in SUN
We could use an algorithm to exclude the possibility that on the 4th date we are searching a Oct 11
example : possibility for next low(wich came on march 6 2009 that is ) to be on oct 10-11 in 2008 example 20%
Thus we exclude oct 10 2008 as low,and with it all other longitudes of planets on that day
mercury thru pluto (if we use pluto)
So we work with SUN (annual cycles at first) then with rest of planets
So instad of composites ,we run possibilities.
Another one:
Possibility the the Low after 2007 high ,to occur again on same venus degree from 2007 ,is for example 5%
Thus we add possibilities and we have for each date a % .
Some dates have a big % and other a small %
Another idea would be : the possibility of Mars from 2007 high to next CIT(LOW) cant be lesser than 300 degrees.So we exclude other dates from 2007 high +300 mars
and start excluding again planetary longitueds for that date (2007 high +300 mars)
Another one ,wich has the SQ9 ,would be:
Taking teh systems that exist for LOTTERY :
We divide the SQ9 ,into quadrants !!!
from 4 to 12 !
Also from Lottery:
Add all digits of planetary longitide :example 108 degrees SUN =1+0+8=9
so 3 dates with 2000,2002,2007 had for example sun 3,5 and 9
Patterns could emerge from that
Also from Lottery again:
even - odd numbers - of longitudes
There are at least a dozen fom Lottery systems
In the SQ9 ,also if we mark on the squares the longitude of planets,we can chose 3 pairs for example that of mercury -venus and sun and have a triangle .
So isosceles triangles can emerge or right triangles
The 3 sides of a triangle for example:
,one could be in 1st quadrant,second in 1st and 3rd in 2nd quadrant
Patterns here could arise
How do you find this idea of implementing the Lottery techniques on the SQ9 ?
I am thinking of geo and helio of course
I think basically ,that the market is a purely mathematical GAME
And I know deep inside of me ,that is solvable.
I am convinced 100%
Tell me what you think
Have a nice weekend
e-Mail: Peter
Date 02nd 2009f December 2009
Hi Sergey
It would be nice if you could add at some point,transitting midpoints to transitting-nata midpoints
e-Mail: Serg Lesovikov
Date 02nd 2009f December 2009
Приветсвую , Сереж
Извиняюсь , что не в разделе идей отписал, но - посмотри плз
По моему очень интересно - как третий инструмент ( первый - астро , второй спектр) - фрактальный
и там еще исследования и статьи
И вторая идея , полезная в этом варианте - когда начальная точка (то , что у вас выполняет роль LBC) может быть одновременно задана в нескольких местах
Best regards
Serg Lesovikov
e-Mail: Peter
Date 02nd 2009f December 2009
Hi Sergey
It would be nice if you could add %overtones as there are in equidistant lines module ,to equidistant planetary lines module.
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 29th 2009f December 2009
An idea for Pattern Recognition Software.....
Add the capability to search for similar patterns that have either expanded or compressed time scales. The main purpose is to search for fractals of similar form, but in a higher or lower timeframe. In other words, either search for the \"seed\", or assume we have the \"seed\" and find the expanded pattern.
Then of course, use the pattern for prediction.
The difficulty is probably the infinite time scaling possibilities.
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: chazaina@numericable.fr
Date 31st 2009f December 2009
hello Sergey
now i can give you some idea, as you have understand i work in sideral and it s for this that i ask you if it s possible to have asteroides aspects also in sideral and for all astrology technique where we work in comparaison to the natal chart
thanks christian
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 06th 2010f January 2010
This idea may already be in TS, but I\'m not sure....
The idea is to consider secondary hits to the zodiac location of planetary events.
For example, let\'s say Jupitor conjuncts Uranus at 10deg Aries.
A month later, Mars reaches 10deg Aries....This may be felt in the markets.
You would do this for aspects, stations, maybe sign changes. Also maybe add harmonics locations to the main event location.
It sounds somewhat similar to what FAM does, but in a more time-dependent or event-dependent way.
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: john eleuteri
Date 14th 2010f January 2010
e-Mail: Benedikt Goette
Date 27th 2010f January 2010
Would it be possible to display all \"single cycle\" sine curves that have been extracted and selected through
a) spectrum analysis
b) turbo cycles
not only in the cycle box, but also in the main window?
e-Mail: Peter
Date 08th 2010f February 2010
One favor
Can you activate the moon in helio ,in planetary steps,all planetary returns ?
e-Mail: Eldar
Date 19th 2010f February 2010
Hi Sergey,
Is it possible to adopt one of the features of Pattern Recognition program and put into Turbo Cycles solution? Such as View (Best Line / Committee) parameter as shown on the attached pictures.
Best regards,
Date 27th 2010f February 2010
TR sotware, intermarket analysis module, we need some type of one click to delete all the instruments after the intermarket analysis module has finished analysing, only the ones that do not have a tick next to them so they are able to be deleted as a one click procudere rather then delete them one by one, this speeds up the procedure to be able to then save the analysis.
e-Mail: John Eleuteri
Date 27th 2010f February 2010
Pattern Recognition Similarity model, there are so many variations, to make it much simpler and to take away the human emotional content of thinking I know where the price is going it would be a good idea to have a automatic optimize button exactly the same as the optimization automatically performed by the turbo astro model, basically click the auto optimze and the calculations will find the best historical price pattern fit for the current market user input settings!
e-Mail: Jim Ranum
Date 28th 2010f February 2010
Hi Sergey,
Great article on predicting the stock market and the improved wavelets module. This is really great material.
It has gotten me thinking (along with books Im reading) about a related methodology of analyzing different asset classes against one another for correlation. My question is does TS or Pattern Recognition already do this? I see usage of the terms like correlation used and the math must be similar. Im just not sure how to set it up.
In Pattern Recognition, it obviously finds sections of time where different markets have the highest correlation, so I guess this is more of a PR question. How can I see 2 different markets compared in current time and see what the mathematical correlation is? Id like to eventually find 4 to 5 different non-correlated markets to use for diversification and correlated markets to assist with making trades. Can it already do that or this a wish list item? Im not sure when I should go straight to wish list or when the program can already do something. (like this)
Thanks again for all the superb information and tools.
Congrats on all the Gold Medals!
e-Mail: Jim
Date 07th 2010f March 2010
In Pattern Recognition (and TS), Ive run into a couple questions about simple loading of data files. How do I change the default directory that always comes up first? And how do the History folders work? Shown here:
Ive tried many times to get the lower folder to come up and it never will. And the 2 History folders seem to just show whatever they want, whenever they want. They dont seem to be in a chronological order of last access.
Goal: I would like to open a large number of files from the same folder. Anything that could speed this up would be appreciated. (Intermarket analysis)
Or better still, highlight several files and have them all open? (OK, Im sure thats a Wish List item. I will go sit in the corner for 10 minutes. J )
Thanks Sergey!
e-Mail: chazaina@numericable.fr
Date 09th 2010f March 2010
hello Sergey
is it possible to have in eclipse finder as we have in the left corner an button chart, have an another button for the astro natal brithchart\'s eclipse
thanks christian
This would be a
great addition ... also I agree that an anchor from the midpoint where you
can restrain the proportion to expand or decrease the square would be useful. .
If it had the ability to show the angles of the lines ... and extend the
Gann angles past the constraints of the square into the past and future would be
a very very useful addition. And maybe someday (while
I am wishing) have the ability to change the parameters of the distance
between the squares to incorporate square root, fibonacci and other formulas for
square spacing. This would be my dream of the perfect trading tool ..
Thanks for all you have done and will
Sergey, and
What would be
of great value would be the ability to define X axis and Y axis (and lock it) on
the eclipse (and other drawing tools). And to drag this picture tool around by
its centre point. And contain it within Units of Price : Units of Time.
Without a truly squared chart these tools are really just hit and miss.
com [mailto:timingsolut
com] On Behalf Of Robert Rundle
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 8:55 AM
To: timingsolution@
Subject: RE: [timingsolution] Gann Square - question to Group
the flower of life is a powerful overlay

e-Mail: Robert
planet equidistant_lines.eml
Date 23rd 2010f March 2010
Hello Sergey
I have accumulated quite a few worksheets and I am beggining to forget wich is wich .
Could you at some point add on the right when we open one ,the date it was made,so as to get it faster ?
Thank you
e-Mail: Lamonte
Date 24th 2010f March 2010
Hi Sergey & Group,
Here is a informative tutorial regarding Wavelets http://users.rowan.edu/~polikar/WAVELETS/WTtutorial.html
Has anyone tried to relate market data to Terrence Mckennas Fractal Timesoftware based on fractal time . I tried to use TS fractal module (NN) without success. The dates related in the following article did produce turning points in the TSX index. http://pimpinturtle.com/2009/10/24/paradigm-shift-imminent-92509--92609.aspx It would be interesting if this fractal time stream could be reproduced in TS.
It is further described in http://www.johnsheliak.com/SubSpace_Bridge_Domain/Sheliak_Formalization.pdf
his website
has appealing concepts relating to Physics, Math & Cosmology and discusses the concept of Timewave.
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 27th 2010f March 2010
When the software finds an analog time period...I would like to constrain it to the same time of the year. I can partially do this with the \"month filter\". This makes the time of year \"almost\" lineup. It would be desirable to make it tighter by maybe the \"same week of the year\", or same day. Same day you get into issues about trading days/calendar days, so maybe the same week is good enough.
As an example, the similarity on the TS home page, year 2004....If you constrain it by using the month filter...you get a \"different story\".
Another idea is to combine the filter criteria...for example, lets say I want to only test years that end in zero (2010, 2000, 1990...) AND are in the same position in the presidential cycle (2010, 2006, 2002....)AND are aligned to the same postion within the year. This requires some AND/OR logic to work w/ the filters.
Best Regards,
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: Benedikt Goette
Date 04th 2010f April 2010
Upcoming Events tool -
would it be possible to not only calculate the effect for ONE day, but for the next 3 and 5 days after the event has taken place?
e-Mail: Benedikt Goette
Date 04th 2010f April 2010
Key Chart Similarity: => Efficiency Testing
1) display the range of values on a seperate scale (or give min/max values for the entire curve)
2) Make the statistical \"efficiency testing\" function available for certain levels of the Key Chart Similiarity Curve (e.g. to test previous and following market performance when the Value of the Key Chart Curve is > X.
e-Mail: Shane McDermott
Date 13th 2010f April 2010
What about a possibility to load two datasets together? You could have a single stock, together with the sector or all-share index. TS would subtract the relative contribution made by the market in general, leaving the underlying performance of the individual stock, which could then be analysed by astro or spectral methods.
e-Mail: Robert Kidwell
Date 20th 2010f April 2010
This is a simple idea, but one that has value: Be able to evaluate the effect of options expiration on the market.
Options expiration for the U.S. market is defined as follows:
The expiration date for all listed stock options in the U.S. is the third Friday of the expiration month (except when it falls on a holiday, in which case it is on Thursday).
It would be nice to have this as a ULE item simply called \"Options Expiration.\" I would not go as far as to say that market reversals are triggered, I would say from my experience that there is usually a reversal or high energy period in the 3-5 day period prior to expiration. Combined with other timing factors, this would likely be useful for identifying possible CIT or high energy periods.
Thanks for considering this,
Rob Kidwell
Date 20th 2010f April 2010
Thanks Sergey,that would explain it ! I can\'t wait to see it when you are done.By the way excellent continuing work with the software.A wish list thing,would be the Pentagon and other Platonic solids in the 4D mode. Best Tony.
e-Mail: Benedikt Goette
Date 08th 2010f May 2010
I am not sure - maybe I have already posted this?
Would it be possible to include in the \"Astro Turning Points\" section
not only zigzags, but to define time periods as follows:
- e.g. number of days (from 2 to e.g. 20)
- percentage change (plus) during that time
- percentage change (minus) during that time
and look for all constellations that had been active repeatedly during time periods with such percentage changes?
Thanks for considering.
Best regards,
e-Mail: Robert
Date 19th 2010f May 2010
Is there a way to use the planet (fictitious) Vulcan (between Sun and Mercury with a 24 day orbit)in additional objects?
And while Im at it the Point of Triumph. Point of Victory, Triumph & Aid = Asc + Jupiter Spirit
Part of Spirit: day birth: Asc + Sun - Moon night birth: Asc + Moon - Sun
Regards Robert
e-Mail: Lamonte
Date 25th 2010f May 2010
Hi Sergey,
In Trading Strategy Constructor have you considered including \"the average slope of all of the moving averages\" and only indicate the point where the slope changes from positive to negitave and vice versa. This would give an earlier and clearer turning point than the crossover of 2 moving averages.
just a thought,
Date 30th 2010f May 2010
Hi Sergey,
Is it possible to create a small module in which I could enter up to 3 nonlag moving averages and would monitor these moving averages so that it would be able to flag or have indicators at the pivot points of these moving averages whenever (1) a lower reading is followed by a higher than a lower reading again - this would be a TOP -, or vice versa(2) a higher reading is followed by a lower reading than a higher reading again - this would be a BOTTOM -. And if this could work in real time.
I don\'t need any lines just indicators at pivots.
This would allow clear indication of tops & bottoms (3 MA\'s would give confermation of each other, the longer MA would have the greater strength) and this way find buy & sell signals for intraday. Now I need to closely watch & peer at the srceen to determine if the MA\'s have made pivots.
e-Mail: Stig
Date 08th 2010f June 2010
I am one of those who is missing the possibility to use log scaling on
price, but since you once said, that you will contemplate putting it
back, and since I have other programs where I can use it for my studies,
I will not go into it. Just wait and hope.
No - what I would like to know is, have you thought about using log
scale on _*Time*_?
After all - the way we human beings perceive time as we grow older,
a_fter birth_, is logaritmic.
And since we are using _birth dates_ in astrology it seems logical to me
to be able to use log scale on time when studying the market over long
In my studies I have also found that there are dates in the stock market
history that are _connected_, often through fibonacci cycles. For
instance the low of 1974 - top or bottom of 1987, break out for the up
crash february 1995 (not many people are aware of that one)top of 2000
etc etc. These are \"energy dates\" (birth dates?) that connect.
Another logic would be that the movement of the market is the work of
the \"collective brain\" - one enormous brain, that is the result of all
paticipating brains in the market game.
From wikipedia:
*Collective unconscious* is a term of analytical psychology
, coined by Carl Jung
. It is a part of the unconscious mind
, expressed in humanity and
all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of
the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the
collective unconscious from the personal unconscious
, in that the personal unconscious is a
personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the
Collective Unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences
in a similar way with each member of a particular species.
Jung stated, in his book /Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious/ (p.
43), My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate
consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we
believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal
unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a
collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all
individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually
but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes,
which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form
to certain psychic contents.
Jung also made reference to contents of this category of the unconscious
psyche as being similar to Levy-Brul\'s use of /collective
representations/ or \"representations collectives,\" Mythological
\"motifs,\" Hubert and Mauss\'s \"categories of the imagination,\" and Adolf
Bastian\'s \"primordial thoughts.\"
Since I am a\"chart reader\" combining it with astro\" it would be
interesting to be able to experiment with that possibility of time log
Who knows, it might also benefit other cycle studies over time as well....
best regards
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Date 10th 2010f June 2010
Sergey could you add ,in the sum volume,an extra button inside , giving the ability to see the average volume per bar (day,week,mnonth,intraday) ?
Possibility of a new Program to be added to Timing
Solution at an additional charge in the future. The key to using options is
risk management(probability) and good predictive ability. This is the strength
of Timing Solution. Finding the right option Strategies along with
that predictive ability would be pretty incredible. Note the demo below and
its use of graphics to control program. Good concepts, unfortunately , I know
that Nirvana has terrible quality control. Bugs are everywhere and they are
very slow to repair.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:36 PM
Subject: Nirvana's OptionTrader - New Online Demo by Ed Downs is Now
Systems, Inc. 7000 N Mopac, Suite 425, Austin, TX 78731 512-345-2545
unsubscribe, send an email to marketing@nirvsys.com
with "Nirvana" in the subject line.
Date 23rd 2010f June 2010
could you at some point, add the ability to put the harmonic and fourier string ,into strategy ?
e-Mail: johnelga@internode.on.net
Date 24th 2010f June 2010
PR program, possible for the similarity module to automatically find the best fit by itself rather than user defined parameters,to be available both as a realtime feature and non-realtime, basically a extra button on the module for auto optimization or something like that, of course all the original settings stay as they are, basically just do what you did with Turbo Cycles, thanks John.
e-Mail: John Eleuteri
Date 25th 2010f June 2010
Please go to this website and look at http://www.futureanalyzer.com/Articles/PHP/What%20are%20the%20ephemerides%20and%20how%20do%20they%20help%20us.php will you be able to reproduce a table like they have giving a easy readable table (template) and assigning positive and negative influences and turning it into some sort of graphical representation? Thanks, John.
Date 25th 2010f June 2010
Hi Sergey,
In your email of the 24th 8:06PM you indicated that:
After that using Technical Analysis tools and some specific math (for filtering) we analyze these \"decision\" points and generate buy/sell signals.
As you see the astro performs timing task here, while Technical Analysis transfers potential signals into real ones.
Is there a way to not get buy signals during a price decline, when calculating Long trades and a way to not get buy signals during a price turn down, when calculating Short trades?
Would it be possible to include within the calculation a recognition for slope either by the specific selection of Long trades or Short trades, or in the final filtering calculation?
You may already have some scheme regarding slope. Perhaps imbedding a Hilbert transform or MESA MAMA or homodyne discriminator or some other means to somehow add slope into the calculation.
Date 08th 2010f July 2010
Add MSN as another data source. Should work similar to Yahoo.
Date 19th 2010f July 2010
The_Handbook_of_Market_Esoterica.rar (33.91 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/2VJCMYFEH1
Techniques of an astrotrader.pdf (6.07 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/YHLI4VHRAI
Please download and read these book, I found some of the techniques in them outside the box and very interesting, it would be great if you think that any of these are worth putting into TS especially for those of us who are not overly astrology minded, thanks.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 25th 2010f July 2010
Приветсвую , Сереж
На астрофинансовом форуме предложена интересный подход в определении управителя дня по восходу солнца . http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradingharmonically/message/5039
Текст :
The study of week-day rulers is indeed an interesting one, as Jace has put forward. I have some additional information that I would like to share with you from my own studies over the years that you might find useful.
First up, each day of the week is ruled by the following planets, as Jace has already mentioned, and I repeat here:
Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury
Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn
Sunday - Sun
In Vedic astrology literature, when you see a list of planets, they are usually in the order above though beginning from the Sun, i.e. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. This order simply reflects the week-day ruler list. In Western astrology, planet lists are usually in the order of the Solar System, i.e. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (then Uranus, Neptune and Pluto).
As far as I know, the assignment of the rulers of each week day originated from the speed of the visible \"planets\". In many sources, you will see the list of planets, in speed order, as follows:
As you can see, starting from the Moon assigned to Monday, each planet in the speed list is assigned to every second week-day, as the list \"wraps\" around. See the following list:
Moon = Monday
Mercury = Wednesday
Venus = Friday
Sun = Sunday
Mars = Tuesday
Jupiter = Thursday
Saturn = Saturday
The week-day ruler assignments may have originated from the Planetary Ruler list where each hour in a day has a planetary ruler assigned. The first hour from sunrise, on a particular day, is always the ruler of the day, for example, on Tuesdays, the first hour of the day from sunrise is ruled by Mars then each hour thereafter is assigned the reverse order of the speed list, such that the second hour is ruled by the Sun then the next hour is ruled by Venus, the next hour is ruled by Mercury, and so on.
As you know, there are 24 hours in a day. With seven planets, that means the reverse list is repeated three times, giving 21 hours. The remaining three hours simply continue on, so using the example above for Tuesdays, the remaining three hours are: Mars, Sun Venus, taking us up to the hour before the next sunrise. What is then interesting is that the next planet in this sequence is Mercury and, it then begins the next day, which is Wednesday, where Mercury rules that day.
You will find that the planetary hours (using the reverse order of the speed list) just seem to \"flow\" through the 24 hours for each day and enter the next day, as it should, with the ruler of the day at the hour of sunrise. It is indeed a remarkable sequence.
So, to be complete, each day of the week has a ruler for the day plus there is a ruler for each hour in the day.
I will not get too technical here but since the time of sunrise changes for every day of the year and for each location on Earth, plus the fact that the number of daylight hours changes with the seasons, each hour in the day is not exactly 1 hour as you would expect but can be a less or more than 1 hour. Most astrology software programs have tables showing the time of day when each \"planetary hour\" begins.
Neville Lang
Gold Coast, Australia
Говоря о ньюансах - может имеет смысл учитывать управляющую планету в расчетах intraday Turbo astro? Естесственно - ввод управляющей планеты возможен только дополнительно вручную, что может быть важно для форекса , так как круглосуточные торги захватывают разные часовые пояса и разные торговые площадки . оответсвенно - разный час восхода солнца, что в таком случае требует регулярного изменения планеты - управителя .
Возможно , это идея-фикс, мне сложно судить. Всех благ. Сергей.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 15th 2010f August 2010
По поводу \"Lost Paradise\" http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Articles/trend_following/index.htm . Есть три вида ситуационных рисков : 1)детерминированный ( в условиях определенности , проще говоря - на тренде ; здесь лучший индикатор - скользящие средние) ; 2) стохастический ( в условиях неопределенности ; здесь естественно подходят стохастические или инверсионные[\"Lost Paradise\"] системы ); 3) конкурирующий (в условиях конфликта; здесь , вероятно подходит свечной анализ). Все три вида рисков в различной пропорции и предпочтении постоянно присутствуют в рынке. Характер изменений в истории Доу на примере исследований понятен , но не затрагивает последний вид рисков. Предложение - включить в возможность исследования и свечные модели . Таким образом картина была бы более полной
e-Mail: Jim Ranum
Date 26th 2010f August 2010
Something I mentioned awhile back that Im still very interested in seeing PR be able to do. The way PR is set up, you pick out the 2 or half dozen stocks/equities that you want to compare or check for correlation, but that is the issue itself. Id like to point PR at a list of equities, say a list of commodity ETFs or currency ETFs or whatever and have PR go through the list and sort them into varying degrees of correlation. That to me is the heavy-lifting that a program like PR can really cut through. To take a list of say 50-100 ETFs and find the half-dozen that give you the most correlating and non-correlating with lead/lag info, would be incredibly powerful.
