Windows 10 - problem with vanishing windows
When you run Timing Solution (or any other software) under Windows 10 this
problem appears:
I upgraded my laptop over the weekend to Windows 10. Everything
seems to be running fine -with one exception. (Please note that I use
Primo with all recent updates)
When I minimize the Planetary Lines configuration window, I do NOT see a
minimized tab as Robert Rundle displayed in a previous post. I don't see
anything, anywhere to bring back the minimized box. I can however click the
"Show Window" icon on the right side of the screen to bring the window up
With the Horizontal Ephemeris window - I'm not as lucky. The minimized tab
is no where to be found (again) - and the "Show Window" icon does NOT bring the
window up.
There are two solution of this problem:
1) Solution to
vanishing window problem.....
I right clicked the TS desktop icon
and went to Properties
Selected Compatibility tab
Placed a check in the box for "Disable display
scaling on high DPI settings"
It works!
2) Follow menu "Help&Maintenance" -> "Open Minimized module":

you will see all minimized modules and you can open any of them:

Special thanks to Chuck Geller for helping to resolve this issue.