While doing some studying on Intermarket Analysis, they make a big issue about ensuring you have diversity by virtue of completely non-correlated markets to provide true portfolio protection. I would like to utilize PR to help me do that. Right now, you have to go through each stock/ETF a couple at a time. It takes forever. This would make PR the only tool of its kind and probably wanted by every big institution out there. (but lets not tell them)
e-Mail: Christoph Meissner
Date 14th 2010f September 2010
Hello Sergey,
to be more flexible in TI custom formulas,
it would be great to have some additional pre-built functions there.
I am thinking about:
int(x) which returns the integer value of a calculation \'x\'
modulo(x,y) which returns the remainder of \'x\' divided by \'y\'
if(x) then {result = something} else {result = some other thing}
variable assignment (i. e. var1 = calculation1;
var2 = calculation2;
result = calculation3(var1, var2);
I know, ...
a great wish.
The midway would be more than enough.
Best regards
e-Mail: Bill Johnson
Date 15th 2010f September 2010
For the Terra Incognita project....
Provide the value of the next(future) bar, that would trigger a buy/sell signal.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 19th 2010f September 2010
Приветсвую , Сереж. Хотел напомнить идею - иметь возможность прятать правую панель , оставляя только поле графика. Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 26th 2010f September 2010
I like the new \"Dominant Astro\" module, particularly the ability to see if an astro cycle is working right now. So far it has options of geo, helio, phase.
I would recommend adding other options, for example declination, or planet1-planet2 cycles.
Also this approach would be useful for fixed cycles. 4 yr, juglar, 10 year, etc.
Overall, I think this new module is important & should get its share of your model devlopment time.
Best regards,
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: Funan Chang
Date 01st 2010f October 2010
Stock scanner base on cycle(frequency and astro.)/model.
Best Regards
Funan Chang
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 03rd 2010f October 2010
For Pattern Recognition, or Similarity Module...
There are filters for \"interval\" and for \"month\".
It would also be interesting if there is a filter that aligns the calendar date or trading day of the year.
This would allow answering the question...What past time, on the same calendar date or trading day of year, is most similar to present-day? If you use 220(or 250 bars), you have which past annual cycle is most like today. If you use 2200, you answer the question which past decade is most like today\'s decade.
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 12th 2010f October 2010
Add declination & latitude to \"Graded Speed Model\"
Bill Johnson
Oct 12, 2010
e-Mail: Eleuteri
Date 31st 2010f October 2010
Pattern Recognition Software Need a extra check box with a search criteria to only search for patterns that that will be higher than a certain percentage (input by user) for internarket analysis module and also pattern similarity, will save time searching and cpu memory as well, something like a box with ENTER MINAMUN PERCENTAGE SEARCH.
e-Mail: Anthony Tsousis
Date 01st 2010f November 2010
Hi Sergey, if you could,please add lunar mansions.There are 24 according to William Rameseys Astrology Restored.If you don\'t have the borders I will provide eg Lunar Mansion No. 1 starts at 20 Aries 6, No.2 at 2 Taurus 6 etc.It could go in Phenomena/terms/faces etc. Remember years ago I asked for fixed points and you did it.I can\'t find it anywhere.I think it was in experiment.Also maybe it could be placed in ULE aspects,as it would be good for intraday for determining when, say asc/mc ingress the various mansions and see what reaction occurs.Hope you are well,still love your work.Best Regards Tony.
e-Mail: Peter
Date 01st 2010f December 2010
Hello Sergey
If I add these files ftp://ftp.astro.com/pub/swisseph/ephe/jplfiles/ to the swiss ephem folder will it work in TS ?
We have extended the timespan of the JPL ephemeris by numerical integration, so that Swiss Ephemeris covers the years 5400 BC to 5400 AD, a total of 10\'800 years. For this extended timespan the ephemeris requires 32 Mbytes of ephemeris files.
I want to solve the 2012 Dec 21 mystery for once and for all !
Millions of people are afraid to die then !!!!!!
I would like to backtest with dates I have from Greek history (till 700 bc or something ) and then run test likes key similarity chart in helio (jup....pluto) for Dec 21 2012 ,waxing-wanig with earthquakes etc
e-Mail: John Eleuteri
Date 08th 2010f December 2010
Self Similarity module, need the bars after LBC to remain as inputted by user rather than returning to default (300) after it is saved as a worksheet, also need the ability to backtest the options that are available in the Filter section to improve the accuracy which will help define what is the best time to forecast the market, thanks.
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 09th 2010f December 2010
How do you divide the chart in Training, Testing, Verifying zones. I remember at some point in past we could do this, not sure if it was in MarketTrader only ?
What I intend to do is in Neural Net optimization, I want the criteria to be valid equally in all 3 divisions of the chart.
Right now say if want correlation 75%, then it may be valid in total time period but the recent period could be just 40%. Or if it is good in recent period then overall it could be bad.
So we need optimization criteria that is equally good or user specified value like 75% in interval Training & Testing & Verifying
You have Testing + Verifying. I think this is different because it may give good in overall time period but not separately in each time period.
Note: One important request if you can include Win/Loss ratio also in Optimization Stop criteria in Neural Net
e-Mail: Serg Lesovikov
Date 11th 2010f December 2010
Приветсую , Сереж. На последней выставке Forex Expo Kiev очень понравился доклад Елены Кашиной (Екатиренбург) о ее системе анализа опционов. Ежедневный анализ (в рабочие дни ) здесь - http://www.fibo.ru/trader/analytics.html?step=1 Пояснения - http://forum.fibo-forex.ru/index.php?showtopic=2900 . Идея в том , что если каким то образом формализовать сбор данных по опционам - уровни можно было бы отразить к примеру вдоль левой вертикальной оси в программе . ( Контрактная фьючерсная спецификация: http://www.comex.com/trading/metals/precious/gold_contract_specifications.html
Информация по итогам предыдущего торгового дня (03.12.2010). DAILY INFORMATION BULLETIN CME (Chicago Board of Trade/NYMEX Company): http://www.cmegroup.com/daily_bulletin/Section62_Metals_Futures_Products_2010234.pdf
Объемы спекулятивных и коммерческих позиций. Отчет Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) по объемам позиций ( www.cftc.gov )
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, November 30, 2010: http://www.cftc.gov/dea/options/deacmxlof.htm
Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, November 30, 2010: http://www.cftc.gov/dea/futures/deacmxlf.htm
Размеры премий по опционам на фьючерсы: http://online.wsj.com/mdc/public/page/2_3024-futopt_metals.html
Общая информация о мировом рынке золота: http://www.research.gold.org/ )
e-Mail: Abhay
Date 22nd 2010f December 2010
Is it possible to find a wave structure of planetary steps by way of optimization.
e.g I want to find a wave structure of 3 steps or 5 steps or 7 steps for Ven - Jup
Possible structure could be steps of 45,45,45 or 45,30,15 or 45,22,15 ......
So system should be able to run through many combinations and find best wave structure based on steps of each planetary pair and give correlation results and win/loss and other profitability statistics
This can be a very important discovery
e-Mail: Reconstruction
Date 11th 2011f January 2011
Please find attached an excle file I recently made for S&P500.
It contains the reconstructed data (rec), the real data (real) and the difference between them (diff).
Then I addded a column that reduce each line in a constant value to \"bent\" the projection line down. I assume it is the closest \"linear\" aproximation I couild easily apply with excel.
I tried to use several parameters (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) and see the resulting graphs.
In the 4th column I also shifted the reconstructed data in 50 days to see how it fits.
e-Mail: Scale
Date 11th 2011f January 2011
Also how to display the declination value in the Left Hand Y Axis? Im sure Ive seen it on the indicator panel before ( not main panel though)
Regards Rob
e-Mail: Benedict
Date 18th 2011f January 2011
Key Chart Similarity - Enabling Statistical Analysis:
1) display a numeric value (e.g. % Similarity) of the green similarity curve (e.g. when you touch it with the mouse, or display a second axis for it).
2) one should be able to define a minimum % similarity threshold and then perform the efficieny testing / statistical testing on all instances where the key chart similarty curve was > x% similarity.
So we could have objective evaluation of a specific day\'s constellations.
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 18th 2011f January 2011
In Terra Incognita - Trading Strategy Constructor - can \'insert function\' please include Right Ascension for the various planets. Many thanks. Peter
e-Mail: Peter
Date 01st 2011f February 2011
Hi Sergey
Was thinking :
ability in the model editor of the events box to change the orb for each event:
sun trine mars 10 points 2.3 orb
sun square mars -23 points 5.5 orb
Also change the orbis for each event:
example :
sun trine mars 10 points 2.3 orb constant
sun square mars -23 points 5.5 orb triangular
e-Mail: Ulrich
Date 02nd 2011f February 2011
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 27th 2011f February 2011
Приветсвую , Сереж. Во первых - с Масленницей. Вопрос в следующем . Допустим - есть ``вечный фьючерс`` , составленный из отдельных контрактов длиной в несколько лет . Хорошо бы иметь возможность его пристыковать к котировкам real-time реально торгуемого контракта. Скажем - есть поток e-mini S&P(Globex) в ТМ4 , но длина его - всего пару месяцев в лучшем случае. Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 11th 2011f March 2011
Приветсвую , Сереж. Спасибо за подсказку с резонансом. Два близких доминирующих цикла сейчас сложились на евро (при стандартных настройках спектрального блока ) http://s56.radikal.ru/i152/1103/2a/56bd99fc657d.gif Связал резонанс с инверсией , прошелся по интернету . Идея в том , что инверсия гасит резонанс. Интуитивно чувствую , что идея верная . Всех благ. Сергей
e-Mail: Peter
Date 11th 2011f March 2011
Hello Sergey
was thinking of this for the easy expert:
a) using midpoints i came up with some 2000 results ok ?
So I want to check a past high(wich holds for more than 1 month).So I zoom in and get to see lets say 20-30 events.I would like to \"lock\" these lets say 20-30 events by zooming and selecting lets say 3 days prior to high and 2 day after the actual high
So I get maybe 30 events
SO I have these events saved somewhere(in a different window or something within the easy expert module)
I then go and repeat the same for other highs .Let say another 10-20
And do the same
So I come up with maybe repetitive events or maybe not
Maybe I come up with 10 only events
But these 10 lets say ,used afterwards in the EVENTS BOX ,may be of real value
b) another idea would be to see repetitive 2 events falling in a time span -+ days
lets say I get on date 1/1/2000 venus0saturn ,and satun/uranu120moon and on 1/1/2000 there is a high
lets say we find that venus0saturn has a high chi square or is 70% for highs -+1 day
and that saturn/uranus120 moon is with x chi square or 90%
So like the KEY similarity chart ,I would like to any combination of those two
Including the initial venus0saturn and sat/ura120 moon
that is venus 0,30,45,...180 saturn and sat/ura 0 ,30,45,..180 moon
In other words ,search for pairs ,wich interact somehow(thru degrees) near highs or low ,so that I can use them in other modules
for example :
again in EVENTS BOX ,ULE(f) ,NN etc
e-Mail: Ed
Date 19th 2011f March 2011
Thanks Sergey,
Ok i think I understand what you are doing with the scaling. It was a little confusing at first when I tried to see what was implemented. Is there anyway for the user to input manually for 1st harmonic so that 360 degrees represents 180 price points, i.e every 180 points in price is 360 degrees around the circle.
e-Mail: Stephen
Date 25th 2011f March 2011
Is there a way to get Moon Void of Course to come up on the Calendar apart from doing moon in each sign and manually going through to see change of signs. This way also takes away Full and New Moon being shown in Letters.
e-Mail: 4dmitry
Date 01st 2011f April 2011
Hello, Sergey!
Several months ago I switched from 32-bit to 64-bit system because I wanted to increase the memory capacity for TS. Now I have 8 GB RAM(4+4), but my experience with TS says that you can use only 4 GB (or less) even with 64-bit system. For example, I can run TS 2-3 times and load TS with heavy tasks, but each of them would use not more than 4 GB.
I guess this is because the architecture of TS is X86 and was developed for 32-bit systems. I understand that many users prefer 32-bit system... If it is so, are you planning to switch to 64-bit or planning support both in future? At least this would be very helpful for backtesting. I understand that upgrading both 32-bit and 64-bit versions is very difficult and time-consuming... Anyway, I see at least three options:
1). making 64-bit system and upgrading constantly - 32-bit and 64-bit both Basic and Advanced
2). making 64-bit module isolated (separately)only for some specific tasks (like Backtesting, making Calendar with Easy Expert format etc.)?
3). leave 32-bit for Basic version only and make Advanced version 64-bit.
I guess the last option would motivate many guys to switch to 64-bit system and obtain TS Advanced... :-)
e-Mail: JK
Date 04th 2011f April 2011
Dear Sergey, Group,
I recently came across an interesting compendium \"Lexikon der Planetenbilder\" by Witte (Hamburger Schule, Uranian Astrology)
Some mundane astrologers seem to apply these \"Planetary Images\" with certain success.
I just wanted to ask if and how the so-called Transneptunian factors can be used / tested in TS - would it be possible to code them into those planetary check-button selection windows that we use to define which (also containing Chiron, Ceres, Juno, etc)
Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:
Transneptunian factors posited by Witte and Sieggrün Name
Source Earlier data
262.5 41.0
Witte/Neely 262.5 estimated by Witte in 1923
360.6 50.7
Witte/Neely 360.66 estimated by Witte in 1924
455.6 59.2
Witte/Neely 455.6 estimated by Witte
521.8 64.8
Witte/Neely 521.8 estimated by Witte in 1924
589.4 70.4
Neely earlier estimated at 576 by Sieggrün
631.7 73.7
Neely earlier estimated at 617 by Sieggrün
679.0 77.4
Neely earlier estimated at 663 by Sieggrün
765.3 83.5
Neely earlier estimated at 745 by Sieggrün in 1934
OP=Orbital/Revolutionary Period in years, rounded to first decimal.
AU=Distance from Sun in Astronomical Units, rounded to first decimal.
Note that the values established by Witte were proven to be quite accurate by ongoing research since the 1920s, while the values posited by Sieggrün required minor adjustments to correlate with later research results.
Thanks for brief feedback, and kind regards,
e-Mail: Christian
Date 21st 2011f April 2011
Another question every time I start the program it calculates the ephemeris which with the extra objects takes
too much time
Can you make it so that the program remembers the last calculation and skips doing the same
calculation again but instead loads the data from a file saved on disk during the previous session to save time ?
e-Mail: JimR
Date 24th 2011f April 2011
Please consider enabling us to see aspects between planets and the planetary nodes (Orbit section of ULE).
Much research has been done on Planetary Nodes, but not enough. It is very difficult to do this research as the planetary nodes move just enough to make research to a stationary point not valid. Some planets like Jupiter node move several degrees in just a short time.
ULE - Orbit section only allows conjunction to itself, the same planet. This is not very useful. Sun conjunct or square the Asc. node of Uranus, for example, would be useful.
According to research by Carl Payne Tobey on Bonnie Lee Hill\'s website, these points are like eclipse points.
Since TS already has these points, we just need to connect the dots.
Thank you.
e-Mail: lesovikov@yahoo.com
Date 01st 2011f May 2011
Для форума на timingsolution.net хорошо бы подстроить его так , чтобы удобно было переводить с французского с помощью Google translate : http://translate.google.com/#
Date 13th 2011f May 2011
Hello Sergey
I would like to be able in ULE ,once I open a saved .LMD to open another one and add them together,without the first one disappearing
So I would like to open abc.LMD and the also def.LMD without abc.LMD disappearing
So that I end having
L1 and L2 accordingly
Thank you
e-Mail: Alon
Date 16th 2011f May 2011
OK, I can see now. This seems better than the previous view in days.
So, BTW, maybe the \"lag\" shifting should also be in bars - in that case it will cover the intraday option too?
e-Mail: Pattern Recognition
Date 09th 2011f June 2011
You have developed the pattern recognition software. However I have found as no doubt many traders have that particularly in a rising market there are often tiny complex fractal patterns that eventually reappear in a scale anything from 3/4 times to 10 times at a later date which can provide remarkable and powerful forecasting potential if judged correctly. So far using these ideas can only be done by observing the chart carefully and using ones instincts.
The difficulties are that the pattern as it scales up shows much greater detail that can lead to confusion and only almost after the event can you see that the pattern has scaled. Not only that some partial rotation can often take place and choosing which of the smaller patterns is scaling can be treacherous.
I no longer have the mathematical skills to know but wondered if advanced fractal mathematics has/would be capable of screening and forecasting the most likely pattern to emerge. I presume to some extent that is what your pattern recognition software does but there may be possible different approaches to the problem.
Just a thought.
Best wishes,
e-Mail: Lamonte Haldecing
Date 17th 2011f June 2011
Hi Sergey,
Would you consider this concept to have application in TS to determine changes in stock price direction?
The Self-propelled particle (SPP) system
Published in the New Journal of Physics, the scientists have created a scientific model, called the self-propelled particle (SPP) system to analyse the movement of flocks.
Kunal Bhattacharya, of the department of biological physics at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, said: \"In the absence of a decision-making leader, the collective shift to land is heavily influenced by the perturbations that the individual birds are subject to, such as the bird\'s flying position within the flock.\"
He added: \"Our main motivation was to better understand something which is puzzling and out there in nature, especially in cases involving the stopping or starting of a collective behavioural pattern in a group of people or animals.\"
He said: \"Possible applications include collectively flying unmanned aerial vehicles, initiating a desired motion pattern in crowds or groups of animals and even finance, where the results could be used to interpret collective effects on selling or buying shares on the stock market.\"
e-Mail: LH
Date 19th 2011f June 2011
Re: Self-propelled particle (SPP) system, cont
This concept makes sense given: the many computers (birds), likely all similarly programmed, will act with a collective motion to drive market (price) either up or down, and will likely act as a flock of flying birds changing direction in flight from time to time.
e-Mail: Lamonte
Date 05th 2011f July 2011
In the Self Similarity program are you planning at some future date, that the model automatically compare all Compare last (order) bars to select the one with the highest rating that would then be displayed?
I\'ve recently read an article (2008) reported the application of genetic programming to financial
forecasting was by Neely et al [16]. They showed that technical rules can be generated by
genetic algorithms to beat the foreign exchange market. Their rules gained excess returns
on major currency exchanges without incurring extra risk. This is significant because the
results suggested that patterns can be found in historical prices and those patterns
appeared to repeat themselves. Moreover, this work gave evidence that genetic
programming can be used to find such patterns. Page 7
e-Mail: Peter
Date 21st 2011f July 2011
Hello Sergey
It would be nice if at some point , you would consider making in TI a module wich would backtest divergences of indicators.
e-Mail: Jim Mertes
Date 27th 2011f July 2011
Hello Sergey,
Please consider adding galactic longitude and latitude and supergalactic longitude and latitude to your selection of astronomical coordinates. This should be easy to do as the conversion from either equatorial or ecliptic coordinates to these coordinates is fairly easy. If you need help with the conversion formulas please let me know. It would also be convenient if you could add the galactic center and galactic anticenter to the list of astonomical objects the program contains. Also consider adding other significant galactic and supergalactic objects like the Great Attractor, the Shapley Supercluster, etc. It would make it easier to research the interaction of our relatively fast solar system objects against these slower and more massive fixed objects.
Thank you,
e-Mail: Ross
Date 11th 2011f August 2011
Regarding the \"Range terms by weight\" feature, does it re-calculate the weight with new data? if not, would you create a button for re-calcuation?
Thank you so much for your effort.
e-Mail: John
Date 28th 2011f August 2011
the one chart, the Standard version I seem to have a lot less trouble with for some reason, it is the fact that the whole program freezes not just one thing, anyway I read your post about Similarity module and how you use 3 different lookback parameters, you may want to have a look at this, I have been following this for 2 weeks now, I have a very old version in Metatrader 4 however it has been picking turns in the market to the exact minute sometimes, (i have never seen anything like this in all my trading) you may want to setup something like this for Simalarity Module, if you watch the short video, so basically this guy has programmed the data to be run through mining stastics, he thinks that it uncovers instutional involvement, anyway he goes back 7 trading days and uses the histogram mining data analysis from 7 trading days ago which will give turns in the market today, I am thinking Similarity module should maybe be able to pick this up as well on the M1 chart, but need to check this with backtesting, so somehow need filter for looking back historically exactly 7 trading days ago and at the same times to see if this would work or something to that effect, you will come up with something better or understand once you have seen the video, sorry for not putting into wishlist because I think you would not understand what I am on about, let me know what you think, regards John, Perth.
On 26/08/2011 5:21 AM SergeyTS wrote:
e-Mail: Bill Johnson
Date 29th 2011f August 2011
I just read Ed Carlson\'s book on George Lindsay.
He introduced the concept of an \"interval\" vs. a \"cycles\". An \"interval\" is a time count from an important turning point, that projects another turning point...But does not consider the ups/downs cycling in between. Maybe it\'s analogous to a fib count like 8, 13, 21 or 34 bars from a CIT to another CIT, ignoring what happens in between.
So the idea is to use TS in an attempt to find these important intervals. I think theTS\'s turning point analyzer is close, but not exactly what is needed. For main difficulty I see is this method requires finding counts that skip over several cycles.
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: al martin
Date 10th 2011f September 2011
I use the zigzag turn points to look for cycles (as did Gann). Could you incorporate a feature that would first identify the number of top and bottom hits within a parameter of say 20% of cycle length. Second could you set up an optimalization for the zigzag turn percentage from user adjustiable setting. Example zigzag turn of .8 to 6.8. Identify in a table the number of hits to misses and percent. The information would identify closest fitting zigzag cycle for the planets or aspects used. I think the information obtained could be used to make your new \"T17\" module truly incredible.
e-Mail: 4dmitry_Правила изменения часового пояса для Москвы
Date 19th 2011f September 2011
Hello, Sergey!
Would you please change the time zone change rules for Russian cities after spring 2011. I need it because making results for Easy Expert module takes 2-3 weeks in my model, and I want to make forecast for the period longer than that finishing October 29th.
Может я не ясно выразился, но мне очень нужно точно понимать, что часы после 29 октября не будут снова пересчитываться на 3й часовой пояс (сейчас это 4й). Сейчас у меня нет такой уверенности, даже если я вручную удаляю изменения часового пояса при загрузке данных.
e-Mail: 4dmitry
Date 26th 2011f September 2011
у меня две мысли по поводу развития Easy Expert. Из-за того, что он считается очень долго, то корректировки в модели бывает сделать уже достаточно поздно. Предлагаю следующее:
1). Сделать возможным составлять перечень всех (или по выбору) FAM событий на определенный момент времени. Например, на 14 часов определенного дня. Получится максимум несколько десятков событий, которые будут считаться достаточно быстро. Это высвободит память машины и даст возможность сделать расчет на конкретный день (например, +/- 12 часов) с нужной степенью колебаний и риска.
2). Из-за того, что некоторые редкие события дальних планет \"ловятся\" только по дневным графикам DJIA или S&P500 (а их черно-лебединую песню нужно учитывать в любом случае), то можно ли автоматически или вручную разделять поиск по разным инструментам, например, чтобы событие случалось минимум 4~10 раз:
а)по разным финансовым инструментам: валютные пары, локальные индексы, DJ, S&P etc.
Мне кажется эти два момента способны сделать EE самым мощным модулем как для intraday, так и для среднесрочной торговли.
e-Mail: f.sawyer2@verizon.net
Date 15th 2011f October 2011
Hi Sergey
Hopefully this is an easy one. In the similarity module it would be great if the line thickness can be saved. Whenever I increased the line thickness and save the work, it doesn\'t save the line thickness and reverts back to the default thickness of 1.
Also when I run the similarity module and get multiple years, I like to overlay all the years onto the chart. I can do that by opening up separate windows but again when I close out the worksheet and open it up it defaults all the similarity modules back to the first similarity option. As an example let\'s suppose the S&P 500 for a 200 day period shows a similarity 0f .91 for the year 1991 and then a .88 similarity for 1998 for the same 200 day period. I should be able to overlay both of these years and save them so that when I open it back up the years are saved with the saved line thickness
If you have any questions please let me know
e-Mail: tw9gg5rs@shaw.ca
Date 02nd 2011f November 2011
I am presently running spectrum analyzer, wavelet, in TS 64-bit on five-minute data to get the current active patterns. For wavelet to run from 0% to 100% it has taken 31 minutes, this is far too long because it had to calculate unnecessary patterns from the beginning of my available price data. (I am running Windows 7, 64-bit, i7 CPU, 12GB RAM)
Would it be possible to create (a spectrum analyzer result) or a turbo based on wavelet alone, where the wavelet result that is only calculated on (perhaps the last 30 bars or 1 - 2 hours of data for intraday and perhaps the last 4 7 days for daily (or the minimum amount of price data needed to find a wavelet result)). I am using Spectrum/Wavelet data calculated on Zigzag indicator (2.5), in Turbo under Advanced both indicators would be set at Zigzag 2.5, I have had some reasonably good results with this setup however I haven\'t tested similar type indicators to see if I could get a better result.
That the results from the above (FAST) wavelet calculation be made available for use in Neural net or other programs. I have had some reasonably good results by inputting this data into neural net, using Price events Zigzag 2.5, input Wavelet result, and run procedure to find the best training interval, then run NNs resultant projection. All inputted data must be current.
e-Mail: 4dmitry_64-bit testing
Date 03rd 2011f November 2011
большое спасибо за великолепную идею перейти на 64-битную систему. В последнее время я в работаю только с блоком Easy Expert и Upcoming Events (как блоком предварительного отбора данных для Easy Expert). Что заметил в 64-битной системе:
1. При первичной загрузке данных если курсор мыши нажать куда-то не туда (например, на другую программу), то появляется message с системной ошибкой - \"invalid floating point operation\". Это происходит после того, как жмешь на \"Click calculate button\" и только в том случае, если курсором тыкаешь в другой части экрана (например, хочешь свернуть окно или что-то вроде этого). Если никуда не тыкаешь, то загрузка проходит нормально.
2. Model Editor наверное еще не переведен на 64-bit версию, т.к. ему не хватает памяти для таких операций, например, как \"save file as\" или \"Delete Double\" при большом объеме событий.
3. Хорошо было бы, чтобы при запуске нескольких блоков Upcoming Events все они работали одновременно. Сейчас они работают последовательно. В результате остается более 5 гигабайт оперативной незадействованной памяти. Всего у меня на компьютере 8 гигабайт.
По поводу Easy Expert: хорошо было бы результаты расчетов сохранять в рабочий файл, чтобы можно было в любой момент посмотреть на любой отрезок времени в прошлом и будущем, и чтобы было видно к какому событию относятся те или иные стрелки. При этом важно понимать, что \"это\" событие влияет на рынок на 0,5%, а \"это\" на 3%. Сегодня я делаю снимки экрана на весь прогнозный период, но при этом теряется информация какое событие относится к той или иной стрелке. Информации из Calendar for Easy Expert недостаточно, т.к. там все ограничено 2500 событиями. Может быть увеличить это число?
С уважением,
PS Снова про Easy Expert: Для того, чтобы анализировать исторические данные по влиянию комбинаций стрелок на рынок, я также делаю снимки экрана рынка в прошлом. Это оказывается очень полезно для анализа. Я выявил несколько рабочих паттернов таким образом. В этом направлении я вижу большой потенциал.
e-Mail: Tay
Date 03rd 2011f November 2011
am wondering is there a way to use the saved template and change the
underlying price instrument without having to recreate another one using
the ULEs again. i.e can we aggregate all the ULEs and create a master
wts template ?
I have a template saved for SP500. I will like to use the same template
for DOW and NASDAQ.
Also under the aspect ULE. Can we modify the planet and aspect
relationship after we created the ULE for the template. How about the
ordering of their placement (up and down placing?) can it be easily
modified just using drag and drop ?
When saving the template, sometime when it is out of memory, I will lose
the template and unable to open it again, except to recreate it all over
again. Can create the ability to autosave a backup copy while we work ?
Maybe this sounds like a wish list, if there is no ready answer, just
incorporate them later. Thanks.
e-Mail: Alistair Black
Date 05th 2011f November 2011
As per email of 4th November 2011
Thank you. Just to pile on the work !! If you are going to add the facility to update multiple securities from Yahoo would it be possible and timely to add a facility whereby a worksheet with several models on it could also be repeated with other securities.
It may be that it could be done only with certain of the models. Being able to repeat a work sheet for several stocks would allow the ability to screen many stocks for times say when all the cycles/models are in sync up or down, astro, harmonic, turbo, annual, spectrum etc etc. Of course the tailoring effect would be lost as only standard models could be sensibly used.
Taking that even further once you had that the next stage would be to do an optimised report correlation facility ( as in Astronomy) projecting when would be the very best times to invest incorporating all the models. This would ease the selecting of up and down periods.This may be nonsense of course or computationally impossible. As you go on from there you could go on to develop a screening model to identify interesting investment opportunities.
I can already hear you directing me to the Wish List !!
Best wishes,
e-Mail: Tay BC
Date 06th 2011f November 2011
I have checked. The problem is resolved in the latest version of the TS.
I have a wish list to state for the ULE.
1. I am using a formula to calculate L1-L2, which will have positive and negative values. Is it possible to code the color display to differentiate the positive (for eg green) and negative (for eg red) values. Currently it is only a one color option to display the formula.
2. Those floating ULE boxes, can they be clustered up or hide in display? I have more than 10 plus ULEs, and often they cluttered up the screen.
3. The upward and downward placement of the ULEs, can it be made to be like drag and drop ?
e-Mail: Peter
Date 14th 2011f November 2011
Hello Sergey
I was thinking of this :
In the HYPED.exe here to add the ability to put events(L1,L2,...L200) into groups
There is a Group button(index ) wich I am not sure what it does exactly
So ,in the ULE (in TS) and all modules use expressions such as G1,G2 ,...,G10
L1 sun,moon 10aries-45 taurus
L2 mercury120natal sun
L3 jupitersextilejupiter helio
L4 saturn in aquarius helio
Group 1 or G1 could become for example (L1 and L3)
and Group 2 or G2 (L2+L4)
So instead of writting L1+L2+L3+L4 ,just write G1+G2
I think that would be also very useful for the Events Box
To get a \"composite\" value for a group ( - or + )
Maybe also in the easy expert ?
e-Mail: Ross
Date 28th 2011f November 2011
Hi Sergey,
Regarding Wavelet Hunter, please kindly add the following function whenever you have time:
(1) Auto Cycle Extract button (just like the standar spectrum)
(2) Default button to set prefered settings
(3) Save button to save different settings
(4) Open button to open saved settings
(5) Inverted and Both drop-down list to show Inverted or Both projection lines
Thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!
e-Mail: Alistair
Date 30th 2011f November 2011
Thank you for your excellent presentation on WCH. I have a few questions. I am sorry if some are obvious or you feel you have covered them sufficiently but it is just to be sure.
Could you please explain what exactly is the difference between the various alternatives short++, long etc etc. If a possible wave (narrow range) shows up in long+ and nothing else but a short wave in short++ shows up but not the long wave does it make sense still to combine them? Should I simply play around until I get the best fit for the previous cycle using all alternatives or is this in some way causing a distortion because I am combining two different time horizons of the analysis?
If no yellow has yet emerged say on a narrow long cycle is it correct still to use it from the start of the red?
When I use the higher levels, medium, highest etc what is this doing and what should I look out for? I see little change.
What is the significance of the grid?
You show an example of a cycle that has died, it droops down covering increasing periods breaking the channel. Presumably when blue starts to show the cycle should be ignored. However if it has simply narrowed it should still be considered if still some red?
I often find that in short++ the tall yellows suggests chaos but they repeat frequently. Nevertheless the cycles if you draw through the yellow or the intense white you get what look like very good short cycles with good fits. Am I being deluded? Should I risk using them?
When fiddling around to get best fit should I aim for the previous cycle low as exactly as possible or the last main cycle high ignoring the previous low even if it fits badly?
Should we still worry about inversions in these models or are they less likely?
Hope these are all useful questions for the group.
Best wishes,
e-Mail: Peter
Date 01st 2011f December 2011
Hello Sergey
Could you add the ability to transfer the cycles derived from the fourier string to :
(a) easy cycle
(b)ule ( so that we can add to nn with lag)
e-Mail: Ross
Date 19th 2011f December 2011
hi Sergey,
Re: Price Chart Slice Module
Similarity Module
Bar Similarity Module
(may apply to Intermarket Analysis module)
It would be nice to have the feature to show the inverted Similar Peiod overlay on the chart. Often times, I find a very similar period but it\'s inverted.
Please also have an option show the actual price bar instead of the line-on-close so that I can measure the historical price range.
Thank you very much for your help!!!!!!!!!
Merry X\'mas and Happy New Year to You and Your Family ! ! !
e-Mail: Antonio
Date 21st 2011f December 2011
Dear Mr. Sergey,
In the feature: 1)Extended version (with additional objects) 2) Option 3) Customize objects 4) Fixed stars and other objects 5) add object how can I add also the Fixed stars in the following list, because in the available list they are missing ? and how can I add more than 20 objects ? In order that I can make a file with all the 27/28 Fixed Stars Nakshatras in the Vedic astrology and a file with the 28 Arabic Mansion?
These Fixed Stars are important, because I am especially interested in doing research with the Nakshatras because they are very important according the Vedic Astrology even more than the Zodiacal Signs.
Waiting from you I send my best regards
2. Bharani. 35 Aries. 17TAU01\' in 2007.
5. Mrigasiras. lambda Orion [Meissa]. 23GEM47\' in 2007.
8. Pushya. gamma Cancer (ASELLUS BOREALIS). 7LEO36\' in 2007
9. Aslesha. epsilon Hydra. 12LEO26\' in 2007.
16. Visakha. alpha Libra [Zuben Elgenubi]. 15SCO10\' in 2007.
23. Sravishtha. beta Delphinus [Rotanev]. 16AQU25\' in 2007.
24. Satabhishaj. lambda Aquarius. 11PIS40\' in 2007.
27. Revati. zeta Pisces. 20ARI05\' in 2007.
3. Al Hak\'ah. lambda [Meissa] with phi Orion . 23GEM47\' in 2007.
6. Al Nathrah. 44 M Cancer (PRAESAEPE). 7LEO25\' in 2007.
7. Al Tarf. lambda Leo (Alterf). 17LEO57\' in 2007.
11. Al Awwa. beta [Zavijava] with eta [Zaniah], gamma [Porrima], delta [Auva], and epsilon [Vindemiatrix] Virgo. 27VIR14 in 2007
13. Al Ghafr. iota [Syrma] with kappa Virgo. 3SCO53\' in 2007
14. Al Jubana. alpha [Zuben Elgenubi]
15. Iklil al Jabhah. beta [Acrab]
20. Al Sa\'d al Dhabih. alpha [Giedi Prima]
21. Al Sa\'d al Bula. mu with nu Aquarius. 13AQU05\' in 2007 (Alan lists Epsilon (ε) Aquarius, Albali,
23. Al Sa\'d al Ahbiyah. gamma [Sadalbachia] with alpha [Sadalmelik], zeta, eta and pi, Aquarius. 6PIS48\' in 2007
28. Al Butain. delta [Botein] with epsilon Aries. 21TAU01\' in 2007.
e-Mail: Ross
Date 04th 2012f January 2012
Hi Sergey,
For T17, is it possible to add the option for:
(1) planet position as criteria based on Rulership, Elements, Dignity, Face, Term, etc.
(2) Planet speed or motion, e.g. Mercury retrograde or Mercury slowest speed, etc.
(3) Two or more conditional criteria, e.g. (1st condition) Jupiter in Carindal sign and (2nd condition) Moon Phase optimization. e.g. (1st condition) Sun in Aries and (2nd condition) Mercury in Libra and then (3rd condition) Moon Phase optimization.
(4) Seasonality criteria based on Monthly, weekly, Daily. (Is it possible now?) e.g. Run T17 to find the month/week that historically has the highest chance of high/low.
Thank you very much!
e-Mail: Charles Yin
Date 29th 2012f January 2012
I\'d like to make a wish list to have TimingSolution to be able to read Amibroker file format. They provide api for reading native file
AmiBroker API documentation is available in ADK:
e-Mail: Peter
Date 08th 2012f February 2012
Hi Sergey
Could you please the ability to switch between LOgarithmic and normal price when loading data .
Once I am in Logarithmic I cant go back and need to reload the data and thus lose my analysis-work
e-Mail: Peter
Date 16th 2012f February 2012
Hello Sergey
Could you add at some point a 3,5,6,7,8, WINGS wave (that is a 3 ,a 5 ,a 6 ,a 7 and 8 seperatelly as the current 2 and 4 already )
e-Mail: Robert Kidwell
Date 18th 2012f February 2012
As you may recall I am an options trader. I have noted that the OPTIONS EXPIRATION typically provides some energy to the market. Also, I have spent significant time with a professional trader who has shared many of his \"tape reading\" beliefs. One belief is that if the stock market is rising into options expiration that the probabilities favor strength on the Thursday prior to expiration. The inverse would be true for a stock market that is falling into expiration. Expiration always is on the third Friday of the month. There are also things like the Triple Witching which is the third Friday of March, June, September and December, when options, index futures, and options on index futures expire concurrently. Triple witching correlates to even more potential energy in the market.
Could you add an options and triple witching functionality in the Calendar Section of the Events Editor? We would be looking for the 3rd Friday of each calendar month and for the 3rd Friday in March, June, September and December.
Thanks for your consideration,
Robert Kidwell
Date 23rd 2012f February 2012
A. When generating an Ephemeris.
1. Planetary lines can be generated when using the horizontal Ephemeris feature. However only to the 12 harmonic. This is the field that is the only stumbling block.
2. There are several features provided:
2(i) Planetary lines meeting natal positions
2(ii) Planetary lines transiting positions
2(iii) Dates when the meeting of planetary lines can be saved to a file and/or printed this feature is most useful.
B. Planetary lines module.
1. Any harmonic can be generated in planetary lines module.
2. To see the dates for planetary lines intersections simply move the mouse cursor around the point of intersection.
However, the planetary lines module does not provide the very valuable and time saving features that the Ephemeris module allows.
All that is needed is in the field that allows different harmonic calculations in the horizontal Ephemeris to be increased.
Thank you for your tremendous support in helping us to be better traders.
e-Mail: Jim Ranum
Date 05th 2012f April 2012
Using the phenomena module, I come up with a list of events, but then I want to add more events to that, lets say from the ULE, like aspects, etc. How do I do that?
There are some events that you cant do in the ULE, that you can in the Phenomena module, or else I would do them all in the ULE and make a calendar file.
e-Mail: Serg Lesovikov
Date 05th 2012f April 2012
Приветсвую , Сереж
Извиняюсь за свою темноту , но есть гипотеза существовании планеты Глория на орбите Земли (Бутусов)
Вопрос - можно ли эту гепотетическую планету ввести в расчетные данные программы ? По идее можно попробовать проверить реальность ее существования через влияние на рынок . Если это в какой то мере соотвествует действительности , то результирующая должна улучшить результаты прогнозирования . По крайней мере программа регистрирует закономерности поведения цены относительно Марса и Венеры в положении 180 градусов от Земли
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 03rd 2012f May 2012
In T17 Astro Script is it possible to add R.Asc, Geo Lat and Helio Lat settings? Also, it would be great if the Walk Forward Efficiency ratio mentioned in Pardo\'s book: \"The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies\" can be provided. (measures the testing results after LBC with the training data before LBC). Thanks.
e-Mail: Ross
Date 07th 2012f May 2012
Regarding Semenko Diagram, please include
(1) Apogee/Perigee/aphelion/Perihelion
(2) An inverted option to show a diagram invertedly
(3) An option to select color from Windows Color Scheme
Thank You Very Much ! ! !
e-Mail: Chang Zhi Dai
Date 07th 2012f May 2012
For daily intra data, we can use superposition of solar and lunar cycles to describe them, like Euro/USD pair. Can you create a virtual planet playing the superposition combine with the harmonic technology?
If could, it may be easier to do prediction. Or, it is not practical? or, it is not right in theory?
e-Mail: Peter
Date 22nd 2012f May 2012
Hello Sergey
Could you add the ability at some time ,to add more than one manual Harmonics in the Astronomy(composite) module ?
Also to add the Angle Diff /Orbit from ULE to NN ?
e-Mail: Ross
Date 29th 2012f May 2012
Hi Sergey,
Thank you very much for sharing your new AstroExpertSystem
I\'m backtesting your the system and I hope you would add
(1) the capability to save the (Favorite) result and can be recalled afterward to run the individual NN
(2) and/or automatically create a report like your Phenomenological model.
(3) the drop-down list option to select different detrend indictor
I look forward to use your intraday AstroExpert system!!!!!!!
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!
e-Mail: Ross
Date 03rd 2012f June 2012
Hi Sergey,
Re: Astro Expert Module
Please add an \"Training Regime\" option to get the best training regime for the models? (like your TS Solution - Phenomenological Model)
Thank you very much !!!!!!
e-Mail: Sanja
Date 08th 2012f June 2012
Thank you for this update.
One question - I noticed that the module does not give you an option to change/define the target. For example, the intraday model, uses a Rel Osc (1,16,16) as the target. In the standard NN module, one can choose from several different available target.
It would be nice to have defined the target, before one starts exploring the models and their stability numbers. Is that going to be possible?
Many Thanx
e-Mail: ivashkevichvv@mail.ru
Date 29th 2012f June 2012
Здравствуйте, Сергей!
Имею Демо версию Вашей программы. Изучаю. Софт сложный. Предварительные результаты интересные, но требуют тщательной проверки, прежде чем \"вкладывать\" деньги в Вашу программу.
Есть одно пожелание. Хотелось бы видеть среди индикаторов OsMA (Moving Average of Oscillator (Осцилятор Скользящего Среднего) - разность между осцилятором и сглаживанием осцилятора). Где в качестве осцилятора используется основная линия MACD, а в качестве сглаживания - сигнальная линия MACD. КАК МИНИМУМ с параметрами 9,21,5 и 12,21,5.
Дело в том, что этот индикатор с такими параметрами, возможно, лучший для определения дивергенции. В качестве ОБОСНОВАНИЯ моей просьбы сошлюсь на Сергея Сергеевича Кучера и его торговую систему (это практикующий трейдер и продавец обучения по своей системе). В основе его торговой системы две вещи - волновой анализ и сигналы дивергенции. Поскольку, сигналы дивергенции у него являются решающими для определения точки входа, то, полагаю, ему было крайне важно найти подходящий индикатор. С его слов - лучшего чем OsMA с параметрами 9,21,5 он не нашел. Его сайт http://skfx.eu5.org.
Буду признателен, если увижу этот индикатор в купленной у Вас легальной версии программы.
С уважением.
Вячеслав Ивашкевич
e-Mail: 4dmitry
Date 15th 2012f July 2012
Hello, Sergey!
First of all thank you for all your input in the development of TS project and I wish you good health an all the best.
The Idea:
To add feature to both Easy Expert Calendar and Upcoming Events Calendar to make \"*.hyp\" files for a certain rather short period (from 1 day to 7 days maximum).
Explanation and comments to the above idea:
I work mostly with Upcoming module (as preliminary selection) and Easy Expert (as a final forecast) under different conditions like orbis, Chi, time period etc.
Currently I mannualy insert events (for a certain week or days) from Upcoming Calendar (or even 2 or 3 Calendars, like that for Dow, SP500 and RTSI) to Model Editor. It takes time, though not too long (maybe 2-3 hours every week). After that I start EE module under different conditions and make final intraday decisions for a certain week.
PS Ещё в 1997-1999 годах я покупал Ваш софт в редакции Урании на Китай-городе, такой как Almagest, Almatext, Almagest Financial v.1. Последнюю я купил просто ради интереса и, честно говоря, в то время мало что в ней понял. А после 2000 года она вообще перестала работать ((. Сейчас я молю Бога, чтобы он дал Вам как можно больше сил и энергии, чтобы продолжать проект.
PPS Всё-таки Upcoming module работает и на 6h, а не только daily как Вы писали. И на этом спасибо, хотя, мне кажется, что в Terra можно было бы сделать и 2h или 3h в качестве минимального (хотя бы для досатурновых планет). Может я и не прав, но мне кажется, что на сегодняшний день есть внутридневные графики по большинству инструментов с начала 2001 года, а это означает, что имеет смысл \"вылавливать\" аспекты марса с количеством events 6 и вероятностью 81% - 88%.
Have a good day and all the best!
email in the forum: denkui01@gmail.com
e-Mail: Lokesh
Date 09th 2012f September 2012
I am from India and I am missing vedic calculation in your software. Are you planning to add vedic studies in your software?
I will be happy to provide you the details needed for vedic studies.
Thanks & Regards,
e-Mail: Lokesh
Date 09th 2012f September 2012
I am from India and I am missing vedic calculation in your software. Are you planning to add vedic studies in your software?
I will be happy to provide you the details needed for vedic studies.
Thanks & Regards,
Date 27th 2012f September 2012
Hello Sergey
I was thinking about latitude(helio) in trading strategy constructor(quantum) and in T17 (and declination geo there)
e-Mail: Oliver
Date 04th 2012f October 2012
May I ask your opinion about the possibility to integrate the self-created
algorithm into MT4 platform via dll for automated trading ?
Do you have experience in this area ?
Does your SW support this feature today or in future ?
e-Mail: Zoltan
Date 12th 2012f October 2012
I like this module and use it a lot.
Some day I was wondering if is possible to add a series of years like a Fibo series : 2000+2001+2001+2002+2003+2005+2008+2013 with some shift option so instead of 2000 would start with 1999 and would end with 2012.
Or other series where the distance between the years is not constant..
e-Mail: Bill Johnson
Date 14th 2012f October 2012
This is related to the recent upgrade for annual cycle to use specified years, such as 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2013.
Generalize the search as follows:
(Date-a), (Date-b),(Date-c).....(Date-n)
where a,b,c...n, are an integer number of years.
Then using NN or other optimization technique, find the best a, b, c, ..., n, for annual cycle calculation, that matches the training interval.
Bill Johnson
Date 21st 2012f October 2012
How could be performed, what function should be used with TS the following \"statements\":
Any of the planetary bodies which is part of a defined stellium makes an aspect with another planetary body.
Any planetary body which is NOT part of a defined stellium makes an aspect .....
The same question but instead stellium having pattern, picture , midpont.
e-Mail: Peter
Date 27th 2012f October 2012
Hello Sergey
Could you at some time add the ability in the Chart(which allows you to put in the main screen another instrument)feature to allow OHLC instead of close values only
e-Mail: Erhan EKER
Date 27th 2012f October 2012
I didn\'t see anything about fixed stars in such a great software. Fixed starts visibility, rise, set times, aspects with planets, consultations by moon and planets, variable stars visibility (Mira, Chi Cyg etc.) can be added to analysis... Along with fixed stars Meteor Showers can also be added to list.
e-Mail: Ross
Date 19th 2012f November 2012
Hi Sergey,
Re: Quantum #1\'s support/resistance levels (box level)
I\'m testing your new module Quantum #1 and I use different timeframes (e.g. daily, 60m, 15m) to project the support/resistance levels. (see below on gold) They are very useful so please have an option to show multiple timeframe levels in one chart, i.e. without loading different timeframes to find out the levels.
Key Price-levels:
1797 (Daily)
1733 (60min)
1718 (15min)
1706 (15min)
1695 (60min)
1662 (Daily)
Next, I hope you would develop the module that would show buy/sell signal and/or trend change time and/or trending period within the box level so that trader can make money using this new tool. I\'m brainstorming ideas for you but I know you must have a detail plan on using this new tool. Of course, at the moment I would combine your existing tools to make money from the mkt with this new tool.
Thank you very much for sharing your new tool with us.
Best regards,
e-Mail: Peter
Date 26th 2012f November 2012
Hello Sergey
Could you at some point add in the easy cycle a 4 swing wave ?
e-Mail: Gabriella Mittelman
Date 13th 2013f January 2013
search when the Sun and Moon are in the same element in a duad???
e-Mail: robert kidwell
Date 17th 2013f January 2013
In the same vein as options expiration which yielded tangible results, I would like to be able to add Company Earnings dates manually for stocks such as AAPL,GOOG, AMZN and FB. The user would add dates manually in the Events Module. It would be up to the user to supply the dates so the request is for a Date oriented Form Field where specific dates could be added going back as far as the user would like. Typically, 5 years of data would suffice so adding about 20 past dates would be necessary.
Thanks, Sergey for your consideration.
Robert Kidwell
e-Mail: Peter
Date 27th 2013f February 2013
Hi Sergey
Could you add at some point Helio Latitude to the strategy constructor ?
e-Mail: Peter
Date 20th 2013f March 2013
Hello Sergey
Would you please add the ability to save Fourier String?
I analyse some data with it but then cant apply it to another data set ,so by saving it I can reopen it in the new data set and work as I want .
Thank you
Date 17th 2013f April 2013
Hello Seregy
Would you add at some point more planets(asteroids or custom ) to the Planetary Picture Time module (PPT) ?
Date 17th 2013f April 2013
Hello Seregy
Would you add at some point more planets(asteroids or custom ) to the Planetary Picture Time module (PPT) ?
e-Mail: Erhan EKER
Date 06th 2013f May 2013
We can convert and plot a planets planetary longitudes (or middle point combinations of two planets on different weights) on price chart. We know that W.D. Gann used average longitude degrees of different planets in his price charts. I think some modification on Planetary Longitude Lines tool that can enable us to plot the averages of different planets can be very helpful for traders.
Thanks and Best Regards
e-Mail: Ulrich
Date 13th 2013f May 2013
the point is: first a hypothesis is necessary and afterwards follows the statistical proof.
I am thinking the combination of T17 and the composite module would be useful. This would require at least one more option in the T17 module. A restriction to certain degrees should be possible. For example the composite window shows for the SP500 a dark red area for Cancer (starting in Gemini and ending in Leo). Then with the T17 module best entries and exits could be searched by limiting the search area to cancer. This is just an idea.
e-Mail: Bill Johnson
Date 25th 2013f May 2013
Add the capability to put a centered-moving average, of user-specified length, onto a projection line.
This moving average could reveal the longer-term cycle, that is embedded within the up/down motions of the projection line.
First you should use a center-moving average (ala Hurst) so that the moving avg is in phase with the projection line.
Second, the user should specify a moving average length, that is nominally the cycle length of the projection line cycle. Also there could be multiple long-term cycles one would want to reveal..and multiple length MAs.
The MA idea compliments the \"derivative\" feature I see, for example in the Bradley module.
Best Regards,
e-Mail: Stefano
Date 18th 2013f July 2013
Hi Sergey,
like your suggestion i put this request:add the capability, in planetary lines, to insert the anchors ahead in the future without any price data on the chart. Thanks
e-Mail: (Finance Geek) Finance_Geek@yahoo.com
Date 21st 2013f July 2013
Hello Sergey,
I came across a real time charting site called TradingView .
Is there any way to make this one of your data feed services ( like you do with e-signal ).
The monthly fees are only $19.99 for real time data.
I believe if you get this set in your software it could save your members a lot of time & money in the long run.
Even if we could get (EOD free) &/or (Real Time with the low fee).
Link to RealTime fee : $19.99 per month
Link to nice FREE charting page :
Link to Home Page :
Thanks again for all your hard work,
They call me GEEK ;-)
e-Mail: Gabriella
Date 10th 2013f September 2013
e-Mail: Roger
Date 19th 2013f September 2013
and last question... i like using a wells wilders PAR SAR a lot ... is there a way to add a parsar to the indicator list ... i noticed there was \"reserved 1-15\" under indicators so i am assuming we can add some conventional type indicators... would there be a list or way to download some conventional indicators to see how past work might line up with predictive... here is a picture of the CQG parabollic sar i was trying to find: http://screencast.com/t/a4gnIwDz
thanks again for an amazing piece of software... i\'ll try to keep my questions to the minimum this next week as i work through everything ... just wanted to be able to save and find work appropriatly as i move through in case i crash or update things ... i know how to save a template and apply that so no worries there ... it was mainly trying to find out where Best planetary picture strategy is actually saved in the files ... and how to look inside for the settings used originally.
e-Mail: Bill Johnson
Date 28th 2013f September 2013
About the \"Distance Table\", I get using TURNING POINT ANALYZER / H-L / TP Price Levels /
ZigZag X%... This \"distance table\" tells me the time distance between a turning point & every other turning point, in a matrix format.
I was creating this table manually in EXCEL, then I realized it is in TS statistics section of this module.
My problem is I would like to histogram all the numbers, to see which numbers appear frequently. For example, so far on SP500 I find 28 days (also 14 & 7 days)have high frequency....sounds like moon timing. (This is not necessarily adjacent TPs, but from one to any other one.)
I can not cut/paste this TS table into EXCEL....also the HTML button does not seem to produce a file I can read.
So there are two possibilities to help me do this histogram...
1) Provide the capability to histogram the \"distance table\" in TS.
2) Allow me to get this matrix into EXCEL, and I can use EXCEL histogram capability.
e-Mail: Stefano
Date 24th 2013f October 2013
Hi Sergey,
I\'ve this issue, when I put on the chart a planetary fan where the prices are not present, these are not visible (only where the prices are present). It is possible to solve?
e-Mail: Joel Kreger
Date 28th 2013f October 2013
Regarding this question:
Another possible problem for you to investigate is in the Efficiency test module. I wanted to filter for uptrend only but changed the filter parameter from 10% to 5%. Then I ran optimization.
Looking at the history of the best strategy which was to be long from 8 days before the culmination to 8 days after the culmination it looked like some of the trades were using the long or short state of the zigzag
on the culmination day and applying that state to the trade being taken 8 days previous to the culmination. I saw a trade that opened at the bottom of a zigzag which should have been filtered out
because there was no long condition at that time because prices had not risen 5% from any low yet. However there was a long condition just beginning 8 days later on the culmination day.
The bottom is in on a zigzag set to 5% only after the price has risen 5% from a low.
e-Mail: alexbernal0@gmail.com
Date 06th 2013f November 2013
Two part Inquiry
i am trying to find a programmer / mathematician to help me develop and optimize a revised version of Volatility Based Ev elopes
http://ifta.org/public/files/journal/d_ifta_journal_12%28md010312%29.pdf page 57 on this document.
You guys are the smartest team I know so I would like to see what the cost would be to hire you for a project like this?
also I am looking to create a spread indicator that combines the scanning features of http://www.pairtradefinder.com/overview.php and the Bands that I have specifed in part 1 of this inquiry. Maybe look at the effects of correlation and cointegration on spread trading.
Please feel free to contact me anytime at alexbernal0@gmail.com or 805.252.7161
e-Mail: Gema
Date 09th 2013f November 2013
Dear Sergey
I am doing my thesis about the planetary correlation to the price. I have some combinations that I believe it works in my country\'s stock index. However, I have to prove it on the statistic study to get the objective correlation. I found that the TS will help me a lot but could you inform me where I must start to use this software?
The empiric research model of the planetary correlation must be proven by standard statistical theory. Since you are the master of it, please guide me to optimize TS software in my thesis journey.
For example, let say I want to focus in turning point based on the planetary aspect (Sun - Jupiter) and Moon phase. At least TS could helps provide the raw data before we process it in the statistic software like SPSS and etc.
Thank you
e-Mail: Gabriella Mittelman
Date 16th 2013f November 2013
Can you pls. add magnifying glass to Canvas, and a possibility to see price values not only time.
e-Mail: Dheeraj R Kumbhat
Date 20th 2013f November 2013
I want to make and save a new calendar from adding two or more calendar on same parameters like Natal chart, Tmin-Tmax, location of observing transits, etc...
currently we are able to make but cant save it in calendar format as a new calendar file
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 05th 2013f December 2013
Hi Sergey, Is it possible to include asteroid Eris 136199 in the Ephemeris? Thanks.
e-Mail: Constantine Theodossiou
Date 11th 2014f January 2014
Dear Sergey hi -
Here is a short list with some very basic feature suggestions. I\'ve no idea how easy they are to design.
create a price counter; so if we click between two points on the chart we can get the price difference
create capacity for info window on chart to show value of indicator; so if we have for example an rsi on the chart, by clicking anywhere on the chart, we can get the OHLC, V, OI and the Indicator (RSI) value
create button that deletes ALL drawings on a chart (time saving from deleting each one by one)
enable copy & paste of objects drawn on a chart
enable crosshair to show price anywhere it points on the grid, irrespective of whether there\'s a bar or not
All the best,
e-Mail: Constantine
Date 13th 2014f January 2014
When doing Spectrum Analysis using Planetary Time, we choose a Planetary Pair for example, JUP URA helio. If we do the spectrum analysis and save the worksheet, next time we open it the worksheet defaults into SUN SUN Geo and we have to manually input the JUP URA helio and all other parameters again. This doesn\'t happen when we\'ve saved something under normal \"time\" in Spectrum. Please contact me further if you wish additional clarification. Thank you.
e-Mail: Constantine
Date 13th 2014f January 2014
Provide \"Premium\" support service for a fee.
Subscribers will have priority access to TS, including but not limited to:
a. answers to questions will be prioritized
b. discuss potential \"research\" projects with TS staff
This service will separate the \"amateurs\" from the professionals, be it trading or astro. This is also an opportunity for TS to increase its revenue stream.
e-Mail: Iulian
Date 14th 2014f January 2014
Rule no 23( G. Bayer rules, please see attach) - you see there he talk about \"variation per day given in second and decimal parts of second\". It is possibly to get this with TS?
e-Mail: Scott Yarbrough
Date 10th 2014f March 2014
Many programs have ways to adjust their moving averages.
Left and right----up and down---different types of Mov Avgs
Can you adjust the module to do this in Primo ?
Scott Yarbrough
e-Mail: Dheeraj R Kumbhat
Date 12th 2014f March 2014
Hi Sir,
you may put the date and time stamp of updated files on the site.
e-Mail: Dheeraj R Kumbhat
Date 12th 2014f March 2014
Hi Sir,
we may put the field for attachment in wish-list section too...so that we may put the thorough idea as file attachment.
e-Mail: Dheeraj R Kumbhat
Date 15th 2014f May 2014
Hi Sergey sir, Pranaam
Can you restore or add the original sym2 rpo calculation formula, that was previously in your program, or in market trader.. I have logic and proof that it was better.
Your lessons say that with this program, it doesn\'t matter that what we are analysing, (or in a previous answer in mail, it is still not clear that what should be the best rpo), It will generate the target with the set of input functions (In our case, the input set consists of mostly Astronomy/Astrology functions). I tried with many TA programs, I was not able to get the excel sheet of TA i.e Value of used TA, So, I request that, side by side, enrich the indicator list with the modern technical Indicator formulas.
e-Mail: kaav2219@gmail.com
Date 22nd 2014f June 2014
I have an idea. I am not a subscriber yet, but I found your software, Pattern Recognition, while looking for a way to implement an idea. Combining the statistical correlation of the astro signatures with the functionality of the pattern recognition might be interesting. The \"signatures\" that pattern recognition would look for are not just price correlation, but market generated data. These could be any time series, such as cumulative tick, or advance-decline stocks, or new 20 day high, or % of stocks in basket that have higher relative volume etc. The scanner would find correlation for each series, output the price time series related to that time period, and then average the series to output a price forecast. When current period displays x pattern, best match from past shows y behavior. It is maybe similar to the concept of astro pattern finding, but applied to market generated non price data. When the 2 (astro and market data) provide similar forecast, then the reliability is greater?
Thank you,
e-Mail: Sergey Sizov
Date 16th 2014f November 2014
Здравствуйте, Сергей!
Есть идея по расширению возможностей Вашей замечательной программы путём введения дополнительного графического модуля, которого мне лично очень не хватает.
Я имею в виду автоматический поиск и построение графических моделей по аналитическому методу \"Тактика Адверза\". Идея возникла давно, но раньше я не имел прямых контактов с авторами метода, а без их помощи успех в освоении пользователями нового метода самостоятельно вызывал у меня определённые сомнения. Сегодня есть прямой контакт с одним из авторов метода- Яном Руткевичем. Думаю, что Ваш контакт с ним будет способствовать как расширению прогностических возможностей программы TS и её популяризации так же, как и метода \"Тактика Адверза\".
Надеюсь что Вы проявите интерес и моё сообщение не будет зарыто на \"кладбище забытых идей\", о котором Вы однажды упоминали.))
С уважением,
Сергей Сизов.
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 29th 2015f January 2015
For Wavelet Cycle Hunter...
I would like to see the \"Wavelet Diagram\" in a lower panel, below the price chart...similar to how indicators are plotted in the lower panel to see how price reacts to changes in the indicator, across time.
One purpose is to watch how the dominant cycle time trends up or down....or appears & disappears...to see if this offers clues to price.
Bill Johnson
e-Mail: Denizhan
Date 05th 2015f March 2015
It would be great to see the price time value-PTV of a vector (Bradley Cowan\'s work about the hypotenuse of price and time together)
It could be named just hypotenuse for trademark purposes
e-Mail: A Kumar
Date 07th 2015f March 2015
Dear Sergey
I would like to share
1. In vedic astrology to make the day to day predictions the utmost importance is given to the \"prevailing dasha\" .transits are always considered secondary. Different kind of dashas are used of which vimsottari dasha is quite popular and important. these dasha are purely based on the birth details
My intention of writing this email to you is dont you feel while using astrology in TS we are neglecting one most important factor that is the \"birth details\" of the subject financial instrument.
2. In vedic astrology for financial predictions, the highest importance has been given to the \"Sarvato Bhadra chakra (SBC) \". While applying SBC along with the others factors the equal importance is given to the name of the financial instrument and the numerical value of the day. Indirectly alphabetology and numerology are used. If we look at the work of wd gann, he has also referred to numerology and alphabetology for financial predictions. Don\'t you feel in TS also we can add these features
I understand that the TPA has different ratios for the up and down
swings but I'm guessing that it doesn't differentiate between generic
bull and bear markets? If it does differentiate, then what criteria is
it using?
Below is an example using 1% swings in different generic markets for
AORD (Australian all ordinaries) and comparing to the results where the
markets are combined.

Here is the profile for 1% swings in the AORD bull market (ie 13 Mar
2003 to 1 Nov 2007)

Compare with profile for 1% swings in all data from 1 Jan 1980 to 1 Nov
2007 (ie end of bull)

Compare with profile of 1% swings in AORD bear market (ie 1 Nov 2007 to
6 Mar 2009)

Compare with 1% swing profile for all data from 1 Jan 1980 to 6 Mar 2009
(ie up to end of bear market)

Tentative conclusion: It is possible that the up swings in generic bull
markets have a different profile to up swings in generic bear markets
and if the analysis mixes the two different generic market types you
will not see the true picture. Ditto down swings.
Thus if it is not already possible, it may be useful if the user could
choose start and end dates for the analysis (ie save having to
manipulate the data as I had to do for the above) and then apply the
results of that analysis to the current swing being considered. An
alternative would be to modify the program to include an option for user
to take market type into account (this may need user to select extra zig
zag sizes ie one size as per existing analysis and other sizes to
determine what user considers to be a generic bull and bear markets).
e-Mail: Gema Goeyardi
Date 05th 2015f September 2015
Dear All Traders
Would you help me when I want to get a data of planetary aspect date in geocentric point of view but in all degrees
Sun Conjunction Moon to the next Conjunction
Sun 000 Moon = 1 August
Sun 001 Moon = .....
Sun 002 Moon = .....
How to gather that data for all planet aspect but in geocentric point of view
Thank you
e-Mail: Jim Ranum
Date 07th 2015f September 2015
Hi Sergey,
I would like to make a list of Lunations, i.e. New Moons, Full Moons, etc., which I know how to do with ULE and put into Excel. No problem.
I can only get the dates. I would like the dates and the position. Is there a way to also include the zodiac position in the export to Excel?
Thank you!
e-Mail: aaapers@verizon.net
Date 11th 2015f September 2015
I would like to have the Elliot wave oscillator as an indicator option. It is a simple 5 bar moving average subtracted by a 34 simple moving average. The histogram is very useful for seeing wave three and identifying a,b,c waves. This is extremely useful for trading and it should enhance the Astro turning points indicator. We don't need labels. The user should be able to do this on their own.
e-Mail: Anthony Tsousis
Date 24th 2015f September 2015
Hi Sergey, love your work and hope All is well with You.I have a request that shouldnt be too difficult, hopefully.In astrological prediction techniques you have a marvellous Scanning arsenal, what I would like is to be able to have transits to all of them rather than just transits to natal with the Bi Wheel.Eg transits to progression 1y=1dS,transits to Solar arc,transits to minor, all related of course to the natal being examined etc.This would enhance the situational awareness taking into account the ancient techniques. Best Regards Tony Tsousis.
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 28th 2015f September 2015
Dear Sergey
That looks promising!
I have three questions (suggestions).
1. Annual Q shows between 10/0 to 13/0. Shouldn't we compare the same amount of years? Or can this be done in the settings?
2. Is it possible to sort the result: first same industry, second RSI?
3. Would it be possible to add a column "Annual Q Industry". If we would know what the Annual Q for the whole industry is that would be very powerful.
Thank you! Great tool!
Best regards,
e-Mail: Peter Tryde
Date 07th 2015f October 2015
Hello Sergey, The TS Planetary Lines Optimize function is very useful. However, the drop-down menu of Trs and Natal planets is quite limited. Would be great if at some point the menus could be expanded to include the same range as is available in AIR Market Trader - Planetary Lines Optimizer. Thank you, Peter
e-Mail: Roger Wolf
Date 24th 2015f October 2015
A few ideas for the new scanner:
1) functionality to export results to excel. Easier to sort, further analyize and store
2) ability to use user data files (metastock or csv) and/or eSignal rather than the Yahoo downloader
3) additional filter options for price range, index components (i.e. S&P500), or stocks with active underlying options.
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 26th 2015f October 2015
Hi Sergey,
An idea for the TS Downloader and TS Scanner. It would be nice if we could select multiple stock exchanges at once instead of running the same process twice.
Best regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 26th 2015f October 2015
Hi Sergey,
In TimingSolution you recommended to use Annual Q if it is bigger than 80%. It would be nice if you could implement a field where we could define how high this percentage has to be.
Kind regards,
Martin Biber
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 27th 2015f October 2015
Hi Sergey,
In TimingSolution you recommended to use Annual Q if it is bigger than 80%. It would be nice if you could implement a field where we could define how high this percentage has to be.
Kind regards,
Martin Biber
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 28th 2015f October 2015
Hi Sergey,
This is an idea for your task to include excel data to upload into TS Downloader.
I'd love to have the possibility to choose a folder where all (not just one at a time) excel files could be uploaded at once.
Kind regards,
Date 02nd 2015f November 2015
Thank you Sergey for your continuous help. As requested earlier can we add the "Easy expert or Bradley fam model " to TS Scanner to get a combined results of technical,cycle and Astro all together
As Astro models calculations would be time taking instead of adding it in step 1 , it can be added as an option after step 3. So that we can run the Astro models for the selected stocks by step3 . In any case we can do it in timing solution but it would be handy if this Astro option is added in TS sCanner
Thanks for all your help
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 03rd 2015f November 2015
Dear Sergey,
I love your work on the TS Scanner.
I think it would be great if we could filter also "industry Annual Q": for example >60%. The same would be nice for SNP Q.
Can you add "Annual + Industry +SNP" in the Filters drop down?
BEst regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 04th 2015f November 2015
Dear Sergey,
I love your work on the TS Scanner.
I think it would be great if we could filter also "industry Annual Q": for example >60%. The same would be nice for SNP Q.
Can you add "Annual + Industry +SNP" in the Filters drop down?
BEst regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 05th 2015f November 2015
Dear Sergey,
I love your work on the TS Scanner.
I think it would be great if we could filter also "industry Annual Q": for example >60%. The same would be nice for SNP Q.
Can you add "Annual + Industry +SNP" in the Filters drop down?
BEst regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 11th 2015f November 2015
Hi Sergey,
Instead of my wish that we can choose from all the stock exchanges, I think it would be more appreciated if you'd add a Europe Group like you did for America and Asia. I think Xetra+Milan+London would be great and probably much easier to implement for you than my previous suggestion.
Best regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 11th 2015f November 2015
Hi Sergey,
In TS Scanner -> Trade Planner
Please make the dropdown box from "in trade" also available for "Plan to Trade"
Thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 11th 2015f November 2015
Hi Sergey,
In TS Scanner -> Trade Planner
Please make the dropdown box from "in trade" also available for "Plan to Trade"
Thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Ahmed Farghaly
Date 11th 2015f November 2015
Neural Net module based on George Bayer's Five Fold Horoscope. George Bayer states that the ultimate timer of the markets is the progression chart of the natal, not the transit. We have to see and analyze the progressed moon and its aspects to the natal chart, natal mirrored chart, mundane chart and mundane mirrored. The natal mirrored is basically an antiscia chart of the natal, the mundane is calculated in a specific way which is not the same as your typical mundane chart. The mundane mirrored is an antiscia chart of the mundane. Attached is the link to George Bayer's book - 400 years of astrology put into practical use. I would very much encourage you to add this model to the set of models. The hypothesis is that 15,30,60,75,120 aspects of the progressed moon to any planet from the charts mentioned results in a favourable move in the stock while, 45,90,105,135,165 from the progressed moon to any planet results in an unfavourable move. while aspects of 0,150 and 180 are variable although he states that conjunctions are usually bullish and oppositions usually bearish, he also states that aspects meanings are reversed when the progressive moon is aspected to a retrograde planet. I realize that the meanings of the aspects are unnecessary since the neural net will figure out the effect of such aspects. It would be interesting to see the results of such a model, it will also either validate or invalidate George Bayer's hypothesis about the aspects above. The one challenge would be Natal data has to be accurate, and this can be found without that much difficulty. If the progression chart was available in Timing solution we could do a model based on the natal however the inputs would be too few and far in between, this is why we need to calculate the natal mirrored, mundane and mundane mirrored to get a substantial amount of input for our neural net, This was what George Bayer concluded in his later years of life after researching for several decades, I believe there could be some merit to this model.
Linked above is his book,
Best regards,
Ahmed Farghaly
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 12th 2015f November 2015
Hi Sergey,
In TS Scanner -> Trade Planner
Please make the dropdown box from "in trade" also available for "Plan to Trade"
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Date 12th 2015f November 2015
US ETF for TS scanner
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 11th 2015f December 2015
Sergey, I really like how you develop the tool. I understand that you don't like to further develop the Price module in ULE. I just think if we are not only interested in the cycles but also in making money it is paramount to test a strategy with market values. Rob's work is great but I think we should always combine it with the data we use for actual trading. I can only speak for myself. I would never do a trade just because of a cycle or the Q-analysis in the TS Scanner. I always combine it with the current market movement.
I therefore would appreciate if it would be possible to add just the basic price calculations in ULE line RSI and yesterdays close to todays open.
Thank you for all your help and developements.
Best regards,
e-Mail: Erdal Celen
Date 10th 2016f January 2016
Hi Sergey & Tatiana-
I was wondering if it would be possible to enter the date and time information manually on Similarity module or Pattern Finder module. I mean to add the date&time info manually on the result list after running the Similarity module.
Sometimes Similarity module doesn't catch the pattern that should be caught. Especially on Bar Similarity option.
That would be a fantastic add-on and more flexilibilty on the module.
With Best Regards
Erdal Celen
e-Mail: Ahmed Farghaly
Date 13th 2016f January 2016
Speaking of his majesty "Chaos" I have an Idea, I'm not sure if it has been implemented before in any platform and if there is anyone that can code it, its probably you. I think it would be a good idea to employ Hurst exponent analysis on smaller scales(like from prominent peaks or troughs in the market) to alert traders if a trend is unsustainable or if a trend is about to develop. High H exponent represent a positive feedback loop, higher prices is leading to more buying or lower prices leads to more selling but eventually it reaches a point where the trend can't be sustained ( The range of H exponents that leads to a reversion back to a mean reverting system can be found by back testing.) This will alert traders of overextended bubbles and busts that are blown out of proportion. When a data sample is exhibiting a negative feedback loop (H exponent bellow 0.5) for a certain period of time, the battle between buyers and sellers becomes unsustainable at some point and one side wins (break out) the range of H exponent that precedes significant trends can be found by back testing as well. This way you have the ultimate indicator for complex systems rather than your typical technical analysis. Users do not need to know what it is comprised of, it can be sort of a black box thing.
e-Mail: Ahmed Farghaly
Date 22nd 2016f January 2016
I forgot to mention on the previous wish that the use of valid trendlines (VTLs which is a trendline drawn on the lows or highs of the respective harmonic ( either second or third depending on which nominal cycle we are talking about) cycle) will be of immeasurable value in determining the end of the larger cycle
e-Mail: Ahmed Farghaly
Date 23rd 2016f January 2016
I would love the ability of constructing a custom composite based on certain periods of the cycle like period 9 + 6 + 3 etc, those that resemble the current based on the harmonic picture. Theoretically they should lead to WFA of 0.6-0.7. Considering that the cylical pattern will be identical as the current. Please incorporate into the composite in the last cycles option in the astronomy module to calculate from the last trough of the cycle so that when we calculate based on similarity we get a precise projection line.
e-Mail: Ahmed Farghaly
Date 24th 2016f January 2016
Kindly watch the video.
e-Mail: Joel Kreger
Date 07th 2016f February 2016
When I compare the results of "Turbo Cycles" (TC) with the results of Wavelet Cycle Hunter
(WCH) I find that TC will frequently pick cycles that are not active. If TC also ran WCH in the background, it could check for cycle inactivity and skip the inactive cycles.
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 10th 2016f February 2016
Dear Sergey,
The idea is to create a Q-Breadth calendar with the scanner. The program calculates all Q-Cycles (this is already the case). In a calendar we could see a summary of how many results were pos, neg or no cycle. According to that result we could see if we are investing with or against the Q-Breath.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 10th 2016f February 2016
Hello Sergey,
My wish would be to be able to use the scanner also with the dongle.
Best regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 10th 2016f February 2016
Dear Sergey,
I use 99% the 64bit version as it is very fast. Would it be possible to add the asteriods to the 64bit like it is available in 32bit?
best regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 25th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 25th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 25th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 26th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 26th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 27th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 28th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 29th 2016f February 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 01st 2016f March 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 02nd 2016f March 2016
Hi Sergey,
I was very happy to see that Larry Williams posted something which he calculated with the intermarket tool. I thought about how to make it easier to use. As you already have programmed the TS Downloader for the TS Scanner I think there are two ways to achieve this.
1. Quite often we use the time series in the Symbol Library as indexes in this module. So with a button to download all symbols at once we could start working with one click!
2. a button which allows us to use the data we already downloaded for the TS Scanner. (junior goldmines often lead the big goldmines)
thank you.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Gabriella Mittelman
Date 11th 2016f March 2016
Hello Sergey,
here are some of the things, I think will make life easier for the user:
1) Below Astronomy and NN open all the ULE that we research. Sometimes I have more than 20. Could you pls. put a possibility to disable all at once, not have to click 20-30 times to disable them??
2) I already wrote you about the red=positive and blue=negative colors. Would it be too difficult to change it to red= neg, and green =pos. like the candles?
3) When I upload a data, and I have the first trade date already in TS, could TS pick the right data for the same share? Sometimes, I upload a worksheet, say BABA, and it has S&P natal chart below. So I would like to get BABA chart for BABA... otherwise the tr. to natal won't fit...
4) and yes, I would still need more than 20 objects added. If I add the Uranians,there is no space for asteroids, GAL.CENT, Eris, etc. etc.. ...
Thank you
e-Mail: doni sulistyono
Date 13th 2016f March 2016
Hi Sergey,
Your software is really helpfull.. i use a lot ULE EVENT feature to help me timing the market beside using technical analysis
Minor wish list: i just think it is better to add notes feature when we create our strategy using ule event.. in this notes i will write my strategy, reminder, theories behind that, etc.. i can write as much as i want.. actually its same like if we make one ule event separate to our chart.. i can tick mark when i want to see the notes, or unmark if i dont want to see it.
Sorry for my bad english. I hope you can understand my english
Doni Sulistyono CFTe
e-Mail: Erdal Celen
Date 23rd 2016f March 2016
Hi Sergey-
I was wondering if the 'optimize' function can be added on Self Similarity module to optimize the result list based on the bars located on the Verification section of the chart.The similar 'Optimize' function is already being used for the Composite box (astronomy module). I thought it would be great addition to the Similarity module.
e-Mail: Fredrik Jensen
Date 04th 2016f April 2016
I like to be able to use Metastock files in 64 bit version.
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 13th 2016f April 2016
Dear Sergey,
I really like the backtesting in NN. My wish: in similarity module we can say how many bars should be shown after the LBC. This feature would be very cool to have it in NN too (as it doesn't make sense to show longer projection line than forcast is good).
Best regards,
PS: hope you get this message only once ;-)
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 13th 2016f April 2016
Dear Sergey,
I really like the backtesting in NN. My wish: in similarity module we can say how many bars should be shown after the LBC. This feature would be very cool to have it in NN too (as it doesn't make sense to show longer projection line than forcast is good).
Best regards,
PS: hope you get this message only once ;-)
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 14th 2016f April 2016
Dear Sergey,
I really like the backtesting in NN. My wish: in similarity module we can say how many bars should be shown after the LBC. This feature would be very cool to have it in NN too (as it doesn't make sense to show longer projection line than forcast is good).
Best regards,
PS: hope you get this message only once ;-)
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 15th 2016f April 2016
Dear Sergey,
I really like the backtesting in NN. My wish: in similarity module we can say how many bars should be shown after the LBC. This feature would be very cool to have it in NN too (as it doesn't make sense to show longer projection line than forcast is good).
Best regards,
PS: hope you get this message only once ;-)
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 20th 2016f April 2016
Dear Sergey,
I have a similar wish like Nick. After some time I don't remember which model I used for the NN. If the line would be labelled that would help.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 09th 2016f May 2016
Dear Sergey,
It would be great if the default button in the Similarity Module would also save the settings in the tab "view" (bars after LBC).
Best regards,
e-Mail: K B Raut
Date 02nd 2016f June 2016
Could you develop a tool in Market Analyst known as RRG for Fundamental Analysis...which gives the relative strength of a stock/index compared to another benchmark...
e-Mail: Thierry Sompairac
Date 17th 2016f July 2016
Hello Sergey,
I hope that you are having a good holiday time with your family.
Let me suggest a couple of ideas for the wish list.
1) One of my problems is to find the proper explanation for modules/tools that I am not using frequently. Your help tool does not always respond to that. So is it possible to put a link button in these areas connecting directly to the lessons/explanations. For instance, I was in the optimize section of the composite box: I would love to have a button connecting me to the related help file.
2) Speaking of the composite curve: is it possible to have a button enabling to modify the amplitude, once it is on the main price graph, so that it could be possible to adjust it to the real price curve?
3) Lots of TS users love to play with numbers/numerology and sacred science of the ancient priests (especially Egyptians). It is sometimes quite useful to try to identify recurring top-to-top or low-to-low intervals, and it can give good predictive indications. I am doing it by hand using TS hand tools (168, 192 days etc). It seems to me that the working numbers work for specific markets and for specific time spans. How about a tool scanning automathe HL distances looking for specific numbers (from a library or entered by the TS user who had a direct connection with an ancient priest)?
Thanks and regards
e-Mail: Anup
Date 03rd 2016f September 2016
Hi Sergey , since last one year I am consistently using easy expert model and experimented most of the features of this tool on various stocks ,indices,currency and commodities and firmly convinced that using this tool we can identify the trend of any future date of any market with highest possible accuracy . after identifying the trend when I was trying to identifying the magnitude /intensity of the trend using "spread" feature the results were not satisfactory . Sometimes it was working and sometimes not. ( I am still not convinced why "spread" feature is not working )
Thereafter I tried to play with the feature "big ups and big down " of Astro turning point indicator, unfortunately this tool can identify the significant Astro event which brings the big ups and big down but not the exact dates of this events and exact impact on the trend of the instrument .
it would be extremely useful if you may add this big ups and down feature in easy expert. Once you add this feature I wil apply it on various market and will send you the results
Thanks for all your help
e-Mail: William Johnson
Date 18th 2016f September 2016
About Planetary Lines...
The idea is to mark, on the planetary line (automatically), when that planet is involved in some astro-phenomena...for example, an aspect, ingress into new zodiac, retrograde/direct.
It is possible to do this "manually"...but is extremely TEDIOUS.
Thanks & Best Regards,
e-Mail: Abhay Agarwal
Date 30th 2016f September 2016
In Q-Spectrum
Need a feature that on a Click of Button, it will recalculate Q-Spectrum based on already selected settings and from that pick best combination of 2 or 3 cycles which have best correlation to last x cycles.
Basically I have found that for intraday trading, if we can find the best combination of mostly 2 cycles or sometimes 3 cycles which have high correlation to last 3-5 moves, then it works best.
You can take input for how many cycles to be automatically selected for best correlation and verification on how many recent swings.
e-Mail: Anup
Date 13th 2016f October 2016
Hi Sergey since last few years I am using the simple technique of Demark pivot method to project the next day's high & low wherein previous day's open high low and close is used to predict the next days high and low . This technique can be used to predict to next week's/month's/ year's high low in the same fashion . This technique is not 100% correct but probably the best and the easiest technique amongst all the available technique to project the high- low. If I am not wrong we can increase the accuracy% considerably using the combined technology of Neurel net and Demark pivot method . Let me explain how . In Vedic astrology "sarvato Bhadra chakra" is considered as the best tool to forecast the market but in the entire world only few were able to learn this technique and its application to forecast the market . In sarvato Bhadra chakra name (alphabet )of the asset class, day , month,year and few other astrological parameters are used to forecast the market . I tried for many years to learn SBC, I failed to learn it's application but what I learned is day,date,month,year and name of the asset class plays an important role for every day's price movement . My idea is that using the combined technique of Neurel net and Demark pivot method a price forecast tool can be developed . Initially we can use 6 input/ criteria ( day, date,month,year,name of the asset class & OHLC data ) to get the next days high low projection . In past I have used vantage software also for price projection but I didn't find it useful but probably this combined technique of Neurel net and Demark pivot will give us much more reliable results .thanks for all your help,many regards Anup
e-Mail: Anup Kumar Agarwal
Date 05th 2016f November 2016
Hi Sergey
on 27th October I have emailed you the coffee forecast for the month of November,2016 prepared using easy expert tool. for calculation i have used 633k astro events , chi square 4,min occurrence 10 & spread 0.50%. we can make easy expert tool more effective by adding a simple feature .in the forecast graph there are 8 thick arrows (4 blue & 4 red) all are 100% probability trade & we are going to treat all these 100% probability trade equally but that's wrong .the reason is min occurrence for all these 8 trades is not same . for few it is 10 for few it is 14 and for few it is 12 but this min occurrence number is not visible in the main screen so we do not know which trade is more promising among these 8 trades .after using easy expert consistently for almost two years i have learned that more the occurrence more the probability ". adding the simple feature of "min occurrence number in the main screen along with 100% probability arrows " we can identify the more promising trades . hope you find this in order. thanks for all your help & guidance regards. Anup
e-Mail: Gerald Jaworski
Date 11th 2016f December 2016
System Report Tool For Discretionary Trading Systems
I have sent a pdf file via email with a draft design of a System Report Tool for Discretionary Trading Systems.
This tool is to help verify any proposed trading system that cannot easily be determined by the program, such as any system using drawing tools, cycle systems based on Hurst or Dynamic approaches and some astro approaches not easily captured by software.
Gerald Jaworski
e-Mail: David
Date 15th 2016f December 2016
I'd love to be able to color the So9 support/resistance areas in COLORS :)
Also I'd like to be able to draw trend lines on indicators (RSI etc)
you are the best!
e-Mail: Robert Kidwell
Date 16th 2016f December 2016
I asked about this a long time ago in a private email with Sergey. This was in conjunction with an article that I wrote on VIX Reversion.
In Zig-Zag (Turning Points Analyzer) we need to have an option to display the actual percentage move. So if I have it set for 10% moves, we need to be able to see what the actual move was prior to the next 10% counter move.
Robert Kidwell
e-Mail: Erdal Celen
Date 11th 2017f January 2017
Custom Indicator Builder Module
It would be great if we create custom indicators based on the existing TS indicator. For example an indicator similar to following one:
(high-close) / (open - low)
Thanks and regards
e-Mail: Dheeraj R Kumbhat
Date 17th 2017f January 2017
Regarding Composite Module,
By default we may use Average Daily Speed of the Planetary Pair as default and Smooth Orb Scheme might be used as EOD Scheme and INTRADAY Scheme...like in Geo Long moon's average daily motion is 13 degree, So we may use Orb Scheme 3 as 39 degree for EOD Data and 13/3 as Intraday data...
and same time in auto selection feature, there must be option to select deselect HelioLat too.
For Speed Up the Composite module, if mathematical part is ok, we may be able/disable the chart preview while autoselection process is running , it will speedup the Composite Calculation. We may see chart after Auto-selections.
e-Mail: John K
Date 25th 2017f January 2017
Please add ability for TS scanner to simultaneously select and download from multiple folders with Metastock data rather than one folder at a time. This would be a very useful enhancement and save time especially for futures / commodities data that is not available in yahoo finance. Typically meta stock data for different exchanges, etc.. is stored in different folders. Currently TS scanner can only import meta stock data one folder at a time.
e-Mail: Gabriella Mittelman
Date 07th 2017f February 2017
Dear Sergey,
I came across Zodiacal Releasing ~ Hellenistic time table~ system.
Is there a way to add this possibility to TS?
It is known as ZR. It is based on the Part of Fortune and part of Spirit, dividing
the life of a person/share into major and minor periods.
I use it under Aphesys 1,49- s free software, or Delphic oracle..
I found, that under a major/minor ZR the S&P turned..
e-Mail: aaapers@verizon.net
Date 18th 2017f February 2017
1)For Easy Cycle and/or Spectrum CYCLES, the ability to optimize phase and amplitude for individual cycles so that we can see the percent of win/loss or profit.
2) Many if not all cycles invert at some point. It would be helpful to see percent of inversion of individual cycles.
e-Mail: Ярослав Найданов
Date 02nd 2017f March 2017
Здравствуйте, Сергей!
Хочу предложить Вам рассмотреть такую идею относительно расширения функционала Сканера.
Программа Сканер исследует Годовой цикл Земли (+ Лунный) по группе инструментов и ищет наиболее благоприятные, статистически обоснованные сезонные трейды на каждом инструменте. Соглашусь, что Годовой цикл, пожалуй, самый сильный и наглядный. Но почему бы не добавить в программу возможность просканировать котировки на предмет поиска статистически благоприятных сезонных периодов в натуральных циклах Меркурия, Венеры и Марса? Есть инструменты которые очень хорошо коррелируют с ними! Берем, к примеру, полный цикл вращения Венеры вокруг Солнца и точно также ищем благоприятные сезонные трейды. Как считаете? На мой взгляд, это значительно расширило бы возможности программы и вывело бы ее на качественно новый уровень, хотя и сейчас Сканер очень интересен!
С уважением,
Ярослав Найданов
e-Mail: Sergei Moneymr
Date 08th 2017f March 2017
Сергей, набралась группа из 4 человек для тестирования Timing Solution.
Мы разрабатываем методику тестирования для Нейросетевого модуля.
Возможно вас заинтересуют наши исследования и методики, т.к. они напрямую относятся к работоспособности софта.
Пишу это вам не для того что бы по итогам в случае провала тестирования написать что-то нехорошее про софт или наоборот что то хорошее.
А в первую очередь для вовлечения вас в процесс.
Участников много и у каждого имеется свое видение ситуации. Не всегда совпадающее с большинством.
Мы пытаемся прийти к единой методике тестирования. Возможно вы нам смогли бы помочь в некоторых моментах, в том числе путем улучшения используемых нами входных параметров для модулей.
Допустим для Q-Spectrum мы сейчас решаем какие настройки следует применять перед отправкой их в нейросетевой модуль.
Использовать WFE>65% или другой показатель. Вопросов на самом деле много
Вам интересно было бы принять в этом участие?
С Уважением.
e-Mail: Олег, oktradingonly@gmail.com
Date 19th 2017f March 2017
Здравствуйте, Сергей.
Появилась такая идея, предложил Рамилю, в ЖЖ его. Он предложил это написать в wish list и посмотреть на реакцию людей, которые пользуются программой, мне лично кажется что этот модуль сделать будет и быстро(поскольку он уже реализован в программе, просто не везде его можно использовать) и он бы был очень и очень полезен. История общения наша - ниже, тут по-моему расписано всё хорошо со всеми потенциальными ЗА и Против.
Мое предложение:
Q-spectrum мне очень нравится, как инструмент. И еще недавно познакомился с бэктестингому и турбо циклами, пока до конца не освоился, но на первый взгляд кажется очень интересный вариант. Спектрум и хантер использую как вспомогательный инструмент.
Но есть такой вопрос, хотелось бы статистику. Мне кажется, если сделать возможность к любой прогнозной линии, будть то в куспектруме, или в турбоциклах, или в спектруме, или в любом другом модуле(ведь я еще многих модуле не видел), добавить возможность провести статистический тест на истории, это будет очень удобно.
Ведь эта функция уже реализована в программе, в нейронных сетях пункт профит. Мы можем там и увеличивать и уменьшать количество входов. И смотреть статистику, и менять время на котором смотрим статистику.
Поэтому я предлагаю сделать такой модуль возможным для любой кривой. Таким образом прогнав по истории те циклы, которые нравятся, мы будем понимать не "на глаз" как работает тот или иной цикл, или композитная линия циклов, а у нас будет четкая математическая статистика. А уже имея четкую статистику можно понимать насколько сильно можно доверять тому или иному модулю. Как говорили многие трейдеры бывает такое, что тебе кажется что стратегия 50/50 или убыточна, ты считаешь математикой и она оказывается на 65% прибыльной. А бывает и наоборот кажется что стратегия прибыльная, а считаешь и получаешь минус по ней.
Например Дима в прошлом году нашел отличных 2 цикла по евро, которые работали 3 месяца, потом около 2ух месяцев был "перерыв" в их работе, и сейчас они вроде снова начинают работать. Но это всё на глаз оценивается. А если б была возможность провести тест входов и выходов, как в нейронной сети, у нас бы было больше возможностей и больше и понимания насколько хорошо работает цикл. И главное - мы б имели больше шансов подобные циклы находить.
Возможно даже мы б имели возможность определять быстрее, что цикл перестал работать или начал(подвигав бегунок по истории мы б может нашли закономерность что происходит когда цикл перестает работать и что происходит, когда цикл начинает работать снова), сейчас это делается руками, а точнее глазами и сложно, а по факту практически невозможнос найти закономерность.
Стоит ли кого-то попросить что б это написали в яху-груп? Мой английский не достаточен что б этот текст выше доступно перевести, а просто предложение если высказать мне кажется его могут проигнорировать, т.к. будет не понятно, зачем это вообще надо.
Или вы, Рамиль, передадите это предложение Сергею?
Мне кажется что этот модуль (проверки любой кривой с помощью статистики на прибыль как в НН) будет полезен очень многим, и в Астрологии в том числе, я до нее еще не дошел просто.
Ответ Рамиля:
В астрологии, действительно, можно делать такую статистику, ибо там астрофакторы - вещь постоянная и стабильная. Но по Q-Spectrum есть пара важных моментов. По статистике торговых сигналов. Здесь нет постоянно действующей фактуры, а ведь только на нее и может опереться такая статистика. Q-Spectrum работает с некими стихийно возникающими циклами, которые работают здесь и сейчас, некоторое ограниченное время, но больше никогда работать не будут (и не работали в прошлом). По сути, нам не на что опираться. В астроциклах можно проводит таковой анализ, здесь - нет. Это специфика модуля.
Второй момент важнее. Мы все, разумеется, заинтересованы в торговой системе, которая, после ее отладки, генерирует сигналы, а мы просто по ним торгуем, сведя свое участи, в принятии решений, к минимуму (в астромодулях это возможно). Но идеология модуля Q-Spectrum, как я уже не раз писал принципиально иная - она требует нашего обязательного участия в принятии решений. Всякий раз! Это не система, где мы можем расслабится, просто создав однажды хорошую модель и затем торгуя по ее сигналам. Ибо в Q-Spectrum у нас каждый раз новый набор циклов и новая модель. И каждый раз вам нужно будет принимать участие в ее создании, анализируя, какие циклы-пики она отрисовывает. Плохие - бракуете данный инструмент в этом таймфрейме, интересные - принимаете решение торговать. Но именно вы принимаете решение - программа на это не способна, она не видит всей полноты картины. Просеивать циклы, таймфреймы, искать золотые зерна - вот ваша задача. Программа просто ваш инструмент в этом поиске.
Поэтому у вас будет понимание будущего рынка, однако вы никогда не можете быть уверены в том, что оно реализуется на 100%. Впрочем, это, в целом, базисный момент торговли на финансовых рынках, который нужно принимать и понимать. Как тогда быть? Выход давно известен - риск-менеджмент, это базис любой торговой системы.
Таков, во всяком случае, мой взгляд на эти вещи. Я думаю, автор программы мыслит в схожем ключе. Насчет предложений - он не любит, когда предложения присылают по электронной почте (все это теряется), и очень просит оставлять в Виш Лист все предложения (по-русски там можно писать без проблем). Совершенно точно он это прочтет. Если несколько человек просят об одном - он точно об этом задумается.
И в Яху-групп тоже, разумеется, можно это предлагать, делиться мыслями (там только на английском).
Мой ответ:
Я согласен, что золотые зерна искать - моя задача. Но ведь так будет проще.
Возможно вы не до конца поняли что я имел ввиду.
В Ку-Спектрум я понимаю что статистика может быть только после расчета с конкретной LBC. Т.е. нельзя как в НН будет передвинуть LBC и сразу пересчитать, это понятно.
Но ведь я смогу при конкретно установленной LBC выбирать несколькими вариантами циклы, у меня в арсенале по меньшей мере 3 варианта(я смогу проверить какой из вариантов лучший резултат приносит, сейчас это всё я знаю "на глаз"). Плюс просмотр глазами через 2-3часа вызывает ошибки в оценке, это я думаю не только у меня а у всех, а цифры - всегда говорят правду.
Поэтому мне понятно, что модуль не будет так же удобен как в НН. Но в любом случае если это реализовать это ускорит тест и понимание.
Кстати например мне кажется что через 12 часов ку-спектрум(часовик и 30 минут) чаще точнее, чем через скажем 2-5 часов, но это тоже надо проверять. А имея возможность передвигать ползунком время с которого по которое мне хочется я как раз и смогу провести тест.
Т.е. просто я смотрю посмотреть статистику работы ку-спектрума с 2 до 6ти часов после LBC и с 10 до 15ти часов, и у меня будет полная статистика по всем цифрам. Это будет однозначно в разы, а может и десятки раз быстрее, чем это проверять руками, хотя и не так быстро, как полностью автоматически(но вы ж сами сказали что полностью автоматизировать невозможно, из-за особенностей ку-спектрума).
Про остальные модули мнение аналогичное: Для модулей, которые по-разному считаются при разных LBC в любом случае хорошо иметь возможность с помощью сигналов "просчитать" быстро % прибыли на входах и выходах.
Я на 100% успеха и не рассчитываю. А вот понимать у меня успех системы составляет 55% или 75% - очень важно. Т.к. если взять ку-спектрум в конце 2016 года мне кажется процент был 80% и выше, а если взять первые 2 недели 2017 года, то ниже 50%, а вот если б я смог проверить на истории конец последних 5ти лет и начало последних 5ти лет, вполне возможно что это б мне помогло очень сильно.
А проверить это без автоматики, ну я б сказал - невозможно физически одному человеку. Либо этому надо посвятить пару месяцев, это только для одного инструмента и для одной стратегии. Потому что автоматизированными движениями это не сделаешь, после каждого рассчета надо смотреть глазами и "примерно на глаз" определять насколько хороша корелляция, в случае наличия автоматического подсчета я рассчитал и только записываю величину в % и перехожу к следующим параметрам(LBC либо же другом способу установки циклов или еще что-то).
В любом случае очевидно, что для создания статистики такой модуль незаменим, я думаю со мной многие согласятся.
e-Mail: kevin chen
Date 03rd 2017f June 2017
in similarity module, can we compare a list of securities. something close to intermarket analysis but with same functions as the similarity module
thank you
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 05th 2017f June 2017
Hi Sergey,
Thank you for answering my "in trade" question. I think we were able to use an "in trade" filter in another module or in Q-Box earlier version (not sure which module).
This filter would be very welcome in Q-Box as for someone (like me) who is not astronomy/astrology savvy, it is sometimes not obvious how long the cycles are that I'm testing. Also it would allow to find cycles that are often working and those which are not. this is especially interesting if we do the first analysis and use a lot of possible cycles to find those which are working.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 06th 2017f June 2017
Hi Sergey,
Thank you for answering my "in trade" question. I think we were able to use an "in trade" filter in another module or in Q-Box earlier version (not sure which module).
This filter would be very welcome in Q-Box as for someone (like me) who is not astronomy/astrology savvy, it is sometimes not obvious how long the cycles are that I'm testing. Also it would allow to find cycles that are often working and those which are not. this is especially interesting if we do the first analysis and use a lot of possible cycles to find those which are working.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 06th 2017f June 2017
Hi Sergey,
Thank you for answering my "in trade" question. I think we were able to use an "in trade" filter in another module or in Q-Box earlier version (not sure which module).
This filter would be very welcome in Q-Box as for someone (like me) who is not astronomy/astrology savvy, it is sometimes not obvious how long the cycles are that I'm testing. Also it would allow to find cycles that are often working and those which are not. this is especially interesting if we do the first analysis and use a lot of possible cycles to find those which are working.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 07th 2017f June 2017
Hi Sergey,
Thank you for answering my "in trade" question. I think we were able to use an "in trade" filter in another module or in Q-Box earlier version (not sure which module).
This filter would be very welcome in Q-Box as for someone (like me) who is not astronomy/astrology savvy, it is sometimes not obvious how long the cycles are that I'm testing. Also it would allow to find cycles that are often working and those which are not. this is especially interesting if we do the first analysis and use a lot of possible cycles to find those which are working.
Kind regards,
e-Mail: david@southlakearts.com
Date 09th 2017f August 2017
Please please please
Easy upgrade for Sergey the Great!
Let us create sub-groups for elements.
Folders perhaps?
A folder for geometry tools to turn ones on and off with one click would be incredible!
And a quick lock function. High light and press l to lock perhaps?
Also ULE doesn't have progressed abilities.
I'm working out 5fold horoscope for oil, if ULE was able to do progressed it would save so much time! (I have a bout 40 hours left as it is :p)
So to recap
I wish I wish for
-sub groups for elements
-quick lock function
-progressed horoscope aspects in ULE
e-Mail: Martin Biber
Date 24th 2017f October 2017
Dear Sergey,
You sent the recent results of the spectrum viewer. I wondered if it is possible to add a folder where all the stocks are sorted (in subfolders) according to their sector or even industry?
I would suggest to use the same sectors/industry allocation as in TS Scanner.
This could help us find the dominant cycles for certain sectors.
Best regards,
e-Mail: David Hall
Date 25th 2017f October 2017
I've noticed alot of the same questions arise in the timing solution thread.
Perhaps if we had a reading list that we directed users to it would be better.
I just saw someone ask how to use a natal chart, and I know you're getting tired of the So9 questions :)
Just a thought
e-Mail: Gabriella Mittelman
Date 20th 2017f November 2017
may I ask you, to put a link in the libary to the crypto currencies data?
I find it difficult to download it from Investing.com
e-Mail: David Hall
Date 10th 2018f February 2018
The most powerful tool in timing solutions is the CIRCLE :)
Please Please let us rotate a fixed ellipse or free ellipse, unless this is already a function in a higher level in which case take my money please! :)
e-Mail: aaaddd999aaa@gmail.com
Date 04th 2018f March 2018
Идея уже не нова но почему ее нет в вашей программе ? Глубокие нейронные сети Deep learning . Наиболее прогрессивный алгоритм разработал Гугл называется TensorFlow он в свободном доступе .Работает на Python платформа анаконда Anaconda (так удобней). https://machinelearningmastery.com/multi-step-time-series-forecasting-long-short-term-memory-networks-python/ здесь код готовой нейросети . По сравнению с прежними поколениями нейросетей разница колоссальная , старое поколение ни чего не предсказывало (скажем честно) это поколение показывает направление и смену тренда или разворот более менее прилично . Хотелось бы увидеть в Вашей программе .
Date 27th 2018f April 2018
More features in backtesting nn models
for example :(1) more targets (not only RPO).For sure use CLOSE.
(2) ability to choose training interval (prior to LBC ) period
Thank you
e-Mail: Petros Palaskas
Date 11th 2018f October 2018
Hi Sergey
Could you in (ULE ) in the planet status add the feature ,when planets Tr is between x and y degrees ? (example mars between 22-48 degrees = 22 aries to 18 taurus )
e-Mail: Jure
Date 16th 2018f October 2018
It would be great, if there was an extra option to save calendar (when you add more of them together)
Date 11th 2018f December 2018
Hi Sergey
if you could add these simple features:
a) the moving average of the Volume to be put inside the actual volume (panel) and not in a seperate
b) in the SUM Volume to add the ability to see also SUM Volume divided by BAR example
2 million volume in 13 bars =2000000/13 =1.538 milion per bar
e-Mail: Peter
Date 13th 2018f December 2018
Hello Sergey
If you could add in the SAVE TASK( WORKSHEETS) ,a box where we could write comments etc .
I have so many saved tasks and forget many times what I did etc.
That would be quite handy
Thank you
e-Mail: dascore88@yahoo.com.au
Date 09th 2019f June 2019
With cryptocurrency being another another volatile asset class for day trading, is it possible to add BINANCE real time datafeed that is available for free from BINANCE website into Timingsolution - just like how Metatrader 4 data can be fed into Timingsolution through the currency loader? They provide a free API to do that. Just a suggestion that will attract more users to the TS software and enlarge its usability. There is a large spread between Bitcoin and other cryptcurrencies from MT4 datafeed from forex brokers and the actual Cryptocurrency prices eg Bitcoin direct from BINANCE exchange. Thanks.
e-Mail: hhpackrat@gmail.com
Date 18th 2019f June 2019
You currently have a "price slice" feature. As a Gann student, I'd like to see a "time slice" feature for finding patterns of time.
I let the programming up to you, but I think starting from the zigzag that you currently use for other things (including--I think--the "price slice" feature) might be the best approach. Actually, as I envision it, the "time slice" feature would be nearly identical to the "price slice" feature EXCEPT that it would ignore price direction (that is, up and down)--it would pay attention ONLY to the dates (or time values) of highs and lows (as I think you also do with "price slice"). You see, Gann's historical pattern matching for certain methods concerned ONLY *timing* of pivots (or CITs, changes in trend) and, in a certain sense, ignored inversions of price moves for matching purposes. It didn't make any difference whether a pivot was a high or low--only the WHEN (the timing) was important. The comparison over the history of the market or stock is done by comparing a selected sequence of dates (as with "price slice") with similar date sequences that occur in the history. (By "sequences", I'm referring to a series of numbers representing the varying time distances between the members of the chosen selection of dates. Matching could be exact, but I suspect it would be more practical to have a specified "orb", or "fudge factor", for how exact the matching has to be. I presume that you already do something similar with "price slice", since it would be highly unusual to be a completely exact match.)
If you have any questions about this, please ask.
Harvey Hahn
e-Mail: hhpackrat@gmail.com
Date 19th 2019f June 2019
Recently (around April 1) there was a question in the TS forum about logarithmic charting, and you pointed out that TS does not and cannot do that natively. However, you indicated that there was an option for TS to convert market data to their logarithmic equivalents when downloading and then to chart using those converted data.
The charting problem with arithmetic data (such as TS displays) is that low prices are "scrunched" together and high prices (and volatility) are spread apart. The opposite charting problem occurs with logarithmic data because low prices are spread apart and high prices are "scrunched" together.
However, there does exist a "middle way".
In early 1931 a stock market statistician noticed that price movements of stocks tended to be proportional to the square roots of their prices. An analyst at the San Francisco office of Dean Witter during the 1930s through the 1950s promoted square root charting. I have collected a number of other writings in the standard market literature from the 1930s through the 1950s that also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of square root charting. When I was a teenager at the time of the 1962 market crash, my father had a subscription to a market advisory service ("Cyclotron") that used square root charting from at least 1946 onward. (That concept of square root charting stuck in my mind all these years because it was so unique compared to all the other advisory services.) Just recently, I found two market authors (William Dunnigan, 1950s, and Franklin Paul Jackson, 1970s) whose works promote and depend on square root charting.
I wish to request that you would add a second button for square root conversion--perhaps named "SqRt scale" on the button--and that you would add the associated conversion routine to do this to the data. I'm particularly curious if this would assist certain Gann techniques (including "precise charting"), since he was so interested in squares and square roots and certain related angles.
Thanks for considering this request!
Harvey Hahn
P.S. I'm going to try to send some sample TS charts using square root data that I converted for myself to see what it looked like. As noted in this WISH LIST instructions, I'll send them to ts_service@rogers.com.
e-Mail: tsompairac@mac.com
Date 26th 2019f June 2019
Hello Sergey,
Many times, i think : "I'd like to look at the video Sergey posted about 10 day ago and that I had no time to look at. I don't remember the name. Where could it be?"
So, I would like a section displaying last 3 months new videos/tutorials links (unless it already exists and I simply don't know about it).
e-Mail: alon_avramson@yahoo.com
Date 26th 2019f July 2019
Hello Sergey
Hope you are doing well.
This is not urgent, as i know you are travelling please do not bother while travel.
I am using strategies as in the example attached.
This is a 64 bit version without any customized objects.
I am using a version from 2015 but the same subject is relevant for the newer versions.
There are some questions which I hope you could answer, and some wishes I will add to the wich list, hoping you will be able to review soon.
When I export the startegies to excel, I get values which are not the same as the price. I was trying to see if I can find the ratio but it was too complicated.
Q.1. How Can I understand from TS what is the ratio between the price and the strategies?
W.1. Could you please see if such a ratio could be derived and presented?
When I am trying to add strategies I can see that the value ratio between the strategies is not only different from the price but also from each other.
Q.2 How Can I understand from TS what is the value ratio between the different strategies?
W.2. Could you please see if such a ratio could be derived and presented?
Date 11th 2019f August 2019
Dear Sergey,
I would like to add a recommendation to wish list. I would like to see the Fibonacci tool updated so that we can save the retracements that we want. Currently you can save the tool as a favorite, but you can't save the retracements that you entered.
Nick Savino
e-Mail: alon_avramson@yahoo.com
Date 27th 2019f August 2019
Improvements to "astrological Prediction Techniques"
This module combines both time and price. in exact numbers.
My idea: to create a forecast line with the relevant points of aspects and price.
1. Price should be selected
2. Only to aspected
Smallest orb should be used
Auto-defined ratio with option to overwrite
The list of aspects should be limited to around the price only (next slide)
Interval should selected by the user
7. The user defined the forecast horizon and the
6. According to the defined step, the system to run each step and mark the date and the price
8. Optionally the color of the aspect/price will be dedicated to a planet
This concept works today in step by step but since it is manual we cannot see the forecast.
e-Mail: bagelandcoffee@hotmail.com
Date 08th 2019f September 2019
When printing a chart I change the background colors to white then change back for monitor viewing.
I would like all white background as default for printing.
e-Mail: jaworski@tpg.com.au
Date 25th 2019f September 2019
The wish is that TPA could include CITs manually marked by a user rather than be just swings defined by a set mathematical size (eg 5%).
This would facilitate a more thorough analysis by Gann students and discretionary traders of swings other than the ones defined by mathematics.
The user could mark swing points by (say) left-click for bottom, right-click for top (and even a centre-click or shift-click for a flat point).
As a bonus to allowing traditional TPA swing analysis for the manually defined CITs, the data which TPA would provide for such manually defined CITs could also be used in a spread-sheet to create a systems report and equity curve for discretionary traders.
Date 18th 2019f December 2019
Hello Sergey
Would be nice to add SQN on NN, and on all modules in wich it can be implemented(the calculation that is )
e-Mail: doug.aacr@gmail.com
Date 28th 2020f January 2020
Sergey, My wish is for adding dwads to ULE. Particularly when the moon enters the sign of the dwad of the previous lunar phase. I do this by hand without difficulty but My Wish is to get this data on TS Calendar.
e-Mail: tornet656@gmail.com
Date 08th 2020f February 2020
Hello, Would you provide trading system strategy that shares entry signals for Forex market?
if you provide a signal provider software would be great
Date 29th 2020f March 2020
Hello Sergey
Could you at some point add the ability to copy paste dates and have vertical lines for these dates(like in the module advanced support resistance where you can paste hundreds of numbers for price) ?
I know one can do that with through Phenomena module(custom) ,but it takes too long to copy paste save ,reopen ,and then you end up with hundreds of .phen files.
Thank you
e-Mail: anuj.jain32@gmail.com
Date 18th 2020f April 2020
Hello sergy,
Sometimes we make notes of trade analysis that need to be saved. Can we have a note book or excel sheet kind of feature along with worksheet.
Thanks and Best regards
e-Mail: guydot06@gmail.com
Date 30th 2020f April 2020
Allowing for cyclical analysis of none time based datasets such as range, tick, volume or P&F style bars using TS modules such as the truly beautiful Q-Spectrum analyzer and more.
Purpose: Finding confluence between Time cycles and Activity cycles can greatly improve the âtradibilityâ of a model.
e-Mail: ivan.panchenko@hotmail.com
Date 09th 2020f May 2020
Hello, Sergey!
How do you think, is possible in futer add for neural net analys data of COT reports? I think that this way is very perspective, becouse this information have even direct dependencies (not just correlation) between price. Probably neural net can find very strong and exact dependencies that are invisible to eye.
e-Mail: ivan.panchenko@hotmail.com
Date 09th 2020f May 2020
Hello, Sergey!
How do you think, is possible in futer add for neural net analys data of COT reports? I think that this way is very perspective, becouse this information have even direct dependencies (not just correlation) between price. Probably neural net can find very strong and exact dependencies that are invisible to eye.
e-Mail: martin@biber.net
Date 12th 2020f June 2020
- A default button would be nice so we donât have to change the settings every time we run TSScanner
- I use it when window is not maximized. It would be great if TSScanner would remember if my window was maximized or not
e-Mail: kctrade.in@gmail.com
Date 20th 2020f June 2020
Hi Sergey
Thank for all your help
if possible please add following feature in Timing Solution
by using Turning Point Astro Indicator i have made a list of significant astrological events & saved them in a file
now i want to plot these events on chart to know their dates
English is not my first language , so i am sorry if my writing is not precise
many thanks
e-Mail: defender136@mail.ru
Date 12th 2020f August 2020
I think we can improve QF module to see more good results.
The first, it to give users a ability to change "min distance between trades".
When we speak about trading style we say that we should be in trade 1 week, 3 week, 3 months.
If I decide for myself be in trade 3 week, I'll close my position in 2 week and 2 days in case stop-loss or take profit.
If I decide for myself be in trade 1 week, I'll close my position in 3 days in case stop-lose or take profit.
But when "min distance between trades" in QF is changed from 5 to 4 the result can difenetly change, for exaple for "min distance between trades=5" we have one result with QP=10 and QT=5, and for "min distance between trades=4" we have one result with QP=30 and QT=70. It's totally different. However my trading style didn't change, but result of "min distance between trades" show me definatly different results.
I have a solve for us. What if you give us possibility to write diapason of "min distance between trades"? In this case we can be close with our trading style and we can choose the better results from QF.
It's may influent on time of calculating, but let's be honest, the first, if we find some works figures, we don't reculculate it a lot of time, the second, time of calculating from other modules longer usually, and in the end if time of calculating for person so important, he can write one "min distance between trades".
The second, I belive that quantum price depend of rate of price, for example, we have Amazon stock and the typical QP in this case will 500 points. But for CLL stock the typical QP will 30 points. In this way for advance users will more helpful to write the diaposon for QP. For example for AMZN we can write QP like this "200-800", and for CCL we can write "5-50". As I can see in good results for Quantum Figures often we have the proportion QP/QT less then 0.5.
In this way we can spare of calculation time.
The third, Tab of Optimization, the tab has redundant information, for example: "Amount of out of trend figures varies", and tab with numbers which in default is zero.
And last one, It touches "counting start dates", I think it's good idea for add this parameter that you did.
P.S. Can you explain the tab in optimization "Cycles description"?
e-Mail: defender136@mail.ru
Date 25th 2020f August 2020
ĐŻ ĐżŃĐžĐ´ĐžĐťĐśĐ°Ń ŃĐ˛ĐžŃ ŃайОŃŃ Ń ĐванŃОвŃПи ŃигŃŃаПи, как пО Пно - ŃŃĐž СаПоŃĐ°ŃоНŃĐ˝ŃĐš ПОдŃĐťŃ.
ĐОгда Ń Đ¸ŃŃ ŃĐ¸ĐżŃ ĐşĐ˛Đ°Đ˝ŃОв, ŃĐž ОдниП иС ĐžŃнОвнŃŃ
ĐşŃиŃĐľŃиов ŃвНŃĐľŃŃŃ ŃгОН накНОна "ĐşŃивОК Đ´ĐžŃ
ОднОŃŃи", нО кОгда дОНгО анаНиСиŃŃĐľŃŃ, ŃĐž гНаС СаПŃНиваоŃŃŃ Đ¸ ŃĐ°ŃŃĐž ĐżŃОпŃŃкаŃŃŃŃ Ń
ĐžŃĐžŃио ваŃианŃŃ.
ОднОŃŃи ŃиŃНоннО. ĐĐťŃ ŃŃОгО ĐżŃĐľĐ´ĐťĐ°ĐłĐ°Ń Đ˝Đ°ĐšŃи ŃŃодноаŃиŃПоŃиŃĐľŃкиК ŃгОН накНОна.
ĐŃĐž ĐżĐžĐźĐžĐśĐľŃ ĐąĐžĐťĐľĐľ ŃŃŃокŃивнО и ОйŃокŃивнО анаНиСиŃОваŃŃ ĐşŃивŃŃ Đ´ĐžŃ
e-Mail: jeff.leauby@gmail.com
Date 30th 2020f September 2020
Thank you for your recent videos on Timing Solution. I have a couple of ideas that I think are useful in the Natural Cycles module:
1) More statistics would be helpful for me in the AnnualQ Strategy. I appreciate having the median for the isolated UPS and DOWN buckets, but having a median for all occurrences would also be useful in addition to having the mean (average) and standard deviation (variability of average) would be nice (for all occurrences).
2) Having ability to exclude certain years in AnnualQ Strategy (for example, to run a 4 year presidential cycle 2016, 2012, 2008, etc) and then display the hotspots would be an interesting feature. Having this ability in TS Scanner would be good too. And the ability to change from annual, 4 year, decennial 10 year, etc
e-Mail: jeff.leauby@gmail.com
Date 15th 2020f November 2020
Hello - could we add in ULE/Fundamental item for "Friday the 13th's " ?
There is statistical significance since the early 1990s that a Friday the 13th will have an up day in the S&P about 60% of the time
If this is already a way to access this could you let me know?
e-Mail: mearyeaurng@gmail.com
Date 17th 2020f November 2020
Hi, I am running the astronomy composite for my trading every day by manually selecting the "H" number. I manually searched the numbers (1-100 and 1/2 - 1/12). When I searched I am looking for the "H" box that gives me 70% or more in the sample training, as indicated in figure 1 which gives me an 83.33%. As far as selecting which planet to which planet it's ok because I know which planet I want for my stocks or currency pairs to run with already. But I am looking for a better solution in the "H" box with an option to scan also not just having to manually select all the numbers one by one in the "H" box. For example, I would dial in Jupiter-Sun angle Helio, and then I had to manually search that "H" until I find the result that is above 70%. Then I continue to search more for better results with higher percentages, in this case, 83.33% is the highest that I found. So instead of searching manually for those numbers above 70%, I was wondering if I can scan the "H" box for all possible sample training results that would yield above 70% or better. I hope you understand what I am saying.
I already sent the figures to the e-mail address. Please consider that. Thanks.
e-Mail: futureeng21@gmail.com
Date 03rd 2020f January 2021
e-Mail: anuj.jain32@gmail.com
Date 17th 2021f May 2021
Hello Sergy,
In todays 17 may mail you discussed about revisiting Downloading time history module. My two wishes in this regard
1. Can we again have the option to open yahoo finance directly as it was in previous version. Now we have to open browser to find a symbol.
2. you said that you will think of converting daily price into weekly, monthly chart. May i request for intraday chart of 5 min to be converted in 30 min or 1 hr bar.
Thanks and best regards,
e-Mail: sufulljha@gmail.com
Date 25th 2021f June 2021
e-Mail: A Kumar
Date 14th 2021f July 2021
Hi Sergey
1. I tried Event Box module for optimizing TPAI significant events but results are better before optimization, so I dropped the idea of using EB module
2. I tried curvature parameter from 1 to 10 (1,2,3...) results are same, there is no change in index/projection line ( I used smooth 0 in all cases)
3. in TPAI statistical criteria ( minimum sample size & critical chi square) can we have 2 options for each, one for slow moving planets & other for fast moving planets , so that for slow moving planets we can select sample size between 1-3 & for fast moving planets above 10, same with chi square
4. In TPAI can we do calculations for Top, Bottom, Big Down, Big UP simultaneously ? at present top & bottom are indicated by red & blue color & there is no color for big up/down , my idea is : index/projection line itself will indicate top ,bottom, big up, big down indicated by 4 different colors
5. if my main objective is to identify future dates of top, bottom & big up/down based on astronomical phenomena which model other than TPAI you would suggest ?. I am not keen to use any astro cycle, I love the idea of using multiple combination of astrological/astronomical phenomena like we do in TPAI, any other model where we can do similar calculations ?
Hello, Anup
Look, we can do optimization if we have not enough variety a events, bricks that are used to build a model. Like we can not build the word "HOME" using letters ABCDEF only, we need more variety of letters, more different bricks.
In this particular case having dozen/s events you can not build the model that explain all CITs. Simply draw together the events that generates TPI and pric
e-Mail: Anup Kumar Agarwal
Date 14th 2021f July 2021
Hi Sergey if possible I wish the following changes in TPAI module thx
1. In statistical criteria ( minimum sample size & critical chi square) can we have 2 options for each, one for slow moving planets & other for fast moving planets , so that for slow moving planets we can select sample size between 1-3 & for fast moving planets above 10, same with chi square
2.can we do calculations for Top, Bottom, Big Down, Big UP simultaneously ? at present top & bottom are indicated by red & blue color & there is no color for big up/down , my idea is : we will do all the 4 calculation simultaneously so that we will have one index/projection line which will indicate future dates of top ,bottom, big up & big down indicated by 4 different colors & we can keep a track of forecast
3. In filtered wave (zigzag) there are 6 options (trend phase, CIT Wave etc) but system allows to use only detrended zigzag, can we use the other 5 options ?
Thanks for all your guidance & help, regards
Date 02nd 2021f November 2021
yes, I know, the zones are identical, but the value for the result of
the forecast on out of sample data, "OS", is not always selected from
the BEST zone if there are SEVERAL EQUALLY BEST zones, as I have
described in my example:
Three zones with equal value for data in sample, "91,7% (11/1)", but
with different values for forecast on out of sample:
OS: 81,3% (13/3)
OS: 58,3% (7/5)
OS: 42,9% (6/8)
Those values for OS are also identical in all three variations of
midpoint formula, but not always the best of these different values
is displayed in textbox "The most important cycles", instead the
second-best or third-best first value in list of those three
different values for OS in textbox "Predictable Zones".
Of course, this only occurs on Backtesting setting (including
forecast on out of sample data), not on Final Forcast setting
(including only forecast on future data, NOT forecast on out of
sample data), as in your attached pictures.
Sorry, I don't want to annoy you.
Best regards
Date 02nd 2021f November 2021
it's a pleasure to contribute a little bit to this extraordinary
I found another bug in my outdated old version (2016), related to
sorting of best "Predictable Zones" in Q-Box. Maybe this is fixed in
actual version, anyway, i will report it:
As i understand, this part of the displayed string: "best=Down 91,7%
(11/1) OS: 81,3% (13/3)", means the best zone for data IN SAMPLE,
that ALSO has BEST value for data OUT OF SAMPLE.
I played around with three different variations of same formula for
harmonic 12: ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12 , (Sun+Moon)/2*12 ,
(Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12 ,
and just by chance i found a bug related to sorting of values of "OS"
for best zone in textbox "The most important cycles":
All five zones for each of these three varitions of midpoint-formula
are identical, but the SELECTED value of up/down (in procents and
also absolute) for OUT OF SAMPLE in textbox "The most important
cycles" is different:
OS Profit=1,60% ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12 -+--- av=88,3% best=Down
91,7% (11/1) OS: 81,3% (13/3)) in trade 32,3% of time
OS Profit=1,60% (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12 ---+- av=88,3% best=Down
91,7% (11/1) OS: 42,9% (6/8)) in trade 32,3% of time
OS Profit=1,60% (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12 ---+- av=88,3%
best=Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 58,3% (7/5)) in trade 32,3% of time
I digged deeper and found, there are three "equal best" zones, all
three "down", all three "11/1 = 91,7%":
OS Profit=1,60% ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12 -+--- av=88,3% best=Down
91,7% (11/1) OS: 81,3% (13/3)) in trade 32,3% of time
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 81,3% (13/3) ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12
253.40->306.43 dT=15,1 b
Up 83,3% (10/2) OS: 26,7% (4/11) ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12
110.18->126.59 dT=4,7 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 58,3% (7/5) ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12
05.46->31.30 dT=6,8 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 42,9% (6/8) ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12
146.40->175.28 dT=7,3 b
Down 83,3% (10/2) OS: 23,1% (3/10) ((Sun+Moon)/2)*12;SM=12
312.43->330.54 dT=4,8 b
OS Profit=1,60% (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12 ---+- av=88,3% best=Down
91,7% (11/1) OS: 42,9% (6/8)) in trade 32,3% of time
Down 83,3% (10/2) OS: 23,1% (3/10) (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12
312.43->330.54 dT=4,8 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 42,9% (6/8) (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12
146.40->175.28 dT=7,3 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 81,3% (13/3) (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12
253.40->306.43 dT=15,1 b
Up 83,3% (10/2) OS: 26,7% (4/11) (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12
110.18->126.59 dT=4,7 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 58,3% (7/5) (Sun+Moon)/2*12;SM=12 05.46->31.30
dT=6,8 b
OS Profit=1,60% (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12 ---+- av=88,3%
best=Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 58,3% (7/5)) in trade 32,3% of time
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 58,3% (7/5) (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12
05.46->31.30 dT=6,8 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 42,9% (6/8) (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12
146.40->175.28 dT=7,3 b
Down 91,7% (11/1) OS: 81,3% (13/3) (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12
253.40->306.43 dT=15,1 b
Up 83,3% (10/2) OS: 26,7% (4/11) (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12
110.18->126.59 dT=4,7 b
Down 83,3% (10/2) OS: 23,1% (3/10) (Midpoint(Sun,Moon))*12;SM=12
312.43->330.54 dT=4,8 b
The order of these three equal best zones in textbox "Predictable
Zones" is different for all three variations of my midpoint-formula,
and in textbox "The most important cycles" there is NOT ALWAYS the
zone with BEST value for "OS" selected, instead the FIRST of these
three equal best zones in the list is selected in textbox "The most
important cycles", for each variant of formula another one, with
another value of "OS".
I suppose, a sorting routine for best zone related to value of "OS"
is missing, if there are more than one zones with same best relation
of up/down for IN SAMPLE data.
> Please refer to this email, when you are ready to buy Timing Solution
> software. A very significant discount is waiting for you.
many thanks for your generous offer. I'm more interested in astrology
than trading, but trading is the ideal playground to learn more about
the additive and hierarchical structure of rules in astrology.
best regards
e-Mail: aaapers@verizon.net
Date 15th 2021f November 2021
A suggestion for Bartels: If we place 20 events highs and lows with dates it would be helpful to have the program find the events that are within a specified range. Set it for example at 5 degrees of variability and let the program find any of the 20 entries that are within a five degree radius. So if the program finds an angle of 120 it will list or highlight those events within 5 degrees. Other events may come in at other Bartel degrees but within that 5 degree margin. SO the program is actually identifying potential multiple Bartel degrees within the data if it is there. It's a kind of optimizing of data points.
e-Mail: ferdiesundjoyo@gmail.com
Date 19th 2022f February 2022
Some ideas to level up existing modules:
1. Q spectrum. The latest update about separating spectrum and projection lines to see cycles that still active for backtesting is good. Maybe it will be better if there is a so called 'cycle energy' to see if this cycle is still strong in upcoming days, ie to extend it into future, and see how long we can trust and use that selected cycle. Actually, FSC (foundation of study cycle) has implemented this. I was wondering if it can be incorporated to TS as well, since it is in the same area -> spectrum. I believe this will be very powerful, because we not only backtest (although I guess it should still be designed more proper, maybe using equity curve, like in the Trading strategy constructor module in TI), but also how long we could still use it.
2. Astronomy. I see that here, we can mostly analyze only 2 planets at a time (moon-sun, sun-jupiter), maybe it's time to upgrade it to more plantes , for example 3 (Sun-mercury-venus angles, etc) to watch the projection line cycles and conduct WFA. Since for now, we can only backtest it manually from ULE, which is very time consuming . Maybe you can develope something like Astronomy II for this technology (?)
3. Easy expert. Although it has been developed >10 years ago, this is very handy features to let us (me) understand the very important specific Astro aspects & phenomena for each asset quickly, otherwise I had to do them manually from ULE (complete version). Maybe it's time to upgrade this module to. Maybe to 'optimize' it, so with one click, we know what all possible combinations is useful. Also, sometimes I spot a slight difference between its result and ULE efficiency test result, like 1 - 2 days earlier.
Also, the waxing and waning criteria in Easy expert can't be input in the box, maybe there's a bug.
I believe the best module for intraday trading is only trading spectrum and Q spectrum. Since Q spectrum has been upgrade recently, maybe if you wanna focus to improve for intraday, it should be the trading spectrum (in Q-box). Since spectrum is about (active) cycles, maybe you can incorporate Wave cycle hunter to constantly searching for active cycles, also combine with Q-box to see the highest success probability available. I believe "trading" at dynamically active cycles can give good results.
e-Mail: andrew.gibbs777@gmail.com
Date 23rd 2022f February 2022
e-Mail: andrew.gibbs777@gmail.com
Date 23rd 2022f February 2022
Forecast Indicators:
(Forecast) Envelopes, Moving Averages etc.
I am wondering if a projection line forecast could be utilised to create Forecast Based Indicators. Example: Where the indicator uses the first 5 data points of the price forecast to calculate/populate the final five data points on the indicator on the price chart. The messages on the main board trying to explain what I mean are under the following subject headers:
#WISHLIST #Forecast Based Indicators
Forecast Based Indicators
With existing indicators there is a lag. A 21 period moving average (envelope) will have a lag of five bars. The centered moving average approach or non lag approach still doesn't solve the issue as they only incorporate existing data or use correlation between shorter term averages to forecast the missing data points. The problem is as the length of the averages divergences the correlation is reduced. Example the 2 period moving average might only have a 25% correlation with the 21 day moving average. Using this there is no anticipation for price change until after the fact which doesn't help anyone.
What would be useful is to be able to project the (indicator) forward based on a projection line and then utilise the indicator/price forecast to back adjust the unknown indicator values (i.e. for 21 period, the last five bars).
Doing with with channels would be very good as the indicator should pick up the extremes in price action. The width of the channels could be calculated by forecasting the range.
Best Regards
Andrew Gibbs
e-Mail: paul@rpwtraders.com.au
Date 27th 2022f May 2022
I know you mentioned you were thinking about going to 64bit only. A lot of people still have data in metastock format so would you be able to add this metastock format 64bit dll please?
e-Mail: sushitoudon@hotmail.com
Date 03rd 2022f June 2022
Undo(Ctrl + Z) and Redo (Ctrl + Y) or icon buttons just like the Excel.
e-Mail: matteo.innocenti47@gmail.com
Date 11th 2022f June 2022
i don't know if this is already possible or not.
As for the similarity tool, it would be interesting to have a report which shows for each year the best similar past years to look for similarities. For instance, i did it for coffee and found that there are some recurrent past years it follows.
Basically i did this:
2000: 11, 5, 14, 20, 26, 22
2001: 12, 6, 21, 27, 3, 15, 24
2002: 19, 26, 27, 17, 23
2003: 16, 10, 22, 28,
2004: 19, 28, 21, 5, 29, 25,
2005:28, 25, 31, 10, 16, 4, 21, 14
2006: 21, 14, 25, 19
2007: 24, 32, 14, 3
2008: 13, 7, 34, 17
2009: 33, 34, 26, 7, 30
2010: 34, 35, 27, 17,
2011: 34, 20, 27, 16,
2012: 12, 14, 26, 29, 11,
2013: 13, 24, 12, 18, 15, 27,
2014: 24, 38, 35, 17,
2015: 17, 3, 15, 26, 37
2016: 37, 22, 16, 40,
2017: 5, 19, 4, 17,
2018: 29, 18, 44, 20
2019: 15, 34, 9, 13
2020: 14,27,45
2021: 11, 45, 38, 44, 13, 6,
read as for 2021, 11,45,38.... years ago were similar in price path
Hopefully i didn't make mistakes...
i did this shifting LBC back manually and found that there are recurrent cycles (it seems to me that 27, 17, 24, 34, and others happens frequently....)
Interesting if we look at the period 2008-2011, 34 years cycle was very strong and persistent
the idea, which is probably not a new one, is to have the software do the work automatically.
In terms of forecast the idea is to compute similarity as the price realizes
for instance, we want to forecast 2022 and we are in may/june (or whatever month). Then i compute which years are the most similar in therm of price so far and see if these are present in the report
To be more clear
2022: 24, 7, 3, 40, 10, 5, 15,44
this is what it is for 2022 as for may/june
I can expect the price for the rest of 2022 to behave similar to 24 years ago as this is quite often present in the report above; but i also like 44 as it was present in 2021 and 2018 (and it happens often that the same cycle is persistent for more years as in the 2008-2011 period (so, no more that if last year, 44 was good then next year must be 45...).
Or i can make committee of 24, 44, 15 (15 also appears sometimes)
Otherwise we should just rely on the fact that the years computed for 2022 are recurrent (the report can help selecting among these years for 2022 the one which are recurrent in the past)
Maybe you or others already tested this idea....anyway, thanks for reading.
e-Mail: dariuszkopec5@gmail.com
Date 08th 2022f September 2022
Date 08th 2022f September 2022
e-Mail: korefeichik@mail.ru
Date 10th 2022f September 2022
Hello Sergey
Could you make parameters in the turbo cycles module with bars and time displayed in the metric
e-Mail: ferdiesundjoyo@gmail.com
Date 18th 2022f September 2022
Hi Sergey, I donât know if I have submitted this or not because previous page was lost, anyway Iâll try to make it short. The new NEURAL NET update is great, I always love when there is major update especially in regards to algorithm things. I can see Neural net is truely for forecasting projection lines, though out of sample data is still relatively poor. However, I can see some part of it catches major / huge movement, which is the only part we need to make money I guess. Since the goal is to make money, and not catch every move / every turns (it is still almost impossible (?)), therefore, why not also apply predictable zones concept in NN? Because in NN, we combine all possible combinations into 1 system and let it filters on its own, isnât it? I guess outcome will be a bit different from Q-box. I think this is the most important, to make catch the huge movement (with a predicted higher accuracy) and make money..
In addition, like what you and Larry William have said before, causes of inversion maybe due to interest rates / inflation / energy prices. May be itâs a good idea to incorporate the forecast of these things as part of the fundamental factors in Neural Net, which at the same time, will be used for forecasting the future projection line from a single period? Therefore, this will create a projection line that automatically predict periods where inversions are likely to occur, and projected it as inversion, and then continued as normal line again.. May be it can increase out of sample data correlation?
For example, in 2019, we calculate the neural net for indexes. Because we add the fundamental factors of âinflation rateâ which according to its analysis, will likely to go up in 2022, therefore, the projection line that it gives for out of sample data, will have inversion only on 2022, then maybe after 1+ years, it switches to normal mode again.. I think inversion is the main factor why out of sample data usually have low correlations, so if we predicted it from the beginning, maybe we will be 1 step more closer to the so called âholy grailâ tool.
Cheers, hope for all the best.
And by the way, for Q spectrum 2, can you modify the predictable zones to be more better? The reason Iâm still using Q spectrum 1 until now is because it has better predictable zones. (More neat, esp. when we combine several cycles.. I know exactly when to buy and when to sell and close them). Though we have Q-box, but I sometimes result of the predictable zones are different. So I still need to use all of them.
Thank you
e-Mail: stepanovmoscow@yandex.ru
Date 13th 2023f April 2023
Good afternoon, Sergey!
There is a proposal to the developers of Timing Solution to make a dark version of the program. It takes a lot of time to work with the program, and the light background burns out the eyes, the eyes get very tired.
e-Mail: fxwavez@gmail.com
Date 14th 2023f April 2023
Hello Sergey
TS Data Feed is awesome, but I often have problems with the search function. it would be helpful if you could create a kind of watchlist in TS, for example for stocks that you watch but don't constantly analyze. Just an idea, a suggestion
kind regards
Stephen Boehme
e-Mail: test@test.com
Date 2023-May-15
IP [::1]:64892
Date 2023-Aug-18
IP [::1]:60290
Make a trading system with lowest wrong entry points and rent it to people also be able pass prop firm by this trading system...
Date 2023-Sep-27
Hello everyone,
I'm not sure if I already expressed this idea. So sorry in case this is a repetition. I think it would be great to have the yield spread 10y/2y and 10y/6m from America (I couldn't find it, maybe it is already there). I read somewhere that this is a leading factor. That means it could be of interest to use it in the intermarket module.
Best regards,
Date 2023-Dec-02
IP [::1]:50328
ULE -> Planet Aspecting (major) planets -> Document Designer -> [Change date and day that the aspect occurs] to [ Date & actual aspect that is occurring].
I want to know WHAT aspect is occurring and when on the document designer so I can export it to notes (as it doesn't display on the chart itself) instead of only seeing the dates and day of week that the aspect is occurring.
What is the use of seeing a date and day of an aspect if I don't know if it is a positive or negative aspect?
e-Mail: evgen.odrina@gmail.com
Date 2023-Dec-14
IP [::1]:55112
Hi TS team,
With high probability you've already done some research regarding it long time ago, but still I would like to share it with you
I came across one article
Does it make any sense to implement this formula somewhere in the program and try to point 12345ABC waves?
Date 2023-Dec-16
On the Calendar I would like to make a few adjustments and possible improvements.
Can you enable a function that if we click on a day or double click the day it provides us an hourly intraday breakdown of aspects. Might not be an issue if every aspect has a time. But just an idea for intraday traders, if there are MANY aspects to follow.
*ABILITY* to toggle on or off the net sum of aspects either if they are positive or negative for a day - *ABILITY* to adjust the weighting of the aspects if required.
For example (1) net positive might be 2x trines & 1x square aspect = a positive day. Weightings might enable further research (2) Conjunctions (Positive or negative - Sun Moon Positive / Sun Mars Negative - Being able to make this changeable for planets) = 10 points to their positive or negative values, opposites are 8, trines 6, sextile 4 square 4. For their positive and negative values. This idea is taken from David Williams book called Financial Astrology, Page 158. This is currently being done manually in excel, however it would be good to get this inside timing solution.
*ABILITY* to view a month from the Lunation in the calendar (New Moon) as a toggle, instead of a calendar month) This would be of assistant for Lunation based trading as per the work of Louise McWhirter. (Which is also an 18.6-year theorist).
Currently, Im working in certain research about cycles interference to
each other and how each cycle propagate and to different cycle.
Previously, Ive done intial survey to trace on each cycle how it is changing
from time to time. Change occured on cycle amplitude and cycle length. Below
image show the changes of the cycle over the time. It look like sea waves.

This is same what Hans
got in his book. BTW, Ive done my search without knowing that Hans had done this
job before 😀

Regarding the
formula, as mentioned earlier, Hans has applied this formula in Synodic cycle
for two or more planet. He got amazing results

The outcome results were match with
spectrum analysis for DJ. Amazing
Based on that, he could figure out the
forecasting based on re-ocurrance period of superposition dominant cycles.


Dear Sergey - please have a look in his research (title: Hannula, H.(1987)_In
Search of the Cause of Cycles [25 p.])
There are good idea the could be
implemented in TS easily.
Date 2024-Jan-19
IP [::1]:51994
Larry Williams is credited with the idea of the trading day of the month. In this approach, the outcome of each trading day (not calendar day) in the month is reported, including the average performance per trading day and the percentage of successful trades. I would find such an analysis very helpful.
e-Mail: srai.123@gmail.com
Date 2024-Jan-20
IP [::1]:51886
Hello - I have a quick question please.
If I have a cycle projection developed using the program, is there some way to get an average delay? Ideally, I would like something that compares peaks and troughs (tops and bottoms) based on the projected cycle and provides a +/- # of bars indicating the amount of time that cycle was inaccurate before the projected trend started to align with the market. It could be early or late doesn't matter, just need some measure of a standard deviation. Does a feature like this exist in your program?
I know how to do it in excel, but not sure if there is quick way to do it in TS already.
Thank you.
e-Mail: ndsavino@yahoo.com
Date 2024-Jan-20
It would be very helpful if you could please add a manual aspect degree so that we could add our own degree in the ULE 'Aspects' section. Not all aspects have to be the standard, 0, 60, 90, 120, etc.
Nick Savino
e-Mail: andrew.gibbs777@gmail.com
Date 2024-Jan-21
Andrew Gibbs
Is it possible to generate pine script code for the projection line from timing solution, so it can be copied and pasted into Tradingview, and viewed on a tradingview chart?
It wouldn't need to be anything special, just a table with the raw data would be sufficient, I.e date, time, value. The projection line would be static in trading view and viewed as an indicator.
Not just tradingview either, Tradestation, metatrader, multicharts etc, but tradingview very popular.
Best Regards
Andrew Gibbs
e-Mail: Toraj.ostovari@gmail.com
Date 2024-Jan-22
IP [::1]:45590
Hi please make available crypto payments like LTC USDT TRX ... We can not pay for your renew subscription from Iran also I am ready buy a trading system from you in order able trade better.
Thanks a lot from your team.
e-Mail: Mario Steidl
Date 2024-Jan-23
Hi there,
I was going to suggest this for the wish list, but then wanted to check if perhaps it already exists in the tool.
I would like to be able to select highs and lows on a chart. (Similar to what you can do when you are looking at planetary lines and optimisation function - where you can click on highs and lows on chart.
Then I would like to be able to select an option which displays the date and price of this on the chart
Another option which when selected would also show the time periods between the last low to the next high or between the two selected points. (Also would be nice if we could have a drop down on this selection option to choose if it is days, weeks, months or choose planet to show the planetary degrees between these 2 points.
Something like this: But if you change the time option it will automaticalyl calculate the planet degrees for the chosen planet.
Then I would like to be able to clcik on xls download which will download the selected points, (with the date, price, and time period from the prior selected point. This will allow me to quckly makr up highs and lows and time perido between and doanload and analyse them in an xls.
Could you let me know if this is already possible, or if we should add this to the wishlist, and I will send to the wishlist email address.
Many thanks
Best Regards
e-Mail: mohamad.r.khan@gmail.com
Date 2024-Jan-26
When we view the markets week by week, each week seems to have a different personality.
So as an example, the EURUSD some weeks are rangebound, while others are trending.
Can TS software help determine if a week is going to be rangebound vs trending?
Date 2024-Feb-03
IP [::1]:59406
Automate the Neural Net.
Is it possible to automate the neural net so that I don't need to manually back test each and every element. Instead, the Neural Net will do a tone of prior research on the best model or top 2 models and then create a neural net based on it.
I am running neural net on XAUUSD intraday 15 mins. However, when I go back over the neural net line for what it has produced for next week, vs last 4-5 weeks, the curve is the same. Which isn't the right outcome. Each week, we know should be unique in an overall cycle, that is a 90 day cycle is comprised of a left or right translation and the market moves uniquely on each side.
But the outcome of the Neural net is what happened this week, will happen next week. I'm only looking one week in advance, nothing major. So, it surprises me that this is the outcome I'm getting.
What is the possibility of integrating some language model into the neural net, or some advanced AI into the neural net that can analyse the outcome of the analysis and then resuggest to the neural net int he back ground some advanced changes? Remove the human element, as humans will impact and influence the numbers, the outcomes and the biases that we are searching for??!?
e-Mail: itsjonoe@gmail.com
Date 2024-Feb-09
Being able to adjust the Tmin Tmax and other things like natal etc, without having to remove all the indicators on the chart. As there is no way to add the indicators back on without setting it all up again, from what I can tell.
e-Mail: gxtommie@gmail.com
Date 2024-Apr-03
IP [::1]:34998
Could you develop a feature? It would involve searching for astronomical events over a year. For example, setting up a search for when Saturn transits a specific planet in a natal chart, and then conducting batch searches."I have read Planetary Stock Trading' by Bill Meridian and I believe that some of the astrological theories presented in it should be feasible.
But, manually searching for such astronomical events one by one is very slow. I'm wondering if it's possible to input the natal charts of all stocks first, and then use filters to identify which stocks experience what events at what times.
The above text is translated using Google Translate. Hope it's expressed correctly.
Best regards.
Date 2024-May-05
IP [::1]:35802
Please provide MarketProfile value area highlight (i.e. 70% of profile or +/- 1 std). More here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9781118659724.app1
Date 2024-May-16
Hello Sergey
There are some Key need to be considered in case to apply musical vibration to spectrum analysis:
1- Each Octave consists of 3 sub-octaves. Each of these sub-octave consists of another 3 sub-sub-octaves.
2- Octave = cycle. However, cycle-length is dynamic. The wave-length between two consecutive and following octaves are double 2x wavelength.
3- Each octave consists of 7 tones (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do). It is required to map these notes in the cycle. E.g. La is top cycle, Do is crossing -ve zero while Fa is crossing +ve zero.
4- Once these notes are annotated in the cycle, it is easily to link octave with sub-octave. E.g. Fa notes shall be alligned. La for larger octave is alligned with Fa of sub-octave. Ti of larger octave is between La-Ti of sub-octave.
There are several rule and key-points to be considered to link spectrum cycle with musical ratio. Currently, Im trying to find an easy for this linkage. Easy spectrum model is helping a lot to change the phase shift for each cycle/octave to synchronize it with upper or lower cycle.
The most difficult situation Im facing is changing the frequency/wavelength over the time.
Is there anyway to change the cycle wavelength along with time ? For example, If I choose any cycle from spectrum model with length 1yr. Can I change its length/frequency of the same cycle to be 2yr after certain period ? If not, is it doable ? I can add it in #wishlist
Alternative way, if I choose two cycles (1yr & 2yr) from spectrum analysis, Can I disable/disable 1yr cycle for certain period and enable/disable 2yr in another certain period ?
e-Mail: nickyseay4@gmail.com
Date 2024-Jul-01
IP [::1]:39104
Have you ever thought about building in the feature that allows you to convert time series into different type bars like Linebreak or Renko? I've experimented with this using Python and found some interesting Bar cycles using longer term Linebreak data and intrady Renko type bars.
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2024-Aug-19
IP [::1]:58272
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2024-Aug-19
IP [::1]:45564
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2024-Aug-19
IP [::1]:43722
e-Mail: hxzOn8n1
Date 2024-Aug-19
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+592-592-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2024-Aug-19
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+349-349-1=0+0+0+1
Date 2024-Aug-19
IP [::1]:43874
e-Mail: tornet656@gmail.com
Date 2024-Sep-05
IP [::1]:50348
We need have Kagi Chart in timing solution. Is it possible to have it?
e-Mail: batezda@hotmail.com
Date 2024-Oct-30
IP [::1]:49180
Hello. Thank you for promptly updating TS and for listening to my wishes. In the "Conditions/Faces" section, please add PRS Saturn and the Eclipse Cycle to all parts. In the "Position" section, you also need to add Saturn and the Eclipse Cycle. Please add data for the intraday period to InMundo the "Position" section. In the Position section, you need to add Houses and Eclipses to indicate and watch how the planets pass these places, including intraday.
e-Mail: batezda@hotmail.com
Date 2024-Oct-30
Hello. Thank you for promptly updating TS and for listening to my wishes. In the "Conditions/Faces" section, please add PRS Saturn and the Eclipse Cycle to all parts. In the "Position" section, you also need to add Saturn and the Eclipse Cycle. Please add data for the intraday period to InMundo the "Position" section. In the Position section, you need to add Houses and Eclipses to indicate and watch how the planets pass these places, including intraday.
e-Mail: Lion-wr@yandex.ru
Date 2024-Nov-27
IP [::1]:36730
My idea concerns the new Astro module.
To implement my idea, there is no need to develop anything new, all the elements are already there and I have been doing it all manually since the release of the new Astro module. But manually it is very time-consuming and tedious.
In essence, this is a âHarmonics Scannerâ, i.e. harmonics are sorted one by one, in a certain range, in selected astro cycles from the library. The overtone is fixed, set manually, but it can be different from one (the overtone is not difficult to select manually, it usually does not change).
The criteria for the optimality of the cycles are the same as in "Run expert" - Bartels + PQN, but of course you need to set the threshold values ââso that only the necessary harmonics are given out in the list, for example, with Bartels \ PQN2 above a certain X.
To make the search suitable for all cycles of different duration, it is better to set the boundaries in days with tenths, for example 2.5-12 days. And then there is stepping precisely on harmonics (with a step of 1) with a manually selected overtone.
It will be a kind of âRun expert Intradayâ. This will be a function that will adjust long cycles for intraday, in my observation for more than a month this gives interesting results!
It would be good to make it possible to choose cycles by which to launch such a scanner, and the ability to select everything from the library.
e-Mail: evgen.odrina@gmail.com
Date 2024-Dec-21
Hello TS Team!
There were a discussion in TS group regarding Intermarket module and specifically about ILC chart, TSM. The idea is to have ILC for ALL possible stock combinations
We spoke about complexity of having ALL possible correlations and calculation time for it.
Indeed, the complexity of calculate ILC for all possible correlations is huge, especially on one server, Sergey mention that 1 ILC chart is taking 1min which leads us to 100000 X 100000 combination will take...will take a lot of time.
I still believe that it's worth doing, but with different approach
The Idea:
Option 1 : Distributing computing on all TS users machine, see it as 'Blockchain' analog
Have possibility where each (or those who wants to participate) user can download unique chunk of entire dataset, like 100X100 stock matrix, calculate ILC on local machine and send results back to TS server.
Pros: Speed of distributing calculation will solve limitation of 1 server.
Cons: TS team have to do extra work to design the solution , prepare tool/update TS
Option2: Cloud computing
Rent cloud calculating power and run existing process on cloud. I assume that TS community will be able to donate for this specific task.
Pros: "Endless" calculation capabilities.
Cons: Price, it won't be cheap...
Option3: GPU compute, or use video card to perform such task. CUDA could be a powerful tool for such kind of computation.
My understanding that current ILC chart calculation program is C++ or C# program, it's easy to adopt or modify it for CUDA with ChatGPT and we may use existing "bitcoin farm" of any TS user to do it
Pross: relatively easy code modification and speed
Cons: unknown path
Appreciate your time reading this
Evgen Odrina
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:57250
e-Mail: testing@example.comWwthxIhV
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:57314
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:57410
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+926-926-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+600-600-1=0+0+0+1
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:57424
e-Mail: -1' OR 2+215-215-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:57436
e-Mail: -1' OR 2+230-230-1=0+0+0+1 or 'dxCeB59y'='
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: -1" OR 2+261-261-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Date 2025-Jan-13
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.comaMwQ9ggn' OR 212=(SELECT 212 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:51772
e-Mail: testing@example.commFASBPIM') OR 286=(SELECT 286 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com913zDxLc')) OR 656=(SELECT 656 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52268
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52270
e-Mail: testing@example.com'"
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52300
e-Mail: testing@example.comŔ§Ŕ˘%2527%2522\'\"
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52314
e-Mail: @@Jxrzf
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52336
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60354
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53282
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Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53312
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53326
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53434
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53652
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53808
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:41290
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:41360
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:41374
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:41378
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:41656
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
-1 OR 2+550-550-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:41920
-1 OR 2+605-605-1=0+0+0+1
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
-1' OR 2+788-788-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
-1' OR 2+266-266-1=0+0+0+1 or 'Gn0wbXo8'='
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
-1" OR 2+699-699-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42652
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
555-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42814
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42864
555-1 OR 951=(SELECT 951 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
555-1) OR 396=(SELECT 396 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
555-1)) OR 896=(SELECT 896 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:36836
555E1pZsZCC' OR 72=(SELECT 72 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:36930
5559rq1m7of') OR 645=(SELECT 645 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:36970
555lnqWJWoI')) OR 217=(SELECT 217 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:37122
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:37128
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:37140
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:37156
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:37170
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59760
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59878
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59894
e-Mail: testing@example.coml70IgKvt
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59916
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+421-421-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59926
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+439-439-1=0+0+0+1
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59942
e-Mail: -1' OR 2+277-277-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:59958
e-Mail: -1' OR 2+312-312-1=0+0+0+1 or 'ef79bWUL'='
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: -1" OR 2+23-23-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60022
e-Mail: testing@example.com0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60048
e-Mail: testing@example.com0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60072
e-Mail: testing@example.com-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60128
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60132
e-Mail: testing@example.com8WMbtX6a' OR 612=(SELECT 612 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:60162
e-Mail: testing@example.comdeyqGsMW') OR 683=(SELECT 683 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.comV2RS3XTS')) OR 435=(SELECT 435 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com'"
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.comŔ§Ŕ˘%2527%2522\'\"
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:38676
e-Mail: @@dcHjV
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:38694
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:38718
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:38732
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:34316
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:47982
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48016
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Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48046
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48056
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48066
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Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48138
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48158
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48282
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:48384
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52640
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52650
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52722
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52782
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:52836
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:53016
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42780
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
-1 OR 2+934-934-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
-1 OR 2+864-864-1=0+0+0+1
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42876
-1' OR 2+122-122-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42904
-1' OR 2+336-336-1=0+0+0+1 or 'ICY2P2o7'='
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42920
-1" OR 2+384-384-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:42972
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:43028
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:43224
555-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46076
555-1 OR 643=(SELECT 643 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
555-1) OR 85=(SELECT 85 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
555-1)) OR 67=(SELECT 67 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46164
555JiwgGaXQ' OR 931=(SELECT 931 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
555l9747Vtd') OR 873=(SELECT 873 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46212
555bXL3M24E')) OR 27=(SELECT 27 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46220
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46252
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46290
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46302
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:46350
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
IP [::1]:58906
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-13
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:57412
e-Mail: testing@example.comZZQl37D9
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:57624
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+982-982-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: -1 OR 2+621-621-1=0+0+0+1
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:57664
e-Mail: -1' OR 2+410-410-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: -1' OR 2+365-365-1=0+0+0+1 or '0BMRuttV'='
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: -1" OR 2+380-380-1=0+0+0+1 --
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:57802
e-Mail: if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36032
e-Mail: (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36090
e-Mail: testing@example.com-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Date 2025-Jan-19
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36340
e-Mail: testing@example.comgxtkZRR2' OR 662=(SELECT 662 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.commHg5T0GO') OR 348=(SELECT 348 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48654
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48222
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48396
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48466
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48532
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:43200
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:43276
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:43318
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:43564
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:51016
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:51028
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:51254
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
-1 OR 2+874-874-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
-1 OR 2+625-625-1=0+0+0+1
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
-1' OR 2+26-26-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
-1' OR 2+419-419-1=0+0+0+1 or 'cA8CiNeZ'='
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
-1" OR 2+828-828-1=0+0+0+1 --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:43996
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48246
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48304
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:48388
555-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
555-1 OR 280=(SELECT 280 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36100
555-1) OR 97=(SELECT 97 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36110
555-1)) OR 844=(SELECT 844 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
555AE0zT8aZ' OR 786=(SELECT 786 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36262
555FUzD0XQd') OR 249=(SELECT 249 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
555s2OGATbT')) OR 955=(SELECT 955 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:36374
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:52970
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:52992
e-Mail: testing@example.com
Date 2025-Jan-19
IP [::1]:44